我在 viewDidLoad 中以编程方式创建 UITextView。
- (BOOL)canPerformActionSEL)action withSenderid)sender
NSLog(@"it went in canPerform");
if (action == @selector(copy){
NSLog(@"It prevented the copy option and hid it from the menu");
return NO;
return [super canPerformAction:action withSender:sender];
2015-05-20 11:27:47.637 MyApp[56604:11786730] it went in canPerform
2015-05-20 11:27:47.637 MyApp[56604:11786730] it went in canPerform
2015-05-20 11:27:47.638 MyApp[56604:11786730] it went in canPerform
2015-05-20 11:27:47.638 MyApp[56604:11786730] it went in canPerform
2015-05-20 11:27:47.638 MyApp[56604:11786730] it went in canPerform
2015-05-20 11:27:47.638 MyApp[56604:11786730] it went in canPerform
2015-05-20 11:27:47.638 MyApp[56604:11786730] it went in canPerform
2015-05-20 11:27:47.638 MyApp[56604:11786730] it went in canPerform
2015-05-20 11:27:47.663 MyApp[56604:11786730] it went in canPerform
2015-05-20 11:27:47.664 MyApp[56604:11786730] it went in canPerform
2015-05-20 11:27:47.664 MyApp[56604:11786730] it went in canPerform
2015-05-20 11:27:47.664 MyApp[56604:11786730] it went in canPerform
2015-05-20 11:27:47.664 MyApp[56604:11786730] it went in canPerform
2015-05-20 11:27:47.664 MyApp[56604:11786730] it went in canPerform
2015-05-20 11:27:47.664 MyApp[56604:11786730] it went in canPerform
2015-05-20 11:27:47.664 MyApp[56604:11786730] it went in canPerform
正如它所显示的,代码正在调用“canPerformAction”,因为日志显示“它进入 canPerform”,但它没有识别“复制”操作,因为日志从未显示:“它阻止了复制选项并隐藏它来自菜单”。
对于所有必须处理这种情况的 future 开发人员,我知道您会感到多么沮丧,所以我将提供一个完整的教程,因为我遇到了结合了大多数已发布答案的正确答案:
1 - 我只有在您以编程方式创建 UITextView 时才有效,如果您使用 Storyboard 创建它,它将不起作用,这是最重要的部分,因为如果您已经创建了 UITextView使用 Storyboard ,您将无法删除“副本”,您将能够删除其他所有内容!只是不是副本
2 - 您必须继承 UITextView 类,对于所有新开发人员来说,这是通过创建一个新类并选择它作为 UITextView 的子类来完成的。
3 - 您的 .h 文件将类似于
// myCustomClass.h
// myApp
// Created by Elias Rahme on 5/20/15.
// Copyright (c) 2015 Elias Rahme. All rights reserved.
#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>
@interface myCustomClass : UITextView
您的 .m 文件将是这样的:
// myCustomClass.m
// myApp
// Created by Elias Rahme on 5/20/15.
// Copyright (c) 2015 Elias Rahme. All rights reserved.
#import "myCustomClass.h"
@implementation myCustomClass
-(BOOL)canPerformActionSEL)action withSenderid)sender {
if (action == @selector(copy) {
return NO;
return [super canPerformAction:action withSender:sender];
4 - 现在,在设置完所有内容之后,棘手的部分来了。在您要使用 UITextView 的类中,当然包括您的 customClass,然后,这就是您调用 textView 的方式:
首先,您必须创建一个新的 UITextView,这是通过在实现上方编写 UITextView *newTextView;
其次,在你完成所有工作的实际类里面,转到你的 .h 文件,并确保它看起来像那样
#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>
@interface myActuallClassWhereIWantTheActualWorkToBeDone : UIViewController< UITextViewDelegate>{
第三,将以下行添加到您的 viewDidLoad 方法中:
newTextView = [[myCustomClass alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(yourX, yourY, yourWidth, yourHeight)];
newTextView.text = @"This is the best small tutorial EVER!!";
newTextView.delegate = self;
关于ios - 从以编程方式创建的 UITextView IOS 中删除 "Copy"菜单项,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/30344373/
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