The best way I have found to do this uses resolve:
state('createCourse', {
url: '/courses/create',
templateUrl: 'modules/courses/views/create-course.client.view.html',
resolve: {
security: ['$q', function($q){
if(/*user is not admin*/){
return $q.reject("Not Authorized");
This will trigger an error, preventing the user from accessing this state if they are not allowed.
If you need to show an error, or send the user to a different state, handle the $stateChangeError event:
$rootScope.$on('$stateChangeError', function(e, toState, toParams, fromState, fromParams, error){
if(error === "Not Authorized"){
If you want to check for admin access on all states, you could use a decorator to add the resolve to all states. Something like this:
$stateProvider.decorator('data', function(state, parent){
var stateData = parent(state);
var data = || {};
state.resolve = state.resolve || {};
if(data.needAdmin){ = ['$q', function($q){
if(/*user is not admin*/){
return $q.reject("Not Authorized");
return stateData;
I implemented something like this for my current application. If user is not logged in, we forward the user to a login form. If non-admin user attempts to hit any admin state, we forward to an error page.