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brodybits/cordova-sqlite-ext: A Cordova/PhoneGap plugin to open and use sqlite d ...

原作者: [db:作者] 来自: 网络 收藏 邀请

开源软件名称(OpenSource Name):


开源软件地址(OpenSource Url):


开源编程语言(OpenSource Language):

JavaScript 88.7%

开源软件介绍(OpenSource Introduction):

Cordova/PhoneGap sqlite storage adapter with extra features

Native SQLite component with API based on HTML5/Web SQL (DRAFT) API for the following platforms:

  • Android
  • iOS
  • macOS ("osx" platform)
  • Windows 10 (UWP) DESKTOP and MOBILE (see below for major limitations)

LICENSE: MIT, with Apache 2.0 option for Android and Windows platforms (see LICENSE.md for details, including third-party components used by this plugin)


Comparison of supported plugin versions

Free license terms Commercial license & support
cordova-sqlite-storage - core plugin version MIT (or Apache 2.0 on Android & Windows)
cordova-sqlite-express-build-support - using built-in SQLite libraries on Android, iOS, and macOS MIT (or Apache 2.0 on Android & Windows)
cordova-sqlite-ext - with extra features including BASE64, REGEXP, and pre-populated databases MIT (or Apache 2.0 on Android & Windows)
cordova-sqlite-evcore-extbuild-free - plugin version with lighter resource usage in Android NDK GPL v3 available, see https://xpbrew.consulting/
cordova-plugin-sqlite-evplus-ext-common-free - includes workaround for extra-large result data on Android and lighter resource usage on iOS, macOS, and in Android NDK GPL v3 available, see https://xpbrew.consulting/


New SQLite plugin design with a simpler API is in progress with a working demo - see brodybits/ask-me-anything#3

Breaking changes coming soon

in an upcoming major release - see xpbrew/cordova-sqlite-storage#922

some highlights:

  • error code will always be 0 (which is already the case on Windows); actual SQLite3 error code will be part of the error message member whenever possible (see xpbrew/cordova-sqlite-storage#821)
  • drop support for location: 0-2 values in openDatabase call (please use location: 'default' or iosDatabaseLocation setting in openDatabase as documented below)
  • throw an exception in case of androidDatabaseImplementation: 2 setting which is now superseded by androidDatabaseProvider: 'system' setting

under consideration:

About this plugin version

Version with extra features: REGEXP (Android/iOS/macOS), BASE64, BLOBFROMBASE64, and pre-populated databases

This plugin version uses a before_plugin_install hook to install sqlite3 library dependencies from cordova-sqlite-ext-deps via npm.

WARNING: Multiple SQLite problem on multiple platforms

Multiple SQLite problem on Android

This plugin uses non-standard android-sqlite-native-ndk-connector implementation with android-sqlite-ndk-native-driver on Android. In case an application access the same database using multiple plugins there is a risk of data corruption ref: storesafe/cordova-sqlite-storage#626) as described in http://ericsink.com/entries/multiple_sqlite_problem.html and https://www.sqlite.org/howtocorrupt.html.

The workaround is to use the androidDatabaseProvider: 'system' setting as described in the Android database provider section below:

var db = window.sqlitePlugin.openDatabase({
  name: 'my.db',
  location: 'default',
  androidDatabaseProvider: 'system'

Multiple SQLite problem on other platforms

This plugin version also uses a fixed version of sqlite3 on iOS, macOS, and Windows. In case the application accesses the SAME database using multiple plugins there is a risk of data corruption as described in https://www.sqlite.org/howtocorrupt.html (similar to the multiple sqlite problem for Android as described in http://ericsink.com/entries/multiple_sqlite_problem.html).

A quick tour

To open a database:

var db = null;

document.addEventListener('deviceready', function() {
  db = window.sqlitePlugin.openDatabase({
    name: 'my.db',
    location: 'default',

IMPORTANT: Like with the other Cordova plugins your application must wait for the deviceready event. This is especially tricky in Angular/ngCordova/Ionic controller/factory/service callbacks which may be triggered before the deviceready event is fired.

