开源软件名称(OpenSource Name):getoffmyhack/waveSDR开源软件地址(OpenSource Url):开源编程语言(OpenSource Language):Swift 96.0%开源软件介绍(OpenSource Introduction):waveSDRA macOS native desktop Software Defined Radio application using the RTL-SDR USB device. <> Mar 2020<> Back from a bit of a hiatus in development on waveSDR, but before I start adding features to waveSDR, I plan on finishing my port of librtlsdr to a native macOS Swift framework. Follow the progress here: RTLSDR.Swift <> May 2019 <> I have started a simple build log which can be found in the project's root directory, more as notes to myself, but also as a means of thinking through my design choices and documenting them for future reference. Eventually my build log will become posts on my wordpress site. At some future date I am going to migrate my domain name and all my web presence to a wordpress site. I have no idea as to when I will finish as dealing with my web presence never seems to be a high priority. In the mean time, if you wish to contact me about waveSDR, please feel free to drop me a comment here. (Sorry for the wordpress template, I prefer to write waveSDR code then build a wordpress site.) If you are interested in my first prototype / proof-of-concept design, check out my first Youtube video. I also plan on putting together simple videos demonstrating the new features as I add them to waveSDR. <><> NB: This is purely experimental software. I am using this application as a platform for teaching myself macOS desktop application programming as well as DSP techniques. As it is, there are numerous sections of code where improvement is needed. Features: