The Axios repository has a clear example on how to do this:
Excerpt from the Website
When you make a request with axios, you can pass in request config. Part of that request config is the function to call when upload progresses.
const config = {
onUploadProgress: progressEvent => console.log(progressEvent.loaded)
When you make the request using axios, you can pass in this config object.
axios.put('/upload/server', data, config)
And this function will be called whenever the upload progress changes.
Just a note on your code
I also noticed that you're not using ES6 to its fullest potential!
Object Declaration
It's got some nice syntax for stuff like this, for example, you have defined an object like: { data: data }
, but { data }
is sufficient.
It might be worth using a linter with some linting rules, with the most common being the AirBnB style guide