Google provides a XML parsing/manipulating service. You can use this to parse the html that is in that table.
One note, if you investigate where that html is actually coming from, you'll see that it's actually coming from a different url.
So here's what I got for you. It works pretty well. Hopefully this is enough of a start for you.
function fetchIt() {
var fetchString=""
var response = UrlFetchApp.fetch(fetchString);
var xmlDoc = Xml.parse(response.getBlob().getDataAsString(),true);
var b = xmlDoc.getElement().getElement("body");
var table = b.getElement("div").getElement("div").getElement("div").getElements("div")[1].getElement("table");
var rows = [];
var trs = table.getElements("tr");
for (var r=0,rlength=trs.length; r<rlength; r++) {
var tds = trs[r].getElements("td");
var row = [];
for (var c=0,clength=tds.length; c<clength; c++) {