A genuinely useful thing (generally speaking) would be to be able to promote the error of a future into a proper value. Or in other words, transform a Future[T]
into a Future[Try[T]]
(the succesful return value becomes a Success[T]
while the failure case becomes a Failure[T]
). Here is how we might implement it:
// Can also be done more concisely (but less efficiently) as:
// f.map(Success(_)).recover{ case t: Throwable => Failure( t ) }
// NOTE: you might also want to move this into an enrichment class
def mapValue[T]( f: Future[T] ): Future[Try[T]] = {
val prom = Promise[Try[T]]()
f onComplete prom.success
Now, if you do the following:
Future.traverse(seq)( f andThen mapValue )
You'll obtain a succesful Future[Seq[Try[A]]]
, whose eventual value contains a Success
instance for each successful future, and a Failure
instance for each failed future.
If needed, you can then use collect
on this seq to drop the Failure
instances and keep only the sucessful values.
In other words, you can rewrite your helper method as follows:
def traverseFilteringErrors[A, B](seq: Seq[A])(f: A => Future[B]): Future[Seq[B]] = {
Future.traverse( seq )( f andThen mapValue ) map ( _ collect{ case Success( x ) => x } )