local etlua =require"etlua"local template = etlua.compile([[ Hello <%= name %>, Here are your items: <% for i, item in pairs(items) do %> * <%= item -%> <% end %>]])
name ="leafo",
items = { "Shoe", "Reflector", "Scarf" }
The following tags are supported
<% lua_code %> runs lua code verbatim
<%= lua_expression %> writes result of expression to output, HTML escaped
<%- lua_expression %> same as above but with no HTML escaping
Any of the embedded Lua tags can use the -%> closing tag to suppress a
following newline if there is one, for example: <%= 'hello' -%>.
The module can be loaded by doing:
local etlua =require"etlua"
func = etlua.compile(template_string)
Compiles the template into a function, the returned function can be called to
render the template. The function takes one argument: a table to use as the
environment within the template. _G is used to look up a variable if it can't
be found in the environment.
result = etlua.render(template_string, env)
Compiles and renders the template in a single call. If you are concerned about
high performance this should be avoided in favor of compile if it's possible
to cache the compiled template.
If any of the methods fail they will return nil, followed by the error
How it works
Templates are transparently translated into Lua code and then loaded as a
function. Rendering a compiled template is very fast.
Any compile time errors are rewritten to show the original source position in
the template.
The parser is aware of strings so you can put closing tags inside of a string
literal without any problems.
The raw API is a bit more complicated but it lets you insert code between the
compile stages in addition to exposing the internal buffer of the template.
All methods require a parser object:
local parser = etlua.Parser()
lua_code, err = parser.compile_to_lua(etlua_code)
Parses a string of etlua code, returns the compiled Lua version as a
Here's an example of the generated Lua code:
local parser = etlua.Parser()
print(parser:compile_to_lua("hello<%= world %>"))
There are a few interesting things: there are no global variable references,
all required values are passed in as arguments, and comments are inserted to
annotate the positions of where code originated from. _b is expected to be a
regular Lua table that is the buffer where chunks of the template are inserted
as it's executed.
fn, err = parser.load(lua_code)
Converts the Lua code returned by parser.compile_to_lua into an actual
function object. If there are any syntax errors then nil is returned along
with the error message. At this stage syntax errors are rewritten to point to
the original location in the etlua code and not the generated code.
result = parser.run(fn, env={}, buffer={})
Executes a loaded function returned by parser.load with the specified buffer
and environment. Returns the result of fn, which is typically the buffer. The
environment is applied to fn with setfenv (a version is included for Lua
For example we can render multiple templates into the same buffer: