A Maven plugin for building dotnet projects based on .csproj or project.json files.
This plugin lets you use the power of Maven to drive .NET core builds.
Drives the invocation of dotnet and nuget command line tools for build, test, deploy of .NET core projects.
Runs unittests via dotnet test on projects that have a defined Test Runner.
Offers a mvn clean option which arguably is currently missing from the dotnet CLI tools.
Propagates versioning scheme from Maven parent to the .csproj or project.json files of the modules.
Supports two project layouts: A pom-per-dotnet-module or a single-pom-for-all-dotnet-modules approach. See example projects.
The plugin has Maven extensions, allowing it to be idiomatically bound to standard Maven phases by declaring certain packging types:
<packaging>dotnet</packaging> will bind relevant Maven phases for dotnet component and application projects, including dotnet pack, dotnet publish and dotnet nuget add.
If a <repository> element is defined in the projects configuration, dotnet nuget push is also bound to the mvn deploy phase.
<packaging>dotnet-library</packaging> will bind relevant Maven phases for dotnet class libraries, i.e. excluding dotnet publish.
<packaging>dotnet-test</packaging> will bind relevant Maven phases for dotnet test-only projects, including dotnet test.
<packaging>dotnet-integration-test</packaging> will bind Maven phase integration-test to dotnet test and Maven phase to verify to the gathering/evaluation of those results, allowing for post-integration-test clean-up tasks to take place exiting on test failures.
All above packaging types also have clean, restore, build bindings
The plugin leverages the dotnet (required) and nuget (optional) command line tools, which have to be installed prior to usage of the plugin.
The simples use-case it to simply define your project with the packaging type, dotnet and enabled it with a plugin in pom.xml like this: