Prevent the default behavior of the mousewheel event on input-number elements like suggested by others (calling "blur()" would normally not be the preferred way to do it, because that wouldn't be, what the user wants).
BUT. I would avoid listening for the mousewheel event on all input-number elements all the time and only do it, when the element is in focus (that's when the problem exists). Otherwise the user cannot scroll the page when the mouse pointer is anywhere over a input-number element.
Solution for jQuery:
// disable mousewheel on a input number field when in focus
// (to prevent Cromium browsers change the value when scrolling)
$('form').on('focus', 'input[type=number]', function (e) {
$(this).on('wheel.disableScroll', function (e)?{
$('form').on('blur', 'input[type=number]', function (e) {
(Delegate focus events to the surrounding form element - to avoid to many event listeners, which are bad for performance.)