我正在尝试使用 CALayer 显示图像,但图像未显示。我已经验证了 'image' 不是 nil,image.size 是正确的,并且 layer.contents 是一个有效的 CABackingStore。
- (void)viewDidLoad
[super viewDidLoad];
layer = [[CALayer alloc] init];
[self.view.layer addSublayer:layer];
UIImage *image = [UIImage imageNamed"download.jpeg"];
layer.bounds = CGRectMake(0, 0, image.size.width, image.size.height);
layer.position = self.view.center;
layer.contents = (id)image.CGImage;
[layer setNeedsDisplay];
删除 [layer setNeedsDisplay];
来自 docs (强调):
Calling this method causes the layer to recache its content. This results in the layer potentially calling either the displayLayer: or drawLayer:inContext: method of its delegate. The existing content in the layer’s contents property is removed to make way for the new content.
关于ios - CALayer 的图像未显示,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/17930454/
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