The quick and dirty fix:
hfSupEmail.Value = dt.Rows(0)("SupEmail").ToString()
or for C#:
hfsupEmail.Value = dt.Rows[0]["SupEmail"].ToString();
This works very well when your eventual target and the source data are already strings, because any extra .ToString()
call for something that's already a string is likely to be optimized into a no-op by the jitter, and if it's NULL the resulting DBNull.Value.ToString()
expression produces the empty string you want.
However, if you're working with non-string types, you may end up doing significant extra work, especially with something like a DateTime
or numeric value where you want specific formatting. Remember, internationalization concerns mean parsing and composing date and number values are actually surprisingly expensive operations; doing "extra" work to avoid those operations is often more than worth it.