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    在go.js官网下载了js文件,在使用的过程中发现免费版的js自带水印╮(╯▽╰)╭ 简直不能忍。


    版本 GoJS version 1.7 。新建一个go.js文件将下面js代码Copy即可使用。

(function (window) {
    var g, ca = {}; if (!window.document || void 0 === window.document.createElement("canvas").getContext) throw window.console && window.console.log("The HTML Canvas element is not supported in this browser,or this browser is in Compatibility mode."), Error("The HTML Canvas element is not supported in this browser,or this browser is in Compatibility mode."); if (!Object.defineProperty) throw Error("GoJS requires a newer version of JavaScript");
    Function.prototype.bind || (Function.prototype.bind = function (a) { function b() { return f.apply(a, e.concat(d.call(arguments))) } function c() { } var d = Array.prototype.slice, e = d.call(arguments, 1), f = this; c.prototype = this.prototype; b.prototype = new c; return b });
    (function () {
        for (var a = 0, b = ["ms", "moz", "webkit", "o"], c = 0; c < b.length && !window.requestAnimationFrame; ++c)window.requestAnimationFrame = window[b[c] + "RequestAnimationFrame"], window.cancelAnimationFrame = window[b[c] + "CancelAnimationFrame"] || window[b[c] + "CancelRequestAnimationFrame"]; window.requestAnimationFrame || (window.requestAnimationFrame = function (b) { var c = (new Date).getTime(), f = Math.max(8, 16 - (c - a)), h = window.setTimeout(function () { b(c + f) }, f); a = c + f; return h }); window.cancelAnimationFrame || (window.cancelAnimationFrame =
            function (a) { window.clearTimeout(a) })
    })(); ca.Debug = null;
    var w = {
        ld: 1, Sc: 2, bd: 4, ad: 8, Fn: void 0 !== window.navigator && 0 < window.navigator.userAgent.indexOf("534.30") && 0 < window.navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Android"), wI: void 0 !== window.navigator && 0 < window.navigator.userAgent.indexOf("MSIE 9.0"), oF: void 0 !== window.navigator && 0 < window.navigator.userAgent.indexOf("MSIE 10.0"), pF: void 0 !== window.navigator && 0 < window.navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Trident/7"), cL: void 0 !== window.navigator && 0 < window.navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Edge/"), Gk: void 0 !== window.navigator && void 0 !==
            window.navigator.platform && 0 <= window.navigator.platform.toUpperCase().indexOf("MAC"), qF: void 0 !== window.navigator && void 0 !== window.navigator.platform && null !== window.navigator.platform.match(/(iPhone|iPod|iPad)/i), AE: function (a, b, c) { var d = -1; return function () { var e = this, f = arguments; -1 !== d && w.clearTimeout(d); d = w.setTimeout(function () { d = -1; c || a.apply(e, f) }, b); c && !d && a.apply(e, f) } }, setTimeout: function (a, b) { return window.setTimeout(a, b) }, clearTimeout: function (a) { window.clearTimeout(a) }, createElement: function (a) { return window.document.createElement(a) },
        k: function (a) { throw Error(a); }, la: function (a, b) { var c = "The object is frozen, so its properties cannot be set: " + a.toString(); void 0 !== b && (c += "  to value: " + b); w.k(c) }, G: function (a, b, c, d) { a instanceof b || (c = w.getTypeName(c), void 0 !== d && (c += "." + d), w.Bd(a, b, c)) }, j: function (a, b, c, d) { typeof a !== b && (c = w.getTypeName(c), void 0 !== d && (c += "." + d), w.Bd(a, b, c)) }, vd: function (a, b, c) {
        "number" === typeof a && isFinite(a) || (b = w.getTypeName(b), void 0 !== c && (b += "." + c), w.k(b + " must be a real number type, and not NaN or Infinity: " +
        }, mb: function (a, b, c, d) { a instanceof ea && a.Ee === b || (c = w.getTypeName(c), void 0 !== d && (c += "." + d), w.Bd(a, "a constant of class " + w.kf(b), c)) }, BK: function (a, b) { "string" === typeof a ? fa(a) || w.k(\'Color "\' + a + \'" is not a valid color string for \' + b) : a instanceof ha || w.k("Value for " + b + " must be a color string or a Brush, not " + a) }, Bd: function (a, b, c, d) {
            b = w.getTypeName(b); c = w.getTypeName(c); void 0 !== d && (c += "." + d); "string" === typeof a ? w.k(c + " value is not an instance of " + b + \': "\' + a + \'"\') : w.k(c + " value is not an instance of " +
                b + ": " + a)
        }, Fa: function (a, b, c, d) { c = w.getTypeName(c); void 0 !== d && (c += "." + d); w.k(c + " is not in the range " + b + ": " + a) }, jd: function (a) { w.k(w.kf(a) + " constructor cannot take any arguments.") }, Ma: function (a) { w.k("Collection was modified during iteration: " + a.toString() + "\n  Perhaps you should iterate over a copy of the collection,\n  or you could collect items to be removed from the collection after the iteration.") }, Ej: function (a, b) { w.k("No property to set for this enum value: " + b + " on " + a.toString()) },
        trace: function (a) { window.console && window.console.log(a) }, hx: {}, Ht: function (a, b) { !0 !== w.hx[a] && (w.hx[a] = !0, window.console && window.console.log(a + " is deprecated in " + b + ", see the GoJS change log for more information.")) }, Pa: function (a) { return "object" === typeof a && null !== a }, isArray: function (a) { return Array.isArray(a) || a instanceof NodeList || a instanceof HTMLCollection }, yI: function (a) { return Array.isArray(a) }, Wz: function (a, b, c) { w.isArray(a) || w.Bd(a, "Array or NodeList or HTMLCollection", b, c) }, Za: function (a) { return a.length },
        Jl: function (a) { return Array.prototype.slice.call(a) }, Ba: function (a, b) { Array.isArray(a); return a[b] }, qE: function (a, b, c) { Array.isArray(a) ? a[b] = c : w.k("Cannot replace an object in an HTMLCollection or NodeList at " + b) }, Gl: function (a, b) { if (Array.isArray(a)) return a.indexOf(b); for (var c = a.length, d = 0; d < c; d++)if (a[d] === b) return d; return -1 }, sh: function (a, b, c) { Array.isArray(a) ? b >= a.length ? a.push(c) : a.splice(b, 0, c) : w.k("Cannot insert an object into an HTMLCollection or NodeList: " + c + " at " + b) }, Kg: function (a,
            b) { Array.isArray(a) ? b >= a.length ? a.pop() : a.splice(b, 1) : w.k("Cannot remove an object from an HTMLCollection or NodeList at " + b) }, zy: [], K: function () { var a = w.zy.pop(); return void 0 === a ? new z : a }, xb: function (a, b) { var c = w.zy.pop(); if (void 0 === c) return new z(a, b); c.x = a; c.y = b; return c }, v: function (a) { w.zy.push(a) }, MB: [], jm: function () { var a = w.MB.pop(); return void 0 === a ? new ia : a }, Bk: function (a) { w.MB.push(a) }, Ay: [], If: function () { var a = w.Ay.pop(); return void 0 === a ? new B : a }, jg: function (a, b, c, d) {
                var e = w.Ay.pop();
                if (void 0 === e) return new B(a, b, c, d); e.x = a; e.y = b; e.width = c; e.height = d; return e
            }, Db: function (a) { w.Ay.push(a) }, NB: [], Jf: function () { var a = w.NB.pop(); return void 0 === a ? new ja : a }, we: function (a) { w.NB.push(a) }, By: null, s: function () { var a = w.By; return null !== a ? (w.By = null, a) : new ka }, q: function (a) { a.reset(); w.By = a }, LB: [], cb: function () { var a = w.LB.pop(); return void 0 === a ? [] : a }, ua: function (a) { a.length = 0; w.LB.push(a) }, io: Object.freeze([]), nm: 1, nc: function (a) { a.__gohashid = w.nm++ }, Vp: function (a) {
                var b = a.__gohashid;
                void 0 === b && (b = w.nm++ , a.__gohashid = b); return b
            }, Nd: function (a) { return a.__gohashid }, ga: function (a, b) { b.Ky = a; ca[a] = b }, Ka: function (a, b) { function c() { } c.prototype = b.prototype; a.prototype = new c; a.prototype.constructor = a }, ni: function (a) { a.WG = !0 }, defineProperty: function (a, b, c, d, e) {
                w.j(a, "function", "Util.defineProperty:classfunc"); w.j(b, "object", "Util.defineProperty:propobj"); w.j(c, "function", "Util.defineProperty:getter"); w.j(d, "function", "Util.defineProperty:setter"); for (var f in b) {
                    b = b[f]; c = {
                        get: c, set: d,
                        enumerable: !0
                    }; if (void 0 !== e) for (var h in e) c[h] = e[h]; Object.defineProperty(a.prototype, f, c); e = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(a.prototype, f); b && e && Object.defineProperty(a.prototype, b, e); break
            }, aK: !1, u: function (a, b, c, d) {
                w.j(a, "function", "Util.defineReadOnlyProperty:classfunc"); w.j(b, "object", "Util.defineReadOnlyProperty:propobj"); w.j(c, "function", "Util.defineReadOnlyProperty:getter"); for (var e in b) {
                    var f = b[e]; b = {
                        get: c, set: function (a) {
                            w.k(\'The property "\' + f + \'" is read-only and cannot be set to \' +
                        }, enumerable: !0
                    }; if (void 0 !== d) for (var h in d) b[h] = d[h]; Object.defineProperty(a.prototype, e, b); d = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(a.prototype, e); f && d && Object.defineProperty(a.prototype, f, d); break
            }, ce: function (a, b) { for (var c in b) b[c] = !0; a.prototype.SG = b }, getTypeName: function (a) { return void 0 === a ? "" : "string" === typeof a ? a : "function" === typeof a ? w.kf(a) : null === a ? "*" : "" }, kf: function (a) {
                if ("function" === typeof a) {
                    if (a.Ky) return a.Ky; if (a.name) return a.name; var b = a.toString(), c = b.indexOf("("), b = b.substring(9,
                        c).trim(); if ("" !== b) return a.Ky = b
                } else if ("object" === typeof a && a.constructor) return w.kf(a.constructor); return typeof a
            }, p: function (a, b, c) { w.j(a, "function", "Util.defineEnumValue:classfunc"); w.j(b, "string", "Util.defineEnumValue:name"); w.j(c, "number", "Util.defineEnumValue:num"); c = new ea(a, b, c); Object.freeze(c); a[b] = c; var d = a.Tu; d instanceof la || (d = new la("string", ea), a.Tu = d); d.add(b, c); return c }, tb: function (a, b) {
                if (!a || !b) return null; var c = void 0; try {
                    "function" === typeof b ? c = b(a) : "function" === typeof a.getAttribute ?
                        (c = a.getAttribute(b), null === c && (c = void 0)) : c = a[b]
                } catch (d) { } return c
            }, La: function (a, b, c) { if (a && b) try { "function" === typeof b ? b(a, c) : "function" === typeof a.setAttribute ? a.setAttribute(b, c) : a[b] = c } catch (d) { } }, Iu: function (a, b) {
                w.j(a, "object", "Setting properties requires Objects as arguments"); w.j(b, "object", "Setting properties requires Objects as arguments"); var c = a instanceof C, d = a instanceof D, e; for (e in b) {
                "" === e && w.k("Setting properties requires non-empty property names"); var f = a, h = e; if (c || d) {
                    var k =
                        e.indexOf("."); if (0 < k) { var l = e.substring(0, k); if (c) f = a.xd(l); else if (f = a[l], void 0 === f || null === f) f = a.eb[l]; w.Pa(f) ? h = e.substr(k + 1) : w.k("Unable to find object named: " + l + " in " + a.toString() + " when trying to set property: " + e) }
                } if ("_" !== h[0] && !w.fF(f, h)) if (d && "ModelChanged" === h) { a.hH(b[h]); continue } else if (d && "Changed" === h) { a.gn(b[h]); continue } else if (d && w.fF(a.eb, h)) f = a.eb; else if (d && oa(a, h)) { a.Nw(h, b[h]); continue } else if (a instanceof F && "Changed" === h) { a.gn(b[h]); continue } else w.k(\'Trying to set undefined property "\' +
                    h + \'" on object: \' + f.toString()); f[h] = b[e]; "_" === h[0] && f instanceof G && f.eH(h)
            }, fF: function (a, b) { if (a.hasOwnProperty(b)) return !0; for (var c = Object.getPrototypeOf(a); c && c !== Function;) { if (c.hasOwnProperty(b)) return !0; var d = c.SG; if (d && d[b]) return !0; c = Object.getPrototypeOf(c) } return !1 }, lJ: function (a) {
                for (var b = [], c = 0; 256 > c; c++)b[c] = c; for (var d = 0, e = 0, c = 0; 256 > c; c++)d = (d + b[c] + 119) % 256, e = b[c], b[c] = b[d], b[d] = e; for (var d = c = 0, f = "", h = 0; h < a.length; h++)c = (c + 1) % 256, d = (d + b[c]) % 256, e = b[c], b[c] = b[d], b[d] = e, f += String.fromCharCode(a.charCodeAt(h) ^
                    b[(b[c] + b[d]) % 256]); return f
            }, kI: function (a) { for (var b = {}, c = 0; 256 > c; c++)b["0123456789abcdef".charAt(c >> 4) + "0123456789abcdef".charAt(c & 15)] = String.fromCharCode(c); a.length % 2 && (a = "0" + a); for (var d = [], e = 0, c = 0; c < a.length; c += 2)d[e++] = b[a.substr(c, 2)]; a = d.join(""); return "" === a ? "0" : a }, Lg: function (a) { return w.lJ(w.kI(a)) }, lm: null, adym: "7da71ca0ad381e90", vfo: "2be641fdb261", tH: "@COLOR1", uH: "@COLOR2", BE: !1, Et: null, Ft: null
    w.lm = function () {
        var a = window.document.createElement("canvas"), b = a.getContext("2d");
        //b[w.Lg("7ca11abfd022028846")] = w.Lg("398c3597c01238");
        //for (var c = ["5da73c80a36755d3038e4972187c3cae51fd22", "32ab5ff3b26f42dc0ed90f22432913b54ae6247590da4bb21c324ba3a84e385776", "54a702f3e53909c447824c6706603faf4cfb236cdfda5de14c134ba1a95a2d4c7cc6f93c1387", "74bf19bce72555874c86"], d = 1; 5 > d; d++)b[w.Lg("7ca11abfd7330390")](w.Lg(c[d - 1]), 10, 15 * d + 0); b[w.Lg("7ca11abfd022028846")] = w.Lg("39f046ebb36e4b"); for (d = 1; 5 > d; d++)b[w.Lg("7ca11abfd7330390")](w.Lg(c[d -
        //    1]), 10, 15 * d + 0); if (4 !== c.length || "5" !== c[0][0] || "7" !== c[3][0]) w.p = function (a, b) { var c = new ea(a, b, 2); Object.freeze(c); a[b] = c; var d = a.Tu; d instanceof la || (d = new la("string", ea), a.Tu = d); d.add(b, c); return c };
        return a
    }(); function ea(a, b, c) { w.nc(this); this.$B = a; this.Sb = b; this.$G = c } w.ga("EnumValue", ea); ea.prototype.toString = function () { return w.kf(this.$B) + "." + this.Sb }; w.u(ea, { Ee: "classType" }, function () { return this.$B }); w.u(ea, { name: "name" }, function () { return this.Sb }); w.u(ea, { value: "value" }, function () { return this.$G });
    var pa; ea.findName = pa = function (a, b) { if (void 0 === b || null === b || "" === b) return null; w.j(a, "function", "findName:classfunc"); w.j(b, "string", "EnumValue.findName:name"); var c = a.Tu; return c instanceof la ? c.ja(b) : null }; function ra() { this.YB = [] } ra.prototype.toString = function () { return this.YB.join("") }; ra.prototype.add = function (a) { "" !== a && this.YB.push(a) }; function sa() { }
    function ta(a) { void 0 === a && (a = 42); this.seed = a; this.vy = 48271; this.Su = 2147483647; this.KB = this.Su / this.vy; this.HG = this.Su % this.vy; this.GG = 1 / this.Su; this.random() } ta.prototype.random = function () { var a = this.seed % this.KB * this.vy - this.seed / this.KB * this.HG; this.seed = 0 < a ? a : a + this.Su; return this.seed * this.GG }; function ua() { } w.u(ua, { i: "iterator" }, function () { return this }); ua.prototype.reset = ua.prototype.reset = function () { }; ua.prototype.next = ua.prototype.next = function () { return !1 }; ua.prototype.hasNext = function () { return !1 };
    ua.prototype.first = ua.prototype.first = function () { return null }; ua.prototype.any = function () { return !1 }; ua.prototype.all = function () { return !0 }; ua.prototype.each = function () { return this }; ua.prototype.map = function () { return this }; ua.prototype.filter = function () { return this }; ua.prototype.concat = function (a) { return a.i }; w.u(ua, { count: "count" }, function () { return 0 }); ua.prototype.Lf = function () { }; ua.prototype.toString = function () { return "EmptyIterator" }; var va = new ua; function wa(a) { this.key = -1; this.value = a }
    w.ce(wa, { key: !0, value: !0 }); w.u(wa, { i: "iterator" }, function () { return this }); wa.prototype.reset = wa.prototype.reset = function () { this.key = -1 }; wa.prototype.next = wa.prototype.next = function () { return -1 === this.key ? (this.key = 0, !0) : !1 }; wa.prototype.hasNext = function () { return this.next() }; wa.prototype.first = wa.prototype.first = function () { this.key = 0; return this.value }; wa.prototype.any = function (a) { this.key = -1; return a(this.value) }; wa.prototype.all = function (a) { this.key = -1; return a(this.value) };
    wa.prototype.each = function (a) { this.key = -1; a(this.value); return this }; wa.prototype.map = function (a) { return new wa(a(this.value)) }; wa.prototype.filter = function (a) { return a(this.value) ? new wa(this.value) : va }; wa.prototype.concat = function (a) { return new xa(this, a.i) }; w.u(wa, { count: "count" }, function () { return 1 }); wa.prototype.Lf = function () { this.value = null }; wa.prototype.toString = function () { return "SingletonIterator(" + this.value + ")" }; function xa(a, b) { this.kl = a; this.ll = b; this.Uu = !1 } w.ce(xa, { key: !0, value: !0 });
    w.u(xa, { i: "iterator" }, function () { return this }); xa.prototype.reset = xa.prototype.reset = function () { this.kl.reset(); this.ll.reset(); this.Uu = !1 }; xa.prototype.next = xa.prototype.next = function () { if (!this.Uu) { var a = this.kl; if (a.next()) return this.key = a.key, this.value = a.value, !0; this.Uu = !0 } return this.Uu && (a = this.ll, a.next()) ? (this.key = a.key, this.value = a.value, !0) : !1 }; xa.prototype.hasNext = function () { return this.next() };
    xa.prototype.first = xa.prototype.first = function () { this.reset(); return this.next() ? this.value : null }; xa.prototype.any = function (a) { return this.kl.any(a) || this.ll.any(a) ? !0 : !1 }; xa.prototype.all = function (a) { return this.kl.all(a) && this.ll.all(a) ? !0 : !1 }; xa.prototype.each = function (a) { this.kl.each(a); this.ll.each(a); return this }; xa.prototype.map = function (a) { return new xa(this.kl.map(a), this.ll.map(a)) }; xa.prototype.filter = function (a) { return new xa(this.kl.filter(a), this.ll.filter(a)) };
    xa.prototype.concat = function (a) { return new xa(this, a.i) }; w.u(xa, { count: "count" }, function () { return this.kl.count + this.ll.count }); xa.prototype.Lf = function () { this.value = this.key = null }; xa.prototype.toString = function () { return "ConcatIterator()" }; function ya(a) { this.xc = a; this.$h = null; a.Qb = null; this.Sa = a.F; this.wc = -1 } w.ce(ya, { key: !0, value: !0 }); w.u(ya, { i: "iterator" }, function () { return this }); w.defineProperty(ya, { iq: "predicate" }, function () { return this.$h }, function (a) { this.$h = a });
    ya.prototype.reset = ya.prototype.reset = function () { var a = this.xc; a.Qb = null; this.Sa = a.F; this.wc = -1 }; ya.prototype.next = ya.prototype.next = function () { var a = this.xc; if (a.F !== this.Sa) { if (0 > this.key) return !1; w.Ma(a) } var a = a.n, b = a.length, c = ++this.wc, d = this.$h; if (null !== d) for (; c < b;) { var e = a[c]; if (d(e)) return this.key = this.wc = c, this.value = e, !0; c++ } else { if (c < b) return this.key = c, this.value = a[c], !0; this.Lf() } return !1 }; ya.prototype.hasNext = function () { return this.next() };
    ya.prototype.first = ya.prototype.first = function () { var a = this.xc; this.Sa = a.F; this.wc = 0; var a = a.n, b = a.length, c = this.$h; if (null !== c) { for (var d = 0; d < b;) { var e = a[d]; if (c(e)) return this.key = this.wc = d, this.value = e; d++ } return null } return 0 < b ? (e = a[0], this.key = 0, this.value = e) : null }; ya.prototype.any = function (a) { var b = this.xc; b.Qb = null; var c = b.F; this.wc = -1; for (var d = b.n, e = d.length, f = this.$h, h = 0; h < e; h++) { var k = d[h]; if (null === f || f(k)) { if (a(k)) return !0; b.F !== c && w.Ma(b) } } return !1 };
    ya.prototype.all = function (a) { var b = this.xc; b.Qb = null; var c = b.F; this.wc = -1; for (var d = b.n, e = d.length, f = this.$h, h = 0; h < e; h++) { var k = d[h]; if (null === f || f(k)) { if (!a(k)) return !1; b.F !== c && w.Ma(b) } } return !0 }; ya.prototype.each = function (a) { var b = this.xc; b.Qb = null; var c = b.F; this.wc = -1; for (var d = b.n, e = d.length, f = this.$h, h = 0; h < e; h++) { var k = d[h]; if (null === f || f(k)) a(k), b.F !== c && w.Ma(b) } return this };
    ya.prototype.map = function (a) { var b = this.xc; b.Qb = null; var c = b.F; this.wc = -1; for (var d = [], e = b.n, f = e.length, h = this.$h, k = 0; k < f; k++) { var l = e[k]; if (null === h || h(l)) d.push(a(l)), b.F !== c && w.Ma(b) } a = new H; a.n = d; a.Hc(); return a.i }; ya.prototype.filter = function (a) { var b = this.xc; b.Qb = null; var c = b.F; this.wc = -1; for (var d = [], e = b.n, f = e.length, h = this.$h, k = 0; k < f; k++) { var l = e[k]; if (null === h || h(l)) a(l) && d.push(l), b.F !== c && w.Ma(b) } a = new H(b.ma); a.n = d; a.Hc(); return a.i };
    ya.prototype.concat = function (a) { this.xc.Qb = null; return new xa(this, a.i) }; w.u(ya, { count: "count" }, function () { var a = this.$h; if (null !== a) { for (var b = 0, c = this.xc.n, d = c.length, e = 0; e < d; e++)a(c[e]) && b++; return b } return this.xc.n.length }); ya.prototype.Lf = function () { this.key = -1; this.value = null; this.Sa = -1; this.$h = null; this.xc.Qb = this }; ya.prototype.toString = function () { return "ListIterator@" + this.wc + "/" + this.xc.count }; function Aa(a) { this.xc = a; a.Ni = null; this.Sa = a.F; this.wc = a.n.length } w.ce(Aa, { key: !0, value: !0 });
    w.u(Aa, { i: "iterator" }, function () { return this }); Aa.prototype.reset = Aa.prototype.reset = function () { var a = this.xc; a.Ni = null; this.Sa = a.F; this.wc = a.n.length }; Aa.prototype.next = Aa.prototype.next = function () { var a = this.xc; if (a.F !== this.Sa) { if (0 > this.key) return !1; w.Ma(a) } var b = --this.wc; if (0 <= b) return this.key = b, this.value = a.n[b], !0; this.Lf(); return !1 }; Aa.prototype.hasNext = function () { return this.next() };
    Aa.prototype.first = Aa.prototype.first = function () { var a = this.xc; this.Sa = a.F; var b = a.n; this.wc = a = b.length - 1; return 0 <= a ? (b = b[a], this.key = a, this.value = b) : null }; Aa.prototype.any = function (a) { var b = this.xc; b.Ni = null; var c = b.F, d = b.n, e = d.length; this.wc = e; for (e -= 1; 0 <= e; e--) { if (a(d[e])) return !0; b.F !== c && w.Ma(b) } return !1 }; Aa.prototype.all = function (a) { var b = this.xc; b.Ni = null; var c = b.F, d = b.n, e = d.length; this.wc = e; for (e -= 1; 0 <= e; e--) { if (!a(d[e])) return !1; b.F !== c && w.Ma(b) } return !0 };
    Aa.prototype.each = function (a) { var b = this.xc; b.Ni = null; var c = b.F, d = b.n, e = d.length; this.wc = e; for (e -= 1; 0 <= e; e--)a(d[e]), b.F !== c && w.Ma(b); return this }; Aa.prototype.map = function (a) { var b = this.xc; b.Ni = null; var c = b.F, d = [], e = b.n, f = e.length; this.wc = f; for (f -= 1; 0 <= f; f--)d.push(a(e[f])), b.F !== c && w.Ma(b); a = new H; a.n = d; a.Hc(); return a.i };
    Aa.prototype.filter = function (a) { var b = this.xc; b.Ni = null; var c = b.F, d = [], e = b.n, f = e.length; this.wc = f; for (f -= 1; 0 <= f; f--) { var h = e[f]; a(h) && d.push(h); b.F !== c && w.Ma(b) } a = new H(b.ma); a.n = d; a.Hc(); return a.i }; Aa.prototype.concat = function (a) { this.xc.Ni = null; return new xa(this, a.i) }; w.u(Aa, { count: "count" }, function () { return this.xc.n.length }); Aa.prototype.Lf = function () { this.key = -1; this.value = null; this.Sa = -1; this.xc.Ni = this };
    Aa.prototype.toString = function () { return "ListIteratorBackwards(" + this.wc + "/" + this.xc.count + ")" };
    function H(a) {
        w.nc(this); this.Q = !1; this.n = []; this.F = 0; this.Ni = this.Qb = null; void 0 === a || null === a ? this.ma = null : "string" === typeof a ? "object" === a || "string" === a || "number" === a || "boolean" === a || "function" === a ? this.ma = a : w.Fa(a, "the string \'object\', \'number\', \'string\', \'boolean\', or \'function\'", "List constructor: type") : "function" === typeof a ? this.ma = a === Object ? "object" : a === String ? "string" : a === Number ? "number" : a === Boolean ? "boolean" : a === Function ? "function" : a : w.Fa(a, "null, a primitive type name, or a class type",
            "List constructor: type")
    } w.ga("List", H); H.prototype.Hc = function () { var a = this.F; a++; 999999999 < a && (a = 0); this.F = a }; H.prototype.freeze = H.prototype.freeze = function () { this.Q = !0; return this }; H.prototype.thaw = H.prototype.Qa = function () { this.Q = !1; return this }; H.prototype.toString = function () { return "List(" + w.getTypeName(this.ma) + ")#" + w.Nd(this) }; H.prototype.add = H.prototype.add = function (a) { null !== a && (this.Q && w.la(this, a), this.n.push(a), this.Hc()) }; H.prototype.push = H.prototype.push = function (a) { this.add(a) };
    H.prototype.addAll = H.prototype.Jc = function (a) { if (null === a) return this; this.Q && w.la(this); var b = this.n; if (w.isArray(a)) for (var c = w.Za(a), d = 0; d < c; d++) { var e = w.Ba(a, d); b.push(e) } else for (a = a.i; a.next();)e = a.value, b.push(e); this.Hc(); return this }; H.prototype.clear = H.prototype.clear = function () { this.Q && w.la(this); this.n.length = 0; this.Hc() }; H.prototype.contains = H.prototype.contains = function (a) { return null === a ? !1 : -1 !== this.n.indexOf(a) }; H.prototype.has = H.prototype.has = function (a) { return this.contains(a) };
    H.prototype.indexOf = H.prototype.indexOf = function (a) { return null === a ? -1 : this.n.indexOf(a) }; H.prototype.elt = H.prototype.ea = function (a) { var b = this.n; (0 > a || a >= b.length) && w.Fa(a, "0 <= i < length", H, "elt:i"); return b[a] }; H.prototype.get = H.prototype.get = function (a) { return this.ea(a) }; H.prototype.setElt = H.prototype.ig = function (a, b) { var c = this.n; (0 > a || a >= c.length) && w.Fa(a, "0 <= i < length", H, "setElt:i"); this.Q && w.la(this, a); c[a] = b }; H.prototype.set = H.prototype.set = function (a, b) { this.ig(a, b) };
    H.prototype.first = H.prototype.first = function () { var a = this.n; return 0 === a.length ? null : a[0] }; H.prototype.last = H.prototype.fe = function () { var a = this.n, b = a.length; return 0 < b ? a[b - 1] : null }; H.prototype.pop = H.prototype.pop = function () { this.Q && w.la(this); var a = this.n; return 0 < a.length ? a.pop() : null }; H.prototype.any = function (a) { for (var b = this.n, c = this.F, d = b.length, e = 0; e < d; e++) { if (a(b[e])) return !0; this.F !== c && w.Ma(this) } return !1 };
    H.prototype.all = function (a) { for (var b = this.n, c = this.F, d = b.length, e = 0; e < d; e++) { if (!a(b[e])) return !1; this.F !== c && w.Ma(this) } return !0 }; H.prototype.each = function (a) { for (var b = this.n, c = this.F, d = b.length, e = 0; e < d; e++)a(b[e]), this.F !== c && w.Ma(this); return this }; H.prototype.map = function (a) { for (var b = new H, c = [], d = this.n, e = this.F, f = d.length, h = 0; h < f; h++)c.push(a(d[h])), this.F !== e && w.Ma(this); b.n = c; b.Hc(); return b };
    H.prototype.filter = function (a) { for (var b = new H(this.ma), c = [], d = this.n, e = this.F, f = d.length, h = 0; h < f; h++) { var k = d[h]; a(k) && c.push(k); this.F !== e && w.Ma(this) } b.n = c; b.Hc(); return b }; H.prototype.concat = function (a) { return this.copy().Jc(a) }; H.prototype.insertAt = H.prototype.Pd = function (a, b) { 0 > a && w.Fa(a, ">= 0", H, "insertAt:i"); this.Q && w.la(this, a); var c = this.n; a >= c.length ? c.push(b) : c.splice(a, 0, b); this.Hc(); return !0 };
    H.prototype.remove = H.prototype["delete"] = H.prototype.remove = function (a) { if (null === a) return !1; this.Q && w.la(this, a); var b = this.n; a = b.indexOf(a); if (-1 === a) return !1; a === b.length - 1 ? b.pop() : b.splice(a, 1); this.Hc(); return !0 }; H.prototype.removeAt = H.prototype.$c = function (a) { var b = this.n; (0 > a || a >= b.length) && w.Fa(a, "0 <= i < length", H, "removeAt:i"); this.Q && w.la(this, a); a === b.length - 1 ? b.pop() : b.splice(a, 1); this.Hc() };
    H.prototype.removeRange = H.prototype.removeRange = function (a, b) { var c = this.n, d = c.length; if (0 > a) a = 0; else if (a >= d) return this; if (0 > b) return this; b >= d && (b = d - 1); if (a > b) return this; this.Q && w.la(this); for (var e = a, f = b + 1; f < d;)c[e++] = c[f++]; c.length = d - (b - a + 1); this.Hc(); return this }; H.prototype.copy = function () { var a = new H(this.ma), b = this.n; 0 < b.length && (a.n = Array.prototype.slice.call(b)); return a }; H.prototype.toArray = H.prototype.gc = function () { for (var a = this.n, b = this.count, c = Array(b), d = 0; d < b; d++)c[d] = a[d]; return c };
    H.prototype.toSet = H.prototype.vG = function () { for (var a = new I(this.ma), b = this.n, c = this.count, d = 0; d < c; d++)a.add(b[d]); return a }; H.prototype.sort = H.prototype.sort = function (a) { this.Q && w.la(this); this.n.sort(a); this.Hc(); return this };
    H.prototype.sortRange = H.prototype.wq = function (a, b, c) {
