开源软件名称(OpenSource Name):CapnKitten/Material-Discord
开源软件地址(OpenSource Url):https://github.com/CapnKitten/Material-Discord
开源编程语言(OpenSource Language):
开源软件介绍(OpenSource Introduction):Material Discord Theme -
A theme based on Google's Material Design
Current version: v3.0.4 (24/01/2022)
View add-on themes
Assets located at: https://github.com/CapnKitten/BetterDiscord/tree/master/Themes/Material-Discord
(Previews are subject to be out of date)
Main chat area
User popout info
User profile
User settings
** Indicates that it has two values for both the dark and light themes of Discord. Instead of using :root , use .theme-dark or .theme-light .
App elements
--app-font - The font used throughout the entire theme. The font must either be installed or imported. Default: "Google Sans"
--app-bg - The background for the entire Discord app. Default: var(--main-alt)
--main-color - The background color for main content areas like in the settings menu. Default: #16171a - #e8eaeb **
--main-alt - An alternative background color for main content areas. Default: #0f1012 - #ddd **
--server-color - The background color for the servers list. Default: #232327 - #eee **
--status-picker-color - The background color for the status area with the settings button. Default: #181a1d - #dee0e0 **
--sidebar-panel-color - The background color for the sidebar panels in the channels list. Default: #111114 - #d4d6d6 **
--chat-color - The background color the main chat area. Default: #202225 - #fff **
--avatar-radius - The border radius of avatars, servers, and change status buttons. Default: 50%
--tooltip-color - The background color for tooltips. Default: rgba(97,97,97,0.9)
--tooltip-text-color - The text color for tooltips. Default: #ddd
--tooltip-shadow - The box shadow for tooltips. Default: 0px 5px 15px rgba(0,0,0,0.2)
Accent elements
--accent-hue - The hue value for the accent color of the theme. Default: 224
--accent-saturation - The saturation percentage for the accent color of the theme. Default: 71%
--accent-lightness - The lightness percentage for the accent color of the theme. Default: 61%
--accent-button-action - The color used for the hover and active states for accent buttons. Default: #fff
--accent-text-color - The text color for buttons and other various elements with the accent background color. Default: #fff
Message elements
--message-color - The background color for message bubbles. Default: #292d30 - #edeff0 **
--message-color-hover - The hover background color for message bubbles. Default: #303438 - #e1e2e3 **
--message-color-alt - An alternative background color for message bubbles in areas like pinned messages. Default: #1c1e21 - #e8e8e8 **
--message-radius - The border radius for the message bubbles. Default: 19px
--message-padding-top - The top and bottom padding of message bubbles. Default: 8px
--message-padding-side - The side padding of message bubbles. Default: 12px
--media-radius - The border radius for images, videos, and audio. Default: 19px
--attachment-color - The background color for all attachments. Default: rgb(0,0,0,0.325) - rgba(0,0,0,0.1) **
--main-textarea-color - The background color for the main chat text box. Default: #303338 - #fff **
--main-textarea-color-alt - An alternative background color for the main chat text box. Default: #3b3f42 - #ccc **
--main-textarea-border - The border color for the main chat text box. Default: #3e434a - #dadce0 **
--main-textarea-radius - The border radius for the main chat text box. Default: 24px
--typing-color - The background color for the typing indicator. Default: rgba(32,34,37,0.9) - rgba(255,255,255,0.8) **
Popout menu elements
--popout-color - The background color for popout menus and modals. Default: #2c2f33 - #fff **
--popout-color-alt - An alternative background color for popout menus and modals. Default: #202225 - #e5e5e5 **
--popout-header-border - The border color for popout menu headers. Default: #444 - #aaa **
--separator-color - The background color for the separator lines in various popout menus. Default: #444 - #ccc **
--popout-radius - The border radius for popout menus. Default: 5px
--popout-radius-big - The bigger border radius for modals. Default: 10px
Card elements
--card-color - The background color for cards. Default: transparent - transparent **
--card-color-hover - The background color for hovering over cards. Default: #292b2f - #eee **
--card-color-alt - An background color for cards. Default: #2a2c30 - transparent **
--card-color-alt-hover - An background color for hovering over cards. Default: #35383d - #d4d4d4 **
--card-header-text-color - The text color for card headers. Default: #dcddde - #333 **
--card-radius - The border radius for cards. Default: 5px
--card-radius-big - The bigger border radius for cards. Default: 10px
Button elements
--button-radius - The border radius for buttons. Default: 5px
--button-link-color - The background color for transparent buttons. Default: 255,255,255 - 0,0,0 **
--button-link-text-color - The text color for transparent buttons. Default: #fff - #333 **
Slider and switch elements
--slider-color - The background color for sliders. Default: #4f545c - #999 **
--switch-knob-color - The background color for the knob on switches. Default: #777 - #fff **
--switch-slider-color - The background color for the background slider on switches. Default: rgba(65,65,65,0.65) - rgba(0,0,0,0.2) **
Input elements
--input-color - The background color for text fields that don't have the animated border. Default: rgba(255,255,255,0.075) - #d2d4d4 **
--input-border-color - The border color for text fields. Default: #444 - #aaa **
Various elements
--md-ripple-color - The color of the ripple effect. Default: 255,255,255 - 0,0,0 **
--emoji-category-header - The background color for the headers in the emoji panel. Default: rgba(44,47,51,0.95) - rgba(255,255,255,0.9) **
--scrollbar-color - The background color for scrollbars. Default: 255,255,255 - 0,0,0 **
** Indicates that it has two values for both the dark and light themes of Discord. Instead of using :root , use .theme-dark or .theme-light .
v3.0.3 (24/02/2021)
- Font changed to Google Sans
- Delete message modal updated
View previous changelogs