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qoomon/maven-git-versioning-extension: This extension will set project version, ...

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开源软件介绍(OpenSource Introduction):

Maven Git Versioning Extension Sparkline

Maven Central Changelog Build Workflow LGTM Grade


Also available as Gradle Plugin

This extension can virtually set project version and properties, based on current Git status

No POM files will be modified, version and properties are modified in memory only


⚠️ If you're using IntelliJ have a look at IntelliJ Setup Instructions


  • ⚠️ minimal required java version is 11
  • ⚠️ minimal required maven version is 3.6.3

Add Extension to Maven Project

create or update ${rootProjectDir}/.mvn/extensions.xml file

<extensions xmlns="http://maven.apache.org/EXTENSIONS/1.0.0" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
            xsi:schemaLocation="http://maven.apache.org/EXTENSIONS/1.0.0 http://maven.apache.org/xsd/core-extensions-1.0.0.xsd">



Configure Extension

Consider CI/CD section when running this extension in a CI/CD environment

Create ${rootProjectDir}/.mvn/maven-git-versioning-extension.xml.

You can configure the version and properties adjustments for specific branches and tags.

Example: maven-git-versioning-extension.xml

<configuration xmlns="https://github.com/qoomon/maven-git-versioning-extension"
               xsi:schemaLocation="https://github.com/qoomon/maven-git-versioning-extension https://qoomon.github.io/maven-git-versioning-extension/configuration-7.0.0.xsd">

        <ref type="branch">

        <ref type="tag">

    <!-- optional fallback configuration in case of no matching ref configuration-->


Configuration Elements

  • <disable> global disable(true)/enable(false) extension, default is false.

  • <projectVersionPattern> An arbitrary regex to match project version, matching groups can be used as Format Placeholders (has to be a full match pattern)

  • <describeTagPattern> An arbitrary regex to match tag names for git describe command (has to be a full match pattern e.g. v(.+), default is .*

  • <updatePom> Enable(true)/disable(false) version and properties update in original pom file, default is false

  • <refs considerTagsOnBranches="BOOLEAN"> List of ref configurations, ordered by priority. First matching configuration will be used.

    • considerTagsOnBranches By default, tags pointing at current commit will be ignored if HEAD is attached to a branch.

    • If this option is true tags will always be taken into account.

    • <ref type="TYPE"> specific ref patch definition.

      • required type Ref type indicates which kind of ref will be matched against pattern, can be branch or tag

      • <pattern> An arbitrary regex to match ref names

        • has to be a full match pattern e.g. main or feature/.+

      • <describeTagPattern> An arbitrary regex to match tag names for git describe command

        • has to be a full match pattern e.g. v.+)
        • will override global <describeTagPattern> value

      • <version> The new version format, see Format Placeholders

      • <properties>

        • <name>value</name> A property definition to update the value of a property.
      • <updatePom> Enable(true) or disable(false) version and properties update in original pom file

        • will override global <updatePom> value
  • <rev> Rev configuration will be used if no ref configuration is matching current git situation.

    • same as <ref> configuration, except type attribute and <pattern> element.
  • <relatedProjects> Add external projects as related project to update their versions as well.


Format Placeholders

….slug placeholders means all / characters will be replaced by -.

Final version will be slugified automatically, so no need to use ${….slug} placeholders in <version> format.

define placeholder default value (placeholder is not defined) like this ${name:-DEFAULT_VALUE}
e.g ${env.BUILD_NUMBER:-0} or ${env.BUILD_NUMBER:-local}

define placeholder overwrite value (placeholder is defined) like this ${name:+OVERWRITE_VALUE}
e.g ${dirty:-SNAPSHOT} resolves to -SNAPSHOT instead of -DIRTY

  • ${env.VARIABLE} Value of environment variable VARIABLE

  • ${property.name} Value of commandline property -Dname=value

  • ${version} <version> set in pom.xml e.g. '1.2.3-SNAPSHOT'

    • ${version.core} the core version component of ${version} e.g. '1.2.3'
    • ${version.major} the major version component of ${version} e.g. '1'
      • ${version.major.next} the ${version.major} increased by 1 e.g. '2'
    • ${version.minor} the minor version component of ${version} e.g. '2'
      • ${version.minor.next} the ${version.minor} increased by 1 e.g. '3'
    • ${version.patch} the patch version component of ${version} e.g. '3'
      • ${version.patch.next} the ${version.patch} increased by 1 e.g. '4'
    • ${version.label} the version label of ${version} e.g. 'SNAPSHOT'
      • ${version.label.prefixed} like ${version.label} with label separator e.g. '-SNAPSHOT'
  • Project Version Pattern Groups

    • Content of regex groups in <projectVersionPattern> can be addressed like this:
    • ${version.GROUP_NAME}
    • ${version.GROUP_INDEX}
    • Named Group Example
          <ref type="branch">

  • ${ref} ${ref.slug} ref name (branch or tag name or commit hash)

  • Ref Pattern Groups

    • Content of regex groups in <ref><pattern> can be addressed like this:
    • ${ref.GROUP_NAME} ${ref.GROUP_NAME.slug}
    • ${ref.GROUP_INDEX} ${ref.GROUP_INDEX.slug}
    • Named Group Example
      <ref type="branch">

  • ${commit} commit hash '0fc20459a8eceb2c4abb9bf0af45a6e8af17b94b'

  • ${commit.short} commit hash (7 characters) e.g. '0fc2045'

  • ${commit.timestamp} commit timestamp (epoch seconds) e.g. '1560694278'

  • ${commit.timestamp.year} commit year e.g. '2021'

  • ${commit.timestamp.year.2digit} 2-digit commit year.g. '21'

  • ${commit.timestamp.month} commit month of year e.g. '12'

  • ${commit.timestamp.day} commit day of month e.g. '23'

  • ${commit.timestamp.hour} commit hour of day (24h)e.g. '13'

  • ${commit.timestamp.minute} commit minute of hour e.g. '59'

  • ${commit.timestamp.second} commit second of minute e.g. '30'

  • ${commit.timestamp.datetime} commit timestamp formatted as yyyyMMdd.HHmmsse.g. '20190616.161442'

  • ${build.timestamp} maven-build-timestamp (epoch seconds) e.g. '1560694278'

  • ${build.timestamp.year} maven-build-timestamp year e.g. '2021'

  • ${build.timestamp.year.2digit} 2-digit maven-build-timestamp year.g. '21'

  • ${build.timestamp.month} maven-build-timestamp month of year e.g. '12'

  • ${build.timestamp.day} maven-build-timestamp day of month e.g. '23'

  • ${build.timestamp.hour} maven-build-timestamp hour of day (24h)e.g. '13'

  • ${build.timestamp.minute} maven-build-timestamp minute of hour e.g. '59'

  • ${build.timestamp.second} maven-build-timestamp second of minute e.g. '30'

  • ${build.timestamp.datetime} maven-build-timestamp formatted as yyyyMMdd.HHmmsse.g. '20190616.161442'

  • ${describe} Will resolve to git describe output

  • ${describe.distance} The distance count to last matching tag

  • ${describe.tag} The matching tag of git describe

    • ${describe.tag.version} the tag version determined by regex \d+\.\d+\.\d+
      • ${describe.tag.version.core} the core version component of ${describe.tag.version} e.g. '1.2.3'
      • ${describe.tag.version.major} the major version component of ${describe.tag.version} e.g. '1'
        • ${describe.tag.version.major.next} the ${describe.tag.version.major} increased by 1 e.g. '2'
      • ${describe.tag.version.minor} the minor version component of ${describe.tag.version} e.g. '2'
        • ${describe.tag.version.minor.next} the ${describe.tag.version.minor} increased by 1 e.g. '3'
      • ${describe.tag.version.patch} the patch version component of ${describe.tag.version} e.g. '3'
        • ${describe.tag.version.patch.next} the ${describe.tag.version.patch} increased by 1 e.g. '4'
        • ${describe.tag.version.patch.plus.describe.distance} the ${describe.tag.version.patch} increased by ${describe.distance} e.g. '2'
        • ${describe.tag.version.patch.next.plus.describe.distance} the ${describe.tag.version.patch.next} increased by ${describe.distance} e.g. '3'
      • ${describe.tag.version.label} the label version component of ${describe.tag.version} e.g. 'SNAPSHOT'
        • ${describe.tag.version.label.next} the ${describe.tag.version.label} converted to an integer and increased by 1 e.g. '6'
        • ${describe.tag.version.label.plus.describe.distance} the ${describe.tag.version.label} increased by ${describe.distance} e.g. '2'
        • ${describe.tag.version.label.next.plus.describe.distance} the ${describe.tag.version.label.next} increased by ${describe.distance} e.g. '3'
  • Describe Tag Pattern Groups

    • Content of regex groups in <describeTagPattern> can be addressed like this:
    • ${describe.tag.GROUP_NAME} ${describe.tag.GROUP_NAME.slug}
    • ${describe.tag.GROUP_INDEX} ${describe.tag.GROUP_INDEX.slug}
    • Named Group Example
      <ref type="branch">

  • ${dirty} If repository has untracked files or uncommitted changes this placeholder will resolve to -DIRTY, otherwise it will resolve to an empty string.

    • May lead to performance issue on very large projects (10,000+ files)
  • ${dirty.snapshot} Like ${dirty}, but will resolve to -SNAPSHOT

  • ${value} Original value of matching property (Only available within property format)

Parameters & Environment Variables

  • Disable Extension

    • Environment Variables
    • export VERSIONING_DISABLE=true
    • Command Line Parameters
    • mvn … -Dversioning.disable
  • Provide branch or tag name

    • Environment Variables
    • export VERSIONING_GIT_REF=$PROVIDED_REF e.g. refs/heads/main, refs/tags/v1.0.0 or refs/pull/1000/head
    • export VERSIONING_GIT_BRANCH=$PROVIDED_BRANCH_NAME e.g. main or refs/heads/main
    • export VERSIONING_GIT_TAG=$PROVIDED_TAG_NAME e.g. v1.0.0 or refs/tags/v1.0.0
    • Command Line Parameters
    • mvn … -Dgit.ref=$PROVIDED_REF
    • mvn … -Dgit.branch=$PROVIDED_BRANCH_NAME
    • mvn … -Dgit.tag=$PROVIDED_TAG_NAME

    Especially useful for CI builds see Miscellaneous Hints

  • Update pom.xml

    • Environment Variables
    • export VERSIONING_UPDATE_POM=true
    • Command Line Parameters
    • mvn … -Dversioning.updatePom

Provided Project Properties

  • git.worktree absolute path of git worktree directory

IDE Setup

IntelliJ - Multi Modules Projects

For a flawless experience you need to disable this extension during project import, otherwise you'll get errors for modules depending on another module.
To disable this extension during import add following Maven Importer VM options (Preferences > Build, Execution, Deployment > Build Tools > Maven > Importing > VM options for importer) -Dversioning.disable=true

Related Issues

CI/CD Setup

Most CI/CD systems do checkouts in a detached HEAD state so no branch information is available, however they provide environment variables with this information. You can provide those, by using Parameters & Environment Variables.

Native Support

  • GitHub Actions: if $GITHUB_ACTIONS == true, GITHUB_REF is considered
  • GitLab CI: if $GITLAB_CI == true, CI_COMMIT_BRANCH and CI_COMMIT_TAG are considered
  • Circle CI: if $CIRCLECI == true, CIRCLE_BRANCH and CIRCLE_TAG are considered
  • Jenkins: if JENKINS_HOME is set, BRANCH_NAME and TAG_NAME are considered

Manual Setup

Set following environment variables before running your mvn command


$PROVIDED_REF value examples: refs/heads/main, refs/tags/v1.0.0 or refs/pull/1000/head



$PROVIDED_BRANCH value examples: main, refs/heads/main or refs/pull/1000/head

$PROVIDED_TAG value examples: v1.0.0 or refs/tags/v1.0.0

Miscellaneous Hints

Commandline To Print Project Version

mvn help:evaluate -Dexpression=project.version -q -DforceStdout

Reproducible builds

The maven reproducible builds feature can be easily supported with this extension e.g.

<ref type="branch">

Build & Release

gpg --import private.key
gpg --list-keys
  mvn verify
  # Publishes this plugin to local Maven
  mvn install
  # Run integration tests after install, 
  # integration tests will run with LATEST version of extension installed
  mvn failsafe:integration-test
  # Publishes this plugin to OSS Nexus.
  GPG_TTY=$(tty) mvn clean deploy -P release -Dgpg.keyname=???

mvn help:evaluate -Dexpression=project.version -Dorg.slf4j.simpleLogger.log.me.qoomon.maven.gitversioning=debug













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