Using DRAFT standard transaction API

To populate a database using the DRAFT standard transaction API:

  db.transaction(function(tx) {
    tx.executeSql('CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS DemoTable (name, score)');
    tx.executeSql('INSERT INTO DemoTable VALUES (?,?)', ['Alice', 101]);
    tx.executeSql('INSERT INTO DemoTable VALUES (?,?)', ['Betty', 202]);
  }, function(error) {
    console.log('Transaction ERROR: ' + error.message);
  }, function() {
    console.log('Populated database OK');

or using numbered parameters as documented in https://www.sqlite.org/c3ref/bind_blob.html:

  db.transaction(function(tx) {
    tx.executeSql('CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS DemoTable (name, score)');
    tx.executeSql('INSERT INTO DemoTable VALUES (?1,?2)', ['Alice', 101]);
    tx.executeSql('INSERT INTO DemoTable VALUES (?1,?2)', ['Betty', 202]);
  }, function(error) {
    console.log('Transaction ERROR: ' + error.message);
  }, function() {
    console.log('Populated database OK');

To check the data using the DRAFT standard transaction API:

  db.transaction(function(tx) {
    tx.executeSql('SELECT count(*) AS mycount FROM DemoTable', [], function(tx, rs) {
      console.log('Record count (expected to be 2): ' + rs.rows.item(0).mycount);
    }, function(tx, error) {
      console.log('SELECT error: ' + error.message);

Using plugin-specific API calls

To populate a database using the SQL batch API:

    'CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS DemoTable (name, score)',
    [ 'INSERT INTO DemoTable VALUES (?,?)', ['Alice', 101] ],
    [ 'INSERT INTO DemoTable VALUES (?,?)', ['Betty', 202] ],
  ], function() {
    console.log('Populated database OK');
  }, function(error) {
    console.log('SQL batch ERROR: ' + error.message);

or using numbered parameters as documented in https://www.sqlite.org/c3ref/bind_blob.html:

    'CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS DemoTable (name, score)',
    [ 'INSERT INTO DemoTable VALUES (?1,?2)', ['Alice', 101] ],
    [ 'INSERT INTO DemoTable VALUES (?1,?2)', ['Betty', 202] ],
  ], function() {
    console.log('Populated database OK');
  }, function(error) {
    console.log('SQL batch ERROR: ' + error.message);

To check the data using the single SQL statement API:

  db.executeSql('SELECT count(*) AS mycount FROM DemoTable', [], function(rs) {
    console.log('Record count (expected to be 2): ' + rs.rows.item(0).mycount);
  }, function(error) {
    console.log('SELECT SQL statement ERROR: ' + error.message);

More detailed sample

See the Sample section for a sample with a more detailed explanation (using the DRAFT standard transaction API).


