I already looked at this question -
And tried the sample code here - https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/MediaSource -- (without modifications) in hopes of transforming the blobs into arraybuffers and appending those to a sourcebuffer for the MediaSource WebAPI, but even the sample code wasn't working on my chrome browser for which it is said to be compatible.
The crux of my problem is that I can't combine multiple blob webm clips into one without incorrect playback after the first time it plays. To go straight to the problem please scroll to the line after the first two chunks of code, for background continue reading.
I am designing a web application that allows a presenter to record scenes of him/herself explaining charts and videos.
I am using the MediaRecorder WebAPI to record video on chrome/firefox. (Side question - is there any other way (besides flash) that I can record video/audio via webcam & mic? Because MediaRecorder is not supported on not Chrome/Firefox user agents).
.catch(e => { console.error('getUserMedia() failed: ' + e); });
function gotMedia(stream) {
recording = true;
theStream = stream;
vid.src = URL.createObjectURL(theStream);
try {
recorder = new MediaRecorder(stream);
} catch (e) {
console.error('Exception while creating MediaRecorder: ' + e);
theRecorder = recorder;
recorder.ondataavailable =
(event) => {
function finishRecording() {
recording = false;
theStream.getTracks().forEach(track => { track.stop(); });
while(tempScene[0].size != 1) {
tempScene = [];
The function finishRecording gets called and a scene (an array of blobs of mimetype 'video/webm') gets saved to the scenes array. After it gets saved. The user can then record and save more scenes via this process. He can then view a certain scene using this following chunk of code.
function showScene(sceneNum) {
var sceneBlob = new Blob(scenes[sceneNum], {type: 'video/webm; codecs=vorbis,vp8'});
vid.src = URL.createObjectURL(sceneBlob);
In the above code what happens is the blob array for the scene gets turning into one big blob for which a url is created and pointed to by the video's src attribute, so -
[blob, blob, blob] => sceneBlob (an object, not array)
Up until this point everything works fine and dandy. Here is where the issue starts
I try to merge all the scenes into one by combining the blob arrays for each scene into one long blob array. The point of this functionality is so that the user can order the scenes however he/she deems fit and so he can choose not to include a scene. So they aren't necessarily in the same order as they were recorded in, so -
scene 1: [blob-1, blob-1] scene 2: [blob-2, blob-2]
final: [blob-2, blob-2, blob-1, blob-1]
and then I make a blob of the final blob array, so -
final: [blob, blob, blob, blob] => finalBlob
The code is below for merging the scene blob arrays
function mergeScenes() {
scenes[scenes.length] = [];
for(var i = 0; i < scenes.length - 1; i++) {
scenes[scenes.length - 1] = scenes[scenes.length - 1].concat(scenes[i]);
mergedScenes = scenes[scenes.length - 1];
console.log(scenes[scenes.length - 1]);
This final scene can be viewed by using the showScene function in the second small chunk of code because it is appended as the last scene in the scenes array. When the video is played with the showScene function it plays all the scenes all the way through. However, if I press play on the video after it plays through the first time, it only plays the last scene.
Also, if I download and play the video through my browser, the first time around it plays correctly - the subsequent times, I see the same error.
What am I doing wrong? How can I merge the files into one video containing all the scenes? Thank you very much for your time in reading this and helping me, and please let me know if I need to clarify anything.
I am using a element to display the scenes
See Question&Answers more detail: