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原作者: [db:作者] 来自: [db:来源] 收藏 邀请



1 1,Alex Li,22,13651054608,IT,2013-04-01
2 2,Jack Wang,30,13304320533,HR,2015-05-03
3 3,Rain Liu,25,1383235322,Saies,2016-04-22
4 4,Mack Cao,40,1356145343,HR,2009-03-01
1 # _*_ coding:utf-8 _*_
 2 import logging
 3 logger=logging.getLogger()
 4 # 创建一个handler,用于写入日志文件
 5 fh = logging.FileHandler('work.log')
 6 # 再创建一个handler,用于输出到控制台
 7 ch = logging.StreamHandler()
 8 formatter=logging.Formatter('   %(asctime)s-%(name)s\n%(levelname)s:%(message)s')
 9 fh.setFormatter(formatter)
10 ch.setFormatter(formatter)
11 logger.addHandler(fh)  #只使用文件写入
12 logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG)
13 def info(s):
14     logger.info(s)
15 def error(s):
16     logger.error(s)
 1 # _*_ coding:utf-8 _*_
  2 import time,log  #自动获取日期
  3 staff_table = []
  4 file_path=r'E:\PycharmProjects\qz5\Day13\xinxi.txt'
  5 def table_format():     #格式化输出
  6     global staff_table
  7     for line in staff_table:
  8         res = '%d,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s\n' % (line['staff_id'], line['name'], line['age'], line['phone'], line['dept'], line['enroll_date'])
  9         yield res
 10 def print_table(file_path):      #打印表格
 11     file_to_date(file_path)
 12     for i in table_format():
 13         print(i,end='')
 14 def file_to_date(file_path):        #读取文件
 15     global staff_table
 16     staff_table=[{'staff_id':int(line.strip().split(',')[0]),'name':line.strip().split(',')[1],'age':line.strip().split(',')[2],'phone':line.strip().split(',')[3],'dept':line.strip().split(',')[4],'enroll_date':line.strip().split(',')[5]} for line in open(file_path,encoding='utf-8')]
 17 def date_to_file(file_path):        #写入文件
 18     with open(file_path,'w',encoding='utf-8') as f:
 19         for i in table_format():
 20             f.write(i)
 21 def output(line,cmd):       #筛选输出
 22     for key in line:
 23         if key in cmd[0].split(',') or cmd[0] == '*':
 24             print(line[key], end=' ')
 25     print()
 26 def select():   #查询功能  可忽略大小写、单双引号
 27     print('Syntax examples:\n   select name,age from staff_table where age > 22\n   select * from staff_table where dept = \"IT\"\n   select * from staff_table where enroll_date like \"2013\"')
 28     while True:
 29         n=0
 30         file_to_date(file_path)
 31         cmd=input('please input cmd(q break):').strip().lower().split()
 32         if cmd[0]=='q':break
 33         cmd=[cmd[1], cmd[5:]]
 34         if '\''in cmd[1][2]:cmd[1][2]=cmd[1][2].strip('\'')
 35         if '\"'in cmd[1][2]:cmd[1][2]=cmd[1][2].strip('\"')
 36         for line in staff_table:
 37             if cmd[1][1] in  ['>','<','>=','<=']:
 38                 if (cmd[1][1]=='>'and int(line[cmd[1][0]]) > int(cmd[1][2])) or (cmd[1][1]=='>='and int(line[cmd[1][0]]) >= int(cmd[1][2])) or (cmd[1][1]=='<'and int(line[cmd[1][0]]) < int(cmd[1][2])) or (cmd[1][1]=='<='and int(line[cmd[1][0]]) <= int(cmd[1][2])):
 39                     output(line, cmd)
 40                     n += 1
 41             elif cmd[1][1] == '='and (line[cmd[1][0]] in [cmd[1][2] ,cmd[1][2].strip('\''),cmd[1][2].strip('\"'),cmd[1][2].lower()] or (cmd[1][2].isdigit() and line[cmd[1][0]] == int(cmd[1][2]))):
 42                 output(line,cmd)
 43                 n += 1
 44             elif cmd[1][1] == 'like' and cmd[1][2] in line[cmd[1][0]].split('-') or cmd[1][2] in line[cmd[1][0]] or cmd[1][2] in line[cmd[1][0]].lower():
 45                 output(line,cmd)
 46                 n += 1
 47         print('相关查询共%d条' % n)
 48         log.info('select %s %s %s'%(cmd[1],cmd[0],n))
 49 def create():   #创建  只判断年龄、手机号格式,入职时间为当前时间
 50     phone=[]
 51     file_to_date(file_path)
 52     while True:
 53         info=input('Please enter your name,age,phone number and dept\nuse \',\' to separate(q for break):').strip().split(',')
 54         if info[0]=='q':break
 55         info={'staff_id':len(staff_table)+1,'name':info[0].strip(),'age':info[1].strip(),'phone':info[2].strip(),'dept':info[3].strip(),'enroll_date':time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d', time.localtime()) }
 56         if not info['age'].isdigit() or int(info['age'])not in range(1,110):
 57             print('Incorrect age format')
 58             continue
 59         for line in staff_table:
 60             phone.append(line['phone'])
 61         if info['phone'] in phone:
