The dash ('-') in the property is invalid for use in scripting. You should use msTransform
By the way: though a number of browsers do understand and parse css like style['background-color'] from scripting, afaik Firefox doesn't. Furthermore I think JQuery .css(...)
transforms properties like 'background-color'
to their DOM-scripting equivalent ('backgroundColor'
in this case) before parsing it.
To be complete: JQuery.css
indeed transforms dashed properties to camelCase. Here's a representation of the JQuery.css
-internals with the string '-ms-transform'
var fcamelCase = function( all, letter ) {
return letter.toUpperCase();
var rdashAlpha = /-([a-z])/ig;
// JQuery.css does a replace operation with these variables
// on the raw property string:
alert('-ms-transform'.replace(rdashAlpha,fcamelCase)); //=> msTransform
So that's why $("div").css("-ms-transform","rotate(30deg)")
doesn't work in IE9. IE9 expects: msTransform
Why then, does $("div").css("-moz-transform", "rotate(-90deg)")
work in Firefox? Because Mozilla evidently decided to use complete CamelCase for their -moz-[properties], so the MozTransform
scripting style property is valid (and, by the way, mozTransform
isn't ... really).
It's all to the browser then, nothing new under the digital sun.