You can just call artisan from your application:
But since you'll not have access to get your app up because it's down. You can create the functionality yourself:
A route for shut it down, user must be authenticated to do this:
Route::group(array('before' => 'auth'), function()
Route::get('shut/the/application/down', function()
A route to bring it back up:
Route::get('bring/the/application/back/up', function()
A filter to check if it's up:
Route::filter('applicationIsUp', function()
if (file_exists($this[''].'/meta/my.down'))
return Redirect::to('site/is/down');
A route to bring it back up:
Route::get('bring/the/application/back/up', function()
A route to show a pretty view when your site is down
Route::get('site/is/down', function()
return View::make('');