 62             print('The phone number already exists')
 63             continue
 64         if len(info['phone'])!=11 or not info['phone'].isdigit() or not info['phone'].startswith('1'):
 65             print('Incorrect phone number format')
 66             continue
 67         if not info['age'].isdigit() or int(info['age'])not in range(1,110):
 68             print('Incorrect age format')
 69             continue
 70         staff_table.append(info)
 71         log.info('create %s'%info)
 72         print('Create user success')
 73         date_to_file(file_path)
 74 def delete():   #删除
 75     while True:
 76         print_table(file_path)
 77         cmd_n=int(input('Please enter the number to delete(0 for break):'))
 78         if  cmd_n==0:break
 79         if  cmd_n-1 not in range(0,len(staff_table)):
 80             print('Beyond the optional range')
 81             continue
 82         log.info('delete %s'%staff_table[cmd_n-1])
 83         staff_table.pop(cmd_n-1)
 84         for i,line in enumerate(staff_table,1):
 85             line['staff_id']=i
 86         date_to_file(file_path)
 87 def update():   #更新  可去除单引号、双引号
 88     global staff_table
 89     while True:
 90         print_table(file_path)
 91         print('Syntax examples:\n   UPDATE staff_table SET dept=\'Market\' WHERE where dept=\'IT\' ')
 92         cmd = input('Please enter the modified information(q for break):\n').split()
 93         if cmd[0]=='q':break
 94         cmd=[cmd[3],cmd[6]]
 95         sort=cmd[0].split('=')[0]
 96         where=cmd[1].split('=')[0]
 97         after = cmd[0].split('=')[1]
 98         before = cmd[1].split('=')[1]
 99         if '\"' in cmd[0] or '\"' in cmd[1]:
100             after = cmd[0].split('=')[1].strip('\"')
101             before = cmd[1].split('=')[1].strip('\"')
102         if '\''in cmd[0] or '\''in cmd[1]:
103             after=cmd[0].split('=')[1].strip('\'')
104             before=cmd[1].split('=')[1].strip('\'')
105         for line in staff_table:
106             if line[where]== before:
107                 log.info('update where %s=%s :%s %s--->%s' % (where, before, sort,line[sort],after))
108                 line[sort]= after
109         date_to_file(file_path)
110 def main():
111     while True:
112         print('The function menu:1、select  2、create  3、delete  4、update  5、view all(\'q\' for break)')
113         cmd=input('please input the cmd:').strip()
114         if cmd == '1':select()
115         elif cmd == '2':create()
116         elif cmd == '3':delete()
117         elif cmd == '4':update()
118         elif cmd == '5':print_table(file_path)
119         elif cmd == 'q':break
120         else:continue
121 main()
View Code
1    2017-06-23 10:43:59,986-root
 2 INFO:select ['age', '>', '22']  3
 3    2017-06-23 10:45:06,985-root
 4 INFO:select ['dept', '=', 'it'] * 1
 5    2017-06-23 10:48:08,377-root
 6 INFO:create {'staff_id': 5, 'name': 'ogen', 'age': '18', 'phone': '12345678901', 'dept': 'IT', 'enroll_date': '2017-06-23'}
 7    2017-06-23 10:57:42,161-root
 8 INFO:delete {'staff_id': 5, 'name': 'ogen', 'age': '18', 'phone': '12345678901', 'dept': 'IT', 'enroll_date': '2017-06-23'}
 9    2017-06-23 12:01:01,152-root
10 INFO:update where dept=Market :dept Market--->IT





1 import os
 2 def create_file():
 3     while True:
 4         file_path=input('Please input file path:').strip()
 5         if file_path=='q':break
 6         if os.path.exists(file_path):
 7             print('File already exists')
 8         else:
 9             file_dir=os.sep.join(file_path.split(os.sep)[:-1])
10             os.makedirs(file_dir)
11             f=open(file_path,'w')
12             f.close()
13 def find_file():
14     while True:
15         cmd=input('Please input the file you want to find:').strip()
16         if cmd=='q':break
17         for dir,_,files in os.walk(os.getcwd()):
18             for file in files:
19                 file_name='%s%s%s'%(dir,os.sep,file)
20                 if cmd in file:
21                     print(file_name)
22 def main():
23     while True:
24         print('The function menu:1、Create file 2、The current path  3、Find file')
25         cmd=input('>>>:').strip()
26         if cmd == 'q':break
27         elif cmd=='1':create_file()
28         elif cmd=='2':print(os.getcwd())
29         elif cmd=='3':find_file()
30         else:continue
31 main()
View Code














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