const stringifyJSON = data => {
if (data === undefined)
return undefined
else if (data === null)
return 'null'
else if (data.constructor === String)
return '"' + data.replace(/"/g, '"') + '"'
else if (data.constructor === Number)
return String(data)
else if (data.constructor === Boolean)
return data ? 'true' : 'false'
else if (data.constructor === Array)
return '[ ' + data.reduce((acc, v) => {
if (v === undefined)
return [...acc, 'null']
return [...acc, stringifyJSON(v)]
}, []).join(', ') + ' ]'
else if (data.constructor === Object)
return '{ ' + Object.keys(data).reduce((acc, k) => {
if (data[k] === undefined)
return acc
return [...acc, stringifyJSON(k) + ':' + stringifyJSON(data[k])]
}, []).join(', ') + ' }'
return '{}'
// round-trip test and log to console
const test = data => {
return console.log(JSON.parse(stringifyJSON(data)))
test(null) // null
test('he said "hello"') // 'he said "hello"'
test(5) // 5
test([1,2,true,false]) // [ 1, 2, true, false ]
test({a:1, b:2}) // { a: 1, b: 2 }
test([{a:1},{b:2},{c:3}]) // [ { a: 1 }, { b: 2 }, { c: 3 } ]
test({a:[1,2,3], c:[4,5,6]}) // { a: [ 1, 2, 3 ], c: [ 4, 5, 6 ] }
test({a:undefined, b:2}) // { b: 2 }
test({[undefined]: 1}) // { undefined: 1 }
test([[["test","mike",4,["jake"]],3,4]]) // [ [ [ 'test', 'mike', 4, [ 'jake' ] ], 3, 4 ] ]