There is a copy of the current (Jun 28, 2016) implementation of window.setTimeout()
in Ubuntu.
As we can see, the timer gets inserted by this line of code:
nsAutoPtr<TimeoutInfo>* insertedInfo =
mTimeouts.InsertElementSorted(newInfo.forget(), GetAutoPtrComparator(mTimeouts));
Then a few lines below you have an if()
if (insertedInfo == mTimeouts.Elements() && !mRunningExpiredTimeouts) {
The insertedInfo == mTimeouts.Elements()
checks whether the timer that was just inserted already timed out. The following block does NOT execute the attached function, but the main loop will immediately notice that a timer timed out and thus it will skip the IDLE state (a yield of the CPU) that you are expecting.
This clearly (at least to me) explains the behavior you are experiencing. The rendering on the screen is another process (task/thread) and the CPU needs to be relinquished for that other process to get a chance to re-paint the screen. For that to happen, you need to wait long enough so your timer function does not get executed immediately and a yield happens.
As you've notice a pause of 500ms does the trick. You can probably use a smaller number, such as 50ms. Either way it is not going to guarantee that a yield happens, but chances are it will happen if the computer on which that code is running is not currently swamped (i.e. an anti-virus is not currently running full speed in the background...)
The complete SetTimeout()
function from Firefox:
(location of the file in the source: dom/workers/WorkerPrivate.cpp
WorkerPrivate::SetTimeout(JSContext* aCx,
dom::Function* aHandler,
const nsAString& aStringHandler,
int32_t aTimeout,
const Sequence<JS::Value>& aArguments,
bool aIsInterval,
ErrorResult& aRv)
const int32_t timerId = mNextTimeoutId++;
Status currentStatus;
MutexAutoLock lock(mMutex);
currentStatus = mStatus;
// It's a script bug if setTimeout/setInterval are called from a close handler
// so throw an exception.
if (currentStatus == Closing) {
JS_ReportError(aCx, "Cannot schedule timeouts from the close handler!");
// If the worker is trying to call setTimeout/setInterval and the parent
// thread has initiated the close process then just silently fail.
if (currentStatus >= Closing) {
return 0;
nsAutoPtr<TimeoutInfo> newInfo(new TimeoutInfo());
newInfo->mIsInterval = aIsInterval;
newInfo->mId = timerId;
if (MOZ_UNLIKELY(timerId == INT32_MAX)) {
NS_WARNING("Timeout ids overflowed!");
mNextTimeoutId = 1;
// Take care of the main argument.
if (aHandler) {
newInfo->mTimeoutCallable = JS::ObjectValue(*aHandler->Callable());
else if (!aStringHandler.IsEmpty()) {
newInfo->mTimeoutString = aStringHandler;
else {
JS_ReportError(aCx, "Useless %s call (missing quotes around argument?)",
aIsInterval ? "setInterval" : "setTimeout");
return 0;
// See if any of the optional arguments were passed.
aTimeout = std::max(0, aTimeout);
newInfo->mInterval = TimeDuration::FromMilliseconds(aTimeout);
uint32_t argc = aArguments.Length();
if (argc && !newInfo->mTimeoutCallable.isUndefined()) {
nsTArray<JS::Heap<JS::Value>> extraArgVals(argc);
for (uint32_t index = 0; index < argc; index++) {
newInfo->mTargetTime = TimeStamp::Now() + newInfo->mInterval;
if (!newInfo->mTimeoutString.IsEmpty()) {
if (!nsJSUtils::GetCallingLocation(aCx, newInfo->mFilename, &newInfo->mLineNumber)) {
NS_WARNING("Failed to get calling location!");
nsAutoPtr<TimeoutInfo>* insertedInfo =
mTimeouts.InsertElementSorted(newInfo.forget(), GetAutoPtrComparator(mTimeouts));
LOG(TimeoutsLog(), ("Worker %p has new timeout: delay=%d interval=%s
this, aTimeout, aIsInterval ? "yes" : "no"));
// If the timeout we just made is set to fire next then we need to update the
// timer, unless we're currently running timeouts.
if (insertedInfo == mTimeouts.Elements() && !mRunningExpiredTimeouts) {
nsresult rv;
if (!mTimer) {
mTimer = do_CreateInstance(NS_TIMER_CONTRACTID, &rv);
if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
return 0;
mTimerRunnable = new TimerRunnable(this);
if (!mTimerRunning) {
if (!ModifyBusyCountFromWorker(true)) {
return 0;
mTimerRunning = true;
if (!RescheduleTimeoutTimer(aCx)) {
return 0;
return timerId;
IMPORTANT NOTE: The JavaScript instruction yield
, has nothing to do with what I am talking about. I am talking about the sched_yield() functionality which happens when a binary process calls certain functions, such as sched_yield()
itself, poll()
, select()
, etc.