Yes you can if you use Internet Exlorer, but you will have to keep your IE security settings low to run it and even then you could have a prompt to confirm.
All depends on which version and SP of Windows, which security updates , which version of IE and which settings in IE.
I suggest taking a second look at why you would start a local script this way. You can easily make and distribute a shortcut that starts your script without hassle of settings and prompts.
Ik you need a User Interface you can use Vbscript build-in or you could use a .HTA file instead of a .html or .asp file, security is less an issue with these files.
example: test.html
<script type="text/vbscript" src="c:empest.vbs"></script>
and test.vbs
Const ForReading = 1, ForWriting = 2
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set writefile = fso.OpenTextFile("c:empoutput.txt", ForWriting, True)
writefile.write "test"
When i load test.html i get two prompts and when i confirm i get the output.txt in c:emp
And last here an example with a .hta file, save it as eg test.hta, alwyas use IE when using ActiveX or Vbscript
<SCRIPT language="VBScript">
Const ForReading = 1, ForWriting = 2
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set writefile = fso.OpenTextFile("c:empoutput.txt", ForWriting, True)
writefile.write "test"
<script type="text/vbscript">
sub test
const runminimized = 7
const dont_wait_for_end = false
Set wshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
WshShell.Run "c:empest.vbs",runminimized, dont_wait_for_end
end sub
these are the instructions
<button onclick="vbscript:test" >Run the script</button>