You can utilize the data:post.longSnippet
data tag which has the limit of upto 300-400 character
<div class='post-body' style='color:black;'>
<b:if cond='data:post.snippet'><data:post.longSnippet/></b:if>
Otherwise, if you want to control the exact amount of text that you want to be visible in the snippet, then you can utilize the newly launched operator in the new themes
<div class='post-body' style='color:black;'>
<b:eval expr='snippet(data:post.body, {length: 450, links: false})' />
snippet(string, options)
Produces a short snippet from an HTML string.
options: Object specifying the snippeting options, which are:
links: boolean for whether to preserve anchors/links in the snippet.
Defaults to true.
linebreaks: boolean for whether to preserve linebreaks (tags) in the
snippet. Defaults to true.
ellipsis: boolean for whether to append an ellipsis (…) to the end of
the snippet. Defaults to true.
length: Number specifying the maximum length of the snippet.