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Golang vcs.DetectVcsFromFS函数代码示例

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本文整理汇总了Golang中github.com/Masterminds/vcs.DetectVcsFromFS函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Golang DetectVcsFromFS函数的具体用法?Golang DetectVcsFromFS怎么用?Golang DetectVcsFromFS使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。


示例1: UpdateImports

// UpdateImports iterates over the imported packages and updates them.
// Params:
// 	- force (bool): force packages to update (default false)
//	- conf (*cfg.Config): The configuration
// 	- packages([]string): The packages to update. Default is all.
func UpdateImports(c cookoo.Context, p *cookoo.Params) (interface{}, cookoo.Interrupt) {
	cfg := p.Get("conf", nil).(*cfg.Config)
	force := p.Get("force", true).(bool)
	plist := p.Get("packages", []string{}).([]string)
	home := p.Get("home", "").(string)
	cache := p.Get("cache", false).(bool)
	cacheGopath := p.Get("cacheGopath", false).(bool)
	useGopath := p.Get("useGopath", false).(bool)

	pkgs := list2map(plist)
	restrict := len(pkgs) > 0

	cwd, err := VendorPath(c)
	if err != nil {
		return false, err

	if len(cfg.Imports) == 0 {
		Info("No dependencies found. Nothing updated.\n")
		return false, nil

	for _, dep := range cfg.Imports {
		if restrict && !pkgs[dep.Name] {
			Debug("===> Skipping %q", dep.Name)

			// Even though skipping check if the package exists and has VCS info
			// needed for other operations.
			dest := filepath.Join(cwd, filepath.FromSlash(dep.Name))
			if _, err := os.Stat(dest); os.IsNotExist(err) {
				Warn("Package %s not checked out to vendor/ folder", dep.Name)
				Error("Unable to generate accurate glide.lock because %s is missing", dep.Name)
			} else {
				empty, err := isDirectoryEmpty(dest)
				_, err2 := v.DetectVcsFromFS(dest)
				if err != nil || empty == true {
					Warn("Package %s not checked out to vendor/ folder. Directory empty", dep.Name)
					Error("Unable to generate accurate glide.lock because %s is missing", dep.Name)
				} else if empty == false && err2 == v.ErrCannotDetectVCS {
					Warn("%s appears to be a vendored package missing version control data", dep.Name)
					Error("Unable to generate accurate glide.lock because %s version control data is missing", dep.Name)


		// Hack: The updateCache global keeps us from re-updating the same
		// dependencies when we're recursing. We cache here to prevent
		// flattening from causing unnecessary updates.
		updateCache[dep.Name] = true

		if err := VcsUpdate(dep, cwd, home, force, cache, cacheGopath, useGopath); err != nil {
			Warn("Update failed for %s: %s\n", dep.Name, err)

	return true, nil

示例2: VcsVersion

// VcsVersion set the VCS version for a checkout.
func VcsVersion(dep *Dependency, vend string) error {
	// If there is no refernece configured there is nothing to set.
	if dep.Reference == "" {
		return nil

	cwd := path.Join(vend, dep.Name)

	// When the directory is not empty and has no VCS directory it's
	// a vendored files situation.
	empty, err := isDirectoryEmpty(cwd)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	_, err = v.DetectVcsFromFS(cwd)
	if empty == false && err == v.ErrCannotDetectVCS {
		Warn("%s appears to be a vendored package. Unable to set new version. Consider the '--update-vendored' flag.\n", dep.Name)
	} else {

		Info("Setting version for %s.\n", dep.Name)

		repo, err := dep.GetRepo(cwd)
		if err != nil {
			return err

		if err := repo.UpdateVersion(dep.Reference); err != nil {
			Error("Failed to set version to %s: %s\n", dep.Reference, err)
			return err

	return nil

示例3: repoRoot

func repoRoot(pth string) (string, error) {
	_, err := vcs.DetectVcsFromFS(pth)
	if err == vcs.ErrCannotDetectVCS {
		if pth == "/" {
			return pth, err
		return repoRoot(path.Dir(pth))
	if err != nil {
		return pth, fmt.Errorf("Error while detecting repo root for %v: %v",
			pth, err)
	return pth, nil

示例4: VendoredSetup

// VendoredSetup is a command that does the setup for vendored directories.
// If enabled (via update) it marks vendored directories that are being updated
// and removed the old code. This should be a prefix to UpdateImports and
// VendoredCleanUp should be a suffix to UpdateImports.
func VendoredSetup(c cookoo.Context, p *cookoo.Params) (interface{}, cookoo.Interrupt) {
	update := p.Get("update", true).(bool)
	cfg := p.Get("conf", nil).(*Config)
	if update != true {
		return cfg, nil

	vend, err := VendorPath(c)
	if err != nil {
		return cfg, err

	for _, dep := range cfg.Imports {
		cwd := path.Join(vend, dep.Name)

		// When the directory is not empty and has no VCS directory it's
		// a vendored files situation.
		empty, err := isDirectoryEmpty(cwd)
		if err != nil {
			Error("Error with the directory %s\n", cwd)
		_, err = vcs.DetectVcsFromFS(cwd)
		if empty == false && err == vcs.ErrCannotDetectVCS {
			Info("Updating vendored package %s\n", dep.Name)

			// Remove old directory. cmd.UpdateImports will retrieve the version
			// and cmd.SetReference will set the version.
			err = os.RemoveAll(cwd)
			if err != nil {
				Error("Unable to update vendored dependency %s.\n", dep.Name)
			} else {
				dep.UpdateAsVendored = true

	return cfg, nil

示例5: main

func main() {
	yml, err := ioutil.ReadFile("glide.lock")
	if err != nil && os.IsNotExist(err) {
		fmt.Println("glide.lock file not found. Please run glide up to generate it.")
	if err != nil {

	l, err := cfg.LockfileFromYaml(yml)
	if err != nil {
		fmt.Println("Unable to parse glide.lock file.")

	for _, d := range l.Imports {
		dir := filepath.Join("vendor", filepath.FromSlash(d.Name))
		t, err := vcs.DetectVcsFromFS(dir)
		if err != nil {

		p := filepath.Join(dir, "."+string(t))
		if _, err = os.Stat(p); os.IsNotExist(err) {
			fmt.Println("VCS data not present for", d.Name)

		fmt.Println("Removing VCS data for", d.Name)
		err = os.RemoveAll(p)
		if err != nil {

示例6: VcsUpdate

// VcsUpdate updates to a particular checkout based on the VCS setting.
func VcsUpdate(dep *Dependency, vend string, force bool) error {
	Info("Fetching updates for %s.\n", dep.Name)

	if filterArchOs(dep) {
		Info("%s is not used for %s/%s.\n", dep.Name, runtime.GOOS, runtime.GOARCH)
		return nil

	dest := path.Join(vend, dep.Name)
	// If destination doesn't exist we need to perform an initial checkout.
	if _, err := os.Stat(dest); os.IsNotExist(err) {
		if err = VcsGet(dep, dest); err != nil {
			Warn("Unable to checkout %s\n", dep.Name)
			return err
	} else {
		// At this point we have a directory for the package.

		// When the directory is not empty and has no VCS directory it's
		// a vendored files situation.
		empty, err := isDirectoryEmpty(dest)
		if err != nil {
			return err
		_, err = v.DetectVcsFromFS(dest)
		if empty == false && err == v.ErrCannotDetectVCS {
			Warn("%s appears to be a vendored package. Unable to update. Consider the '--update-vendored' flag.\n", dep.Name)
		} else {
			repo, err := dep.GetRepo(dest)

			// Tried to checkout a repo to a path that does not work. Either the
			// type or endpoint has changed. Force is being passed in so the old
			// location can be removed and replaced with the new one.
			// Warning, any changes in the old location will be deleted.
			// TODO: Put dirty checking in on the existing local checkout.
			if (err == v.ErrWrongVCS || err == v.ErrWrongRemote) && force == true {
				var newRemote string
				if len(dep.Repository) > 0 {
					newRemote = dep.Repository
				} else {
					newRemote = "https://" + dep.Name

				Warn("Replacing %s with contents from %s\n", dep.Name, newRemote)
				rerr := os.RemoveAll(dest)
				if rerr != nil {
					return rerr
				if err = VcsGet(dep, dest); err != nil {
					Warn("Unable to checkout %s\n", dep.Name)
					return err
			} else if err != nil {
				return err
			} else {
				if err := repo.Update(); err != nil {
					Warn("Download failed.\n")
					return err

	return nil

示例7: VcsVersion

// VcsVersion set the VCS version for a checkout.
func VcsVersion(dep *yaml.Dependency, vend string) error {
	// If there is no refernece configured there is nothing to set.
	if dep.Reference == "" {
		return nil

	cwd := path.Join(vend, dep.Name)

	// When the directory is not empty and has no VCS directory it's
	// a vendored files situation.
	empty, err := isDirectoryEmpty(cwd)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	_, err = v.DetectVcsFromFS(cwd)
	if empty == false && err == v.ErrCannotDetectVCS {
		Warn("%s appears to be a vendored package. Unable to set new version. Consider the '--update-vendored' flag.\n", dep.Name)
	} else {
		repo, err := dep.GetRepo(cwd)
		if err != nil {
			return err

		ver := dep.Reference
		// Referenes in Git can begin with a ^ which is similar to semver.
		// If there is a ^ prefix we assume it's a semver constraint rather than
		// part of the git/VCS commit id.
		if repo.IsReference(ver) && !strings.HasPrefix(ver, "^") {
			Info("Setting version for %s to %s.\n", dep.Name, ver)
		} else {

			// Create the constraing first to make sure it's valid before
			// working on the repo.
			constraint, err := semver.NewConstraint(ver)

			// Make sure the constriant is valid. At this point it's not a valid
			// reference so if it's not a valid constrint we can exit early.
			if err != nil {
				Warn("The reference '%s' is not valid\n", ver)
				return err

			// Get the tags and branches (in that order)
			refs, err := getAllVcsRefs(repo)
			if err != nil {
				return err

			// Convert and filter the list to semver.Version instances
			semvers := getSemVers(refs)

			// Sort semver list
			found := false
			for _, v := range semvers {
				if constraint.Check(v) {
					found = true
					// If the constrint passes get the original reference
					ver = v.Original()
			if found {
				Info("Detected semantic version. Setting version for %s to %s.\n", dep.Name, ver)
			} else {
				Warn("Unable to find semantic version for constraint %s %s\n", dep.Name, ver)
		if err := repo.UpdateVersion(ver); err != nil {
			Error("Failed to set version to %s: %s\n", dep.Reference, err)
			return err

	return nil

示例8: VcsUpdate

// VcsUpdate updates to a particular checkout based on the VCS setting.
func VcsUpdate(dep *yaml.Dependency, vend, home string, force, cache, cacheGopath, skipGopath bool) error {
	Info("Fetching updates for %s.\n", dep.Name)

	if filterArchOs(dep) {
		Info("%s is not used for %s/%s.\n", dep.Name, runtime.GOOS, runtime.GOARCH)
		return nil

	dest := path.Join(vend, dep.Name)
	// If destination doesn't exist we need to perform an initial checkout.
	if _, err := os.Stat(dest); os.IsNotExist(err) {
		if err = VcsGet(dep, dest, home, cache, cacheGopath, skipGopath); err != nil {
			Warn("Unable to checkout %s\n", dep.Name)
			return err
	} else {
		// At this point we have a directory for the package.