  • This plugin is not supported by PhoneGap Developer App or PhoneGap Desktop App.
  • A recent version of the Cordova CLI is recommended. Known issues with older versions of Cordova:
    • Cordova pre-7.0.0 do not automatically save the state of added plugins and platforms (--save flag is needed for Cordova pre-7.0.0)
    • It may be needed to use cordova prepare in case of cordova-ios pre-4.3.0 (Cordova CLI 6.4.0).
    • Cordova versions older than 6.0.0 are missing the [email protected] security fixes.
  • This plugin version uses a before_plugin_install hook to install sqlite3 library dependencies from cordova-sqlite-storage-dependencies via npm.
  • Use of other systems such as Cordova Plugman, PhoneGap CLI, PhoneGap Build, and Intel XDK is no longer supported by this plugin version since they do not honor the before_plugin_install hook. The supported solution is to use litehelpers / Cordova-sqlite-evcore-extbuild-free (GPL or commercial license terms); deprecated alternative with permissive license terms is available at: brodybits / cordova-sqlite-legacy-build-support (very limited testing, very limited updates).
  • This plugin version includes the following extra (non-standard) features:
  • BLOB column values are NO LONGER automatically converted to Base64 format. MUST use SELECT BASE64(column) to return column value in Base64 format as documented below.
  • SQLite 3.32.3 included when building (all platforms), with the following compile-time definitions:
    • SQLITE_DEFAULT_SYNCHRONOUS=3 (EXTRA DURABLE build setting) ref: xpbrew/cordova-sqlite-storage#736
    • SQLITE_DEFAULT_PAGE_SIZE=4096 - new default page size ref: http://sqlite.org/pgszchng2016.html
    • SQLITE_DEFAULT_CACHE_SIZE=-2000 - new default cache size ref: http://sqlite.org/pgszchng2016.html
    • SQLITE_OS_WINRT (Windows only)
    • NDEBUG on Windows (Release build only)
  • SQLITE_DBCONFIG_DEFENSIVE flag is used for extra SQL safety on all platforms Android/iOS/macOS/Windows ref:
  • The iOS database location is now mandatory, as documented below.
  • This version branch supports the use of two (2) possible Android sqlite database implementations:
  • Support for WP8 along with Windows 8.1/Windows Phone 8.1/Windows 10 using Visual Studio 2015 is available in: brodybits / cordova-sqlite-legacy-build-support
  • Amazon Fire-OS is dropped due to lack of support by Cordova. Android platform version should be used to deploy to Fire-OS 5.0(+) devices. For reference: cordova/cordova-discuss#32 (comment)
  • Windows platform version using a customized version of the performant doo / SQLite3-WinRT C++ component based on the brodybits/SQLite3-WinRT sync-api-fix branch, with the following known limitations:
    • This plugin version branch has dependency on platform toolset libraries included by Visual Studio 2017 ref: xpbrew/cordova-sqlite-storage#580. Visual Studio 2015 is now supported by brodybits/cordova-sqlite-legacy (permissive license terms, no performance enhancements for Android) and brodybits/cordova-sqlite-evcore-legacy-ext-common-free (GPL or commercial license terms, with performance enhancements for Android). UNTESTED workaround for Visual Studio 2015: it may be possible to support this plugin version on Visual Studio 2015 Update 3 by installing platform toolset v141.)
    • Visual Studio components needed: Universal Windows Platform development, C++ Universal Windows Platform tools. A recent version of Visual Studio 2017 will offer to install any missing feature components.
    • It is NOT possible to use this plugin with the default "Any CPU" target. A specific target CPU type MUST be specified when building an app with this plugin.
    • ARM target CPU for Windows Mobile is no longer supported.
    • The SQLite3-WinRT component in src/windows/SQLite3-WinRT-sync is based on doo/SQLite3-WinRT commit f4b06e6 from 2012, which is missing the asynchronous C++ API improvements. There is no background processing on the Windows platform.
    • Truncation issue with UNICODE \u0000 character (same as \0)
    • INCONSISTENT error code (0) and INCORRECT error message (missing actual error info) in error callbacks ref: xpbrew/cordova-sqlite-storage#539
    • REGEXP is currently not supported on Windows.
    • Not possible to SELECT BLOB column values directly. It is recommended to use built-in HEX function to retrieve BLOB column values, which should work consistently across all platform implementations as well as (WebKit) Web SQL. Non-standard BASE64 function to SELECT BLOB column values in Base64 format is also supported by this plugin version.
    • Windows platform version uses UTF-16le internal database encoding while the other platform versions use UTF-8 internal encoding. (UTF-8 internal encoding is preferred ref: xpbrew/cordova-sqlite-storage#652)
    • Known issue with database names that contain certain US-ASCII punctuation and control characters (see below)
  • The macOS platform version ("osx" platform) is not tested in a release build and should be considered pre-alpha with known issues:
    • cordova prepare osx is needed before building and running from Xcode
    • known issue between cordova-osx and Cordova CLI 10.0.0: apache/cordova-osx#106
  • Android versions supported: 3.0 - 9.0 (API level 11 - 28), depending on Cordova version ref: https://cordova.apache.org/docs/en/latest/guide/platforms/android/
  • iOS versions supported: 8.x / 9.x / 10.x / 11.x / 12.x (see deviations section below for differences in case of WKWebView)
  • FTS3, FTS4, and R-Tree are fully tested and supported for all target platforms in this version branch.
  • Default PRAGMA journal_mode setting (tested):
    • Android use of the androidDatabaseProvider: 'system' setting: persist (pre-8.0) / truncate (Android 8.0, 8.1) / wal (Android Pie)
    • otherwise: delete
  • AUTO-VACUUM is not enabled by default. If no form of VACUUM or PRAGMA auto_vacuum is used then sqlite will automatically reuse deleted data space for new data but the database file will never shrink. For reference: http://www.sqlite.org/pragma.html#pragma_auto_vacuum and xpbrew/cordova-sqlite-storage#646
  • In case of memory issues please use smaller transactions or use the plugin version at litehelpers / Cordova-sqlite-evcore-extbuild-free (GPL or commercial license terms).



