Is there a way in Keras how to get count of images within each category when using ImageDataGenerator? Let's say I have train folder with 3 subfolders (classes) and each containing some number of images.
imagedatagen = ImageDataGenerator(...)
imageflow = imagedatagen.flow_from_directory(
class_mode='categorical', ...)
I can get class mapping or number of all samples with following commands:
class_dict = imageflow.class_indices # returns ie. {'aligator': 0, 'cat': 1, 'dog': 2}
sample_count = imageflow.samples # returns sum of all samples, not divided into categories
But how may I get info, that category 0 contains 1000 pictures, category 1 contains 1500 pictures and category 2 all the rest? I know that I can iterate all files with help of os
module, but would like to know if there is some other way and I could not find it.