		// When the directory is not empty and has no VCS directory it's
		// a vendored files situation.
		empty, err := isDirectoryEmpty(dest)
		if err != nil {
			return err
		_, err = v.DetectVcsFromFS(dest)
		if empty == false && err == v.ErrCannotDetectVCS {
			Warn("%s appears to be a vendored package. Unable to update. Consider the '--update-vendored' flag.\n", dep.Name)
		} else {
			repo, err := dep.GetRepo(dest)

			// Tried to checkout a repo to a path that does not work. Either the
			// type or endpoint has changed. Force is being passed in so the old
			// location can be removed and replaced with the new one.
			// Warning, any changes in the old location will be deleted.
			// TODO: Put dirty checking in on the existing local checkout.
			if (err == v.ErrWrongVCS || err == v.ErrWrongRemote) && force == true {
				var newRemote string
				if len(dep.Repository) > 0 {
					newRemote = dep.Repository
				} else {
					newRemote = "https://" + dep.Name

				Warn("Replacing %s with contents from %s\n", dep.Name, newRemote)
				rerr := os.RemoveAll(dest)
				if rerr != nil {
					return rerr
				if err = VcsGet(dep, dest, home, cache, cacheGopath, skipGopath); err != nil {
					Warn("Unable to checkout %s\n", dep.Name)
					return err
			} else if err != nil {
				return err
			} else {
				// Check if the current version is a tag or commit id. If it is
				// and that version is already checked out we can skip updating
				// which is faster than going out to the Internet to perform
				// an update.
				if dep.Reference != "" {
					version, err := repo.Version()
					if err != nil {
						return err
					ib, err := isBranch(dep.Reference, repo)
					if err != nil {
						return err

					// If the current version equals the ref and it's not a
					// branch it's a tag or commit id so we can skip
					// performing an update.
					if version == dep.Reference && !ib {
						Info("%s is already set to version %s. Skipping update.", dep.Name, dep.Reference)
						return nil

				if err := repo.Update(); err != nil {
					Warn("Download failed.\n")
					return err

	return nil

示例9: VcsUpdate

// VcsUpdate updates to a particular checkout based on the VCS setting.
func VcsUpdate(dep *cfg.Dependency, vend string, inst *Installer) error {

	// If the dependency has already been pinned we can skip it. This is a
	// faster path so we don't need to resolve it again.
	if dep.Pin != "" {
		msg.Debug("Dependency %s has already been pinned. Fetching updates skipped.", dep.Name)
		return nil

	msg.Info("Fetching updates for %s.\n", dep.Name)

	if filterArchOs(dep) {
		msg.Info("%s is not used for %s/%s.\n", dep.Name, runtime.GOOS, runtime.GOARCH)
		return nil

	dest := filepath.Join(vend, dep.Name)
	// If destination doesn't exist we need to perform an initial checkout.
	if _, err := os.Stat(dest); os.IsNotExist(err) {
		if err = VcsGet(dep, dest, inst.Home, inst.UseCache, inst.UseCacheGopath, inst.UseGopath); err != nil {
			msg.Warn("Unable to checkout %s\n", dep.Name)
			return err
	} else {
		// At this point we have a directory for the package.

		// When the directory is not empty and has no VCS directory it's
		// a vendored files situation.
		empty, err := gpath.IsDirectoryEmpty(dest)
		if err != nil {
			return err
		_, err = v.DetectVcsFromFS(dest)
		if inst.UpdateVendored == false && empty == false && err == v.ErrCannotDetectVCS {
			msg.Warn("%s appears to be a vendored package. Unable to update. Consider the '--update-vendored' flag.\n", dep.Name)
		} else {

			if inst.UpdateVendored == true && empty == false && err == v.ErrCannotDetectVCS {
				// A vendored package, no repo, and updating the vendored packages
				// has been opted into.
				msg.Info("%s is a vendored package. Updating.", dep.Name)
				err = os.RemoveAll(dest)
				if err != nil {
					msg.Error("Unable to update vendored dependency %s.\n", dep.Name)
					return err
				} else {
					dep.UpdateAsVendored = true

				if err = VcsGet(dep, dest, inst.Home, inst.UseCache, inst.UseCacheGopath, inst.UseGopath); err != nil {
					msg.Warn("Unable to checkout %s\n", dep.Name)
					return err

				return nil

			repo, err := dep.GetRepo(dest)

			// Tried to checkout a repo to a path that does not work. Either the
			// type or endpoint has changed. Force is being passed in so the old
			// location can be removed and replaced with the new one.
			// Warning, any changes in the old location will be deleted.
			// TODO: Put dirty checking in on the existing local checkout.
			if (err == v.ErrWrongVCS || err == v.ErrWrongRemote) && inst.Force == true {
				var newRemote string
				if len(dep.Repository) > 0 {
					newRemote = dep.Repository
				} else {
					newRemote = "https://" + dep.Name

				msg.Warn("Replacing %s with contents from %s\n", dep.Name, newRemote)
				rerr := os.RemoveAll(dest)
				if rerr != nil {
					return rerr
				if err = VcsGet(dep, dest, inst.Home, inst.UseCache, inst.UseCacheGopath, inst.UseGopath); err != nil {
					msg.Warn("Unable to checkout %s\n", dep.Name)
					return err
			} else if err != nil {
				return err
			} else if repo.IsDirty() {
				return fmt.Errorf("%s contains uncommited changes. Skipping update", dep.Name)
			} else {

				// Check if the current version is a tag or commit id. If it is
				// and that version is already checked out we can skip updating
				// which is faster than going out to the Internet to perform
				// an update.
				if dep.Reference != "" {
					version, err := repo.Version()
					if err != nil {
						return err
					ib, err := isBranch(dep.Reference, repo)
					if err != nil {
						return err

示例10: VcsUpdate

// VcsUpdate updates to a particular checkout based on the VCS setting.
func VcsUpdate(dep *cfg.Dependency, force bool, updated *UpdateTracker) error {

	// If the dependency has already been pinned we can skip it. This is a
	// faster path so we don't need to resolve it again.
	if dep.Pin != "" {
		msg.Debug("Dependency %s has already been pinned. Fetching updates skipped.", dep.Name)
		return nil

	if updated.Check(dep.Name) {
		msg.Debug("%s was already updated, skipping.", dep.Name)
		return nil

	if filterArchOs(dep) {
		msg.Info("%s is not used for %s/%s.\n", dep.Name, runtime.GOOS, runtime.GOARCH)
		return nil

	key, err := cp.Key(dep.Remote())
	if err != nil {
		msg.Die("Cache key generation error: %s", err)
	location := cp.Location()
	dest := filepath.Join(location, "src", key)

	// If destination doesn't exist we need to perform an initial checkout.
	if _, err := os.Stat(dest); os.IsNotExist(err) {
		msg.Info("--> Fetching %s.", dep.Name)
		if err = VcsGet(dep); err != nil {
			msg.Warn("Unable to checkout %s\n", dep.Name)
			return err
	} else {
		// At this point we have a directory for the package.
		msg.Info("--> Fetching updates for %s.", dep.Name)

		// When the directory is not empty and has no VCS directory it's
		// a vendored files situation.
		empty, err := gpath.IsDirectoryEmpty(dest)
		if err != nil {
			return err
		_, err = v.DetectVcsFromFS(dest)
		if empty == true && err == v.ErrCannotDetectVCS {
			msg.Warn("Cached version of %s is an empty directory. Fetching a new copy of the dependency.", dep.Name)
			msg.Debug("Removing empty directory %s", dest)
			err := os.RemoveAll(dest)
			if err != nil {
				return err
			if err = VcsGet(dep); err != nil {
				msg.Warn("Unable to checkout %s\n", dep.Name)
				return err
		} else {
			repo, err := dep.GetRepo(dest)