  • Drop-in replacement for HTML5/Web SQL (DRAFT) API: the only change should be to replace the static window.openDatabase() factory call with window.sqlitePlugin.openDatabase(), with parameters as documented below. Known deviations are documented in the deviations section below.
  • Pre-populated openDatabase option (usage described below)
  • Failure-safe nested transactions with batch processing optimizations (according to HTML5/Web SQL (DRAFT) API)
  • Transaction API (based on HTML5/Web SQL (DRAFT) API) is designed for maximum flexiblibility, does not allow any transactions to be left hanging open.
  • As described in this posting:
    • Keeps sqlite database in known, platform specific user data location on all supported platforms (Android/iOS/macOS/Windows), which can be reconfigured on iOS/macOS. Whether or not the database on the iOS platform is synchronized to iCloud depends on the selected database location.
    • No arbitrary size limit. SQLite limits described at: http://www.sqlite.org/limits.html
  • Also validated for multi-page applications by internal test selfTest function.
  • This project is self-contained though with sqlite3 dependencies auto-fetched by npm. There are no dependencies on other plugins such as cordova-plugin-file.
  • Windows platform version uses a customized version of the performant doo / SQLite3-WinRT C++ component.
  • SQLCipher support for Android/iOS/macOS/Windows is available in: brodybits / cordova-sqlcipher-adapter
  • Intellectual property:
    • All source code is tracked to the original author in git, except for code in Android and iOS/macOS createFromResource functions for pre-populated databases which is marked as based on various sources.
    • Major authors are tracked in AUTHORS.md.
    • License of each component is tracked in LICENSE.md.
    • History of this project is also described in HISTORY.md.

TIP: It is possible to migrate from Cordova to a pure native solution and continue using the data stored by this plugin.

Getting started

Recommended prerequisites

  • Install a recent version of Cordova CLI, create a simple app with no plugins, and run it on the desired target platforms.
  • Add a very simple plugin such as cordova-plugin-dialogs or an echo plugin and get it working. Ideally you should be able to handle a callback with some data coming from a prompt.

These prereqisites are very well documented in a number of excellent resources including:

More resources can be found by https://www.google.com/search?q=cordova+tutorial. There are even some tutorials available on YouTube as well.

In addition, this guide assumes a basic knowledge of some key JavaScript concepts such as variables, function calls, and callback functions. There is an excellent explanation of JavaScript callbacks at http://cwbuecheler.com/web/tutorials/2013/javascript-callbacks/.

MAJOR TIPS: As described in the Installing section:

  • In case of extra-old Cordova CLI pre-7.0, it is recommended to use the --save flag when installing plugins to add them to config.xml / package.json. (This is automatic starting with Cordova CLI 7.0.)
  • Assuming that all plugins are added to config.xml or package.json, there is no need to commit the plugins subdirectory tree into the source repository.
  • In general it is not recommended to commit the platforms subdirectory tree into the source repository.

NOTICE: This plugin is only supported with the Cordova CLI. This plugin is not supported with other Cordova/PhoneGap systems such as PhoneGap CLI, PhoneGap Build, Plugman, Intel XDK, Webstorm, etc.






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