Editing .slugignore don't work there, because excluding files begins before all compilation steps on Heroku. But we need to compile these all, move these to S3 and only after that delete these.
I wrote some code into my Rakefile, small script, that deletes all unusable files by extension filter:
Rake::Task["assets:precompile"].enhance do
puts 'my assets:precompile hook is started!'
dir_path = "#{Dir.pwd}/public/sites-fromfuture-net/"
records = Dir.glob("#{dir_path}**/*")
records.each do |f|
if f =~ /.*.png$/ or
f =~ /.*.jpg$/ or
f =~ /.*.eot$/ or
f =~ /.*.svg$/ or
f =~ /.*.woff$/ or
f =~ /.*.ttf$/ or
f =~ /.*.otf$/ or
f =~ /.*.css$/ or
f =~ /.*.js$/ or
f =~ /.*.wav$/ then
# puts Dir.glob("#{dir_path}**/*")
puts 'my assets:precompile hook is finished!'
And one more thing: I use a heroku-deflater gem, which gzips all css and js assets, so I delete all .css and .js files by script but don't delete .css.gz and .js.gz files, because of rails assets checking.