I ran into the same thing on Windows 10 + VirtualBox (VBox) + Vagrant + Laravel Homestead when I wanted to change to react frontend.
And after much search and trial and error, this solution worked for me, maybe it works for you as well.
Halted the vagrant:
vagrant halt
Added the following into the configure section of the Vagrantfile in the Homestead dir
config.vm.provider "virtualbox" do |v|
v.customize ["setextradata", :id, "VBoxInternal2/SharedFoldersEnableSymlinksCreate/v-root", "1"]
started the cmd as admin
then vagrant up
and vagrant ssh
cd to development dir
then removed the node_modules dir by rm -rf node_modules/
if any
and then ran the sudo npm install && npm run dev
and the whole thing was installed without any warnings or errors.
This is the result of two hours reading :)
If your problem is not solved and you have the mentioned setup you can use another solution:
Install the Node on your windows machine too
Then cd to your development directory and run the npm install
from the Windows and the you'll have the same result.
You can also initiate the npm run watch
from a windows cmd afterwards.
This helped me to lift the load from the VM and let the Windows do the watch and receive the notifications of the npm run watch
in Windows.