function PL=PL_free(fc,dist,Gt,Gr)
% Free Space Path loss Model
% Input
% fc : carrier frequency[Hz]
% dist : between base station and mobile station[m]
% Gt : transmitter gain
% Gr : receiver gain
% output
% PL : path loss[dB]
%MIMO-OFDM Wireless Communications with MATLAB㈢ Yong Soo Cho, Jaekwon Kim, Won Young Yang and Chung G. Kang
%?2010 John Wiley & Sons (Asia) Pte Ltd
lamda = 3e8/fc;
tmp = lamda./(4*pi*dist);
if nargin>2, tmp = tmp*sqrt(Gt); end
if nargin>3, tmp = tmp*sqrt(Gr); end
PL = -20*log10(tmp); % Eq.(1.2)/(1.3)
function PL=PL_logdist_or_norm(fc,d,d0,n,sigma)
% Log-distance or Log-normal Shadowing Path Loss model
% Input
% fc : carrier frequency[Hz]
% d : between base station and mobile station[m]
% d0 : reference distance[m]
% n : path loss exponent, n
% sigma : variance[dB]
% output
% PL : path loss[dB]
%MIMO-OFDM Wireless Communications with MATLAB㈢ Yong Soo Cho, Jaekwon Kim, Won Young Yang and Chung G. Kang
%?2010 John Wiley & Sons (Asia) Pte Ltd
lamda = 3e8/fc;
PL = -20*log10(lamda/(4*pi*d0)) + 10*n*log10(d/d0); % Eq.(1.4)
if nargin>4, PL = PL + sigma*randn(size(d)); end % Eq.(1.5)
%MIMO-OFDM Wireless Communications with MATLAB㈢ Yong Soo Cho, Jaekwon Kim, Won Young Yang and Chung G. Kang
%?2010 John Wiley & Sons (Asia) Pte Ltd
clear all, clf, clc
fc=1.5e9; d0=100; sigma=3;
Gt=[1 1 0.5]; Gr=[1 0.5 0.5]; Exp=[2 3 6];
for k=1:3
y_Free(k,:)= PL_free(fc,distance,Gt(k),Gr(k));
y_logdist(k,:)= PL_logdist_or_norm(fc,distance,d0,Exp(k));
y_lognorm(k,:)= PL_logdist_or_norm(fc,distance,d0,Exp(1),sigma); % ??
grid on, axis([1 1000 40 110]), title(['Free PL Models, f_c=',num2str(fc/1e6),'MHz'])
xlabel('Distance[m]'), ylabel('Path loss[dB]')
legend('G_t=1, G_r=1','G_t=1, G_r=0.5','G_t=0.5, G_r=0.5',2)
grid on, axis([1 1000 40 110]),
title(['Log-distance PL model, f_c=',num2str(fc/1e6),'MHz'])
xlabel('Distance[m]'), ylabel('Path loss[dB]'), legend('n=2','n=3','n=6',2)
grid on, axis([1 1000 40 110]),
title(['Log-normal PL model, f_c=',num2str(fc/1e6),'MHz, ','\sigma=', num2str(sigma), 'dB'])
xlabel('Distance[m]'), ylabel('Path loss[dB]'), legend('path 1','path 2','path 2',2)