Hi I'm newbie practicing algorithms, I was just wondering how to solve this spiral matrix Challenge:
Have the function MatrixSpiral(strArr) read the array of strings stored in strArr which will represent a 2D N matrix, and your program should return the elements after printing them in a clockwise, spiral order. You should return the newly formed list of elements as a string with the numbers separated by commas. For example: input:
["[4, 5, 6, 5]",
"[1, 1, 2, 2]",
"[5, 4, 2, 9]"]
I have done simple matrix spiral before, but don't know how to solve one like this.
This is not a simple matrix spiral. I tried with this code, but output is way different
The input is an array of "string arrays" (see the double quotes), and the output should be a string with the numbers separated by commas.
const spiralOrder = (matrix) => {
if(!matrix.length || !matrix[0].length){
return [];
//Use 4 pointes to create wall around square
let rowBegin = 0,
rowEnd = matrix.length - 1,
colBegin = 0,
colEnd = matrix[0].length - 1;
let result = [];
while(rowBegin <= rowEnd && colBegin <= colEnd){
//move right
for(let i= colBegin; i<= colEnd; i++){
rowBegin++; // mark row as traversed after moving right
//move down
for(let i=rowBegin; i<= rowEnd; i++){
colEnd--; //mark column as traversed after moving down
//move left
if(rowBegin <= rowEnd){
for(let i=colEnd; i >= colBegin; i--){
rowEnd--; //mark end row as traversed after moving left
//move up
if(colBegin <= colEnd){
for(let i=rowEnd; i >= rowBegin; i--){
colBegin++; //mark begining column as traversed after moving up
return result;
spiralOrder([[4, 5, 6, 5], [1, 1, 2, 2], [5, 4, 2, 9]])
Output: [ '[',
' ',
' ',
' ',
' ',
' ',
' ',
' ',
' ',
' ',
'2' ]
Could you please share any solution?
See Question&Answers more detail: