You can use the Enumerator
object returned by each_with_index
to return a nested array of [value, index]
pairs and then conduct your binary search on that array:
a = [1,2,4,5,6]
new_elm = 3
index = [*a.each_with_index].bsearch{|x, _| x > new_elm}.last
=> 2
a.insert(index, new_elm)
I've run some simple benchmarks in response to your question with an array of length 1e6 - 1
require 'benchmark'
def binary_insert(a,e)
index = [*a.each_with_index].bsearch{|x, _| x > e}.last
a.insert(index, e)
a = *1..1e6
b = a.delete_at(1e5)
=> 100001
=> #<Benchmark::Tms:0x007fd3883133d8 @label="", @real=0.37332, @cstime=0.0, @cutime=0.0, @stime=0.029999999999999805, @utime=0.240000000000002, @total=0.2700000000000018>
With this in mind, you might consider trying using a heap or a trie instead of an array to store your values. Heaps in particular have constant insertion and removal time complexities, making them ideal for large storage applications. Check out this article here: Ruby algorithms: sorting, trie, and heaps