			// Tried to checkout a repo to a path that does not work. Either the
			// type or endpoint has changed. Force is being passed in so the old
			// location can be removed and replaced with the new one.
			// Warning, any changes in the old location will be deleted.
			// TODO: Put dirty checking in on the existing local checkout.
			if (err == v.ErrWrongVCS || err == v.ErrWrongRemote) && force == true {
				newRemote := dep.Remote()

				msg.Warn("Replacing %s with contents from %s\n", dep.Name, newRemote)
				rerr := os.RemoveAll(dest)
				if rerr != nil {
					return rerr
				if err = VcsGet(dep); err != nil {
					msg.Warn("Unable to checkout %s\n", dep.Name)
					return err

				repo, err = dep.GetRepo(dest)
				if err != nil {
					return err
			} else if err != nil {
				return err
			} else if repo.IsDirty() {
				return fmt.Errorf("%s contains uncommitted changes. Skipping update", dep.Name)

			ver := dep.Reference
			if ver == "" {
				ver = defaultBranch(repo)
			// Check if the current version is a tag or commit id. If it is
			// and that version is already checked out we can skip updating
			// which is faster than going out to the Internet to perform
			// an update.
			if ver != "" {
				version, err := repo.Version()
				if err != nil {
					return err

示例11: VcsVersion

// VcsVersion set the VCS version for a checkout.
func VcsVersion(dep *cfg.Dependency) error {

	// If the dependency has already been pinned we can skip it. This is a
	// faster path so we don't need to resolve it again.
	if dep.Pin != "" {
		msg.Debug("Dependency %s has already been pinned. Setting version skipped.", dep.Name)
		return nil

	key, err := cp.Key(dep.Remote())
	if err != nil {
		msg.Die("Cache key generation error: %s", err)
	location := cp.Location()
	cwd := filepath.Join(location, "src", key)

	// If there is no reference configured there is nothing to set.
	if dep.Reference == "" {
		// Before exiting update the pinned version
		repo, err := dep.GetRepo(cwd)
		if err != nil {
			return err
		dep.Pin, err = repo.Version()
		if err != nil {
			return err
		return nil

	// When the directory is not empty and has no VCS directory it's
	// a vendored files situation.
	empty, err := gpath.IsDirectoryEmpty(cwd)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	_, err = v.DetectVcsFromFS(cwd)
	if empty == false && err == v.ErrCannotDetectVCS {
		return fmt.Errorf("Cache directory missing VCS information for %s", dep.Name)

	repo, err := dep.GetRepo(cwd)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	ver := dep.Reference
	// References in Git can begin with a ^ which is similar to semver.
	// If there is a ^ prefix we assume it's a semver constraint rather than
	// part of the git/VCS commit id.
	if repo.IsReference(ver) && !strings.HasPrefix(ver, "^") {
		msg.Info("--> Setting version for %s to %s.\n", dep.Name, ver)
	} else {

		// Create the constraint first to make sure it's valid before
		// working on the repo.
		constraint, err := semver.NewConstraint(ver)

		// Make sure the constriant is valid. At this point it's not a valid
		// reference so if it's not a valid constrint we can exit early.
		if err != nil {
			msg.Warn("The reference '%s' is not valid\n", ver)
			return err

		// Get the tags and branches (in that order)
		refs, err := getAllVcsRefs(repo)
		if err != nil {
			return err

		// Convert and filter the list to semver.Version instances
		semvers := getSemVers(refs)

		// Sort semver list
		found := false
		for _, v := range semvers {
			if constraint.Check(v) {
				found = true
				// If the constrint passes get the original reference
				ver = v.Original()
		if found {
			msg.Info("--> Detected semantic version. Setting version for %s to %s.", dep.Name, ver)
		} else {
			msg.Warn("--> Unable to find semantic version for constraint %s %s", dep.Name, ver)
	if err := repo.UpdateVersion(ver); err != nil {
		return err
	dep.Pin, err = repo.Version()
	if err != nil {
		return err










Golang vcs.NewGitRepo函数代码示例发布时间:2022-05-23
Golang squirrel.Select函数代码示例发布时间:2022-05-23





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