Debounce will emit a value after a specified time interval has passed without another value being emitted.
Using simple diagrams the following may provide greater help:
Stream 1 | ---1-------2-3-4-5---------6----
after debounce, the emitted stream looks like as follows:
Stream 2 | ------1-------------5---------6-
The intermediate items (in this case, 2,3,4) are ignored.
An example is illustrated below:
var Rx = require('rx-node');
var source = Rx.fromStream(process.stdin).debounce(500);
var subscription = source.subscribe(
function (x) {
console.log('Next: %s', x);
I used node to illustrate this... assuming you have node installed, you can run it by typing
$node myfile.js (where the aforementioned code is in myfile.js)
Once this node program is started you can type values at the console -- if you type quickly items are ignored, and if type intermittently fast and slow items will appear after a gap in typing (in the example above I have 500ms) at the console ("Next: ")
There is also some excellent reference material at