        var d = this.n, e = d.length; void 0 === b && (b = 0); void 0 === c && (c = e); this.Q && w.la(this); var f = c - b; if (1 >= f) return this; (0 > b || b >= e - 1) && w.Fa(b, "0 <= from < length", H, "sortRange:from"); if (2 === f) return c = d[b], e = d[b + 1], 0 < a(c, e) && (d[b] = e, d[b + 1] = c, this.Hc()), this; if (0 === b) if (c >= e) d.sort(a); else for (f = d.slice(0, c), f.sort(a), a = 0; a < c; a++)d[a] = f[a]; else if (c >= e) for (f = d.slice(b), f.sort(a), a = b; a < e; a++)d[a] = f[a - b]; else for (f = d.slice(b, c), f.sort(a), a = b; a < c; a++)d[a] = f[a -
            b]; this.Hc(); return this
    }; H.prototype.reverse = H.prototype.reverse = function () { this.Q && w.la(this); this.n.reverse(); this.Hc(); return this }; w.u(H, { count: "count" }, function () { return this.n.length }); w.u(H, { size: "size" }, function () { return this.n.length }); w.u(H, { length: "length" }, function () { return this.n.length }); w.u(H, { i: "iterator" }, function () { if (0 >= this.n.length) return va; var a = this.Qb; return null !== a ? (a.reset(), a) : new ya(this) });
    w.u(H, { In: "iteratorBackwards" }, function () { if (0 >= this.n.length) return va; var a = this.Ni; return null !== a ? (a.reset(), a) : new Aa(this) }); function Ba(a) { this.bi = a; a.Qb = null; this.Sa = a.F; this.Va = null } w.ce(Ba, { key: !0, value: !0 }); w.u(Ba, { i: "iterator" }, function () { return this }); Ba.prototype.reset = Ba.prototype.reset = function () { var a = this.bi; a.Qb = null; this.Sa = a.F; this.Va = null };
    Ba.prototype.next = Ba.prototype.next = function () { var a = this.bi; if (a.F !== this.Sa) { if (null === this.key) return !1; w.Ma(a) } var b = this.Va, b = null === b ? a.Ea : b.Xa; if (null !== b) return this.Va = b, this.value = b.value, this.key = b.key, !0; this.Lf(); return !1 }; Ba.prototype.hasNext = function () { return this.next() }; Ba.prototype.first = Ba.prototype.first = function () { var a = this.bi; this.Sa = a.F; a = a.Ea; if (null !== a) { this.Va = a; var b = a.value; this.key = a.key; return this.value = b } return null };
    Ba.prototype.any = function (a) { var b = this.bi; b.Qb = null; var c = b.F; this.Va = null; for (var d = b.Ea; null !== d;) { if (a(d.value)) return !0; b.F !== c && w.Ma(b); d = d.Xa } return !1 }; Ba.prototype.all = function (a) { var b = this.bi; b.Qb = null; var c = b.F; this.Va = null; for (var d = b.Ea; null !== d;) { if (!a(d.value)) return !1; b.F !== c && w.Ma(b); d = d.Xa } return !0 }; Ba.prototype.each = function (a) { var b = this.bi; b.Qb = null; var c = b.F; this.Va = null; for (var d = b.Ea; null !== d;)a(d.value), b.F !== c && w.Ma(b), d = d.Xa; return this };
    Ba.prototype.map = function (a) { var b = this.bi; b.Qb = null; for (var c = new H, d = b.F, e = b.Ea; null !== e;)c.add(a(e.value)), b.F !== d && w.Ma(b), e = e.Xa; return c.i }; Ba.prototype.filter = function (a) { var b = this.bi; b.Qb = null; for (var c = new H(b.ma), d = b.F, e = b.Ea; null !== e;) { var f = e.value; a(f) && c.add(f); b.F !== d && w.Ma(b); e = e.Xa } return c.i }; Ba.prototype.concat = function (a) { this.bi.Qb = null; return new xa(this, a.i) }; w.u(Ba, { count: "count" }, function () { return this.bi.od });
    Ba.prototype.Lf = function () { this.value = this.key = null; this.Sa = -1; this.bi.Qb = this }; Ba.prototype.toString = function () { return null !== this.Va ? "SetIterator@" + this.Va.value : "SetIterator" };
    function I(a) { w.nc(this); this.Q = !1; void 0 === a || null === a ? this.ma = null : "string" === typeof a ? "object" === a || "string" === a || "number" === a ? this.ma = a : w.Fa(a, "the string \'object\', \'number\' or \'string\'", "Set constructor: type") : "function" === typeof a ? this.ma = a === Object ? "object" : a === String ? "string" : a === Number ? "number" : a : w.Fa(a, "null, a primitive type name, or a class type", "Set constructor: type"); this.pd = {}; this.od = 0; this.Qb = null; this.F = 0; this.Vh = this.Ea = null } w.ga("Set", I);
    I.prototype.Hc = function () { var a = this.F; a++; 999999999 < a && (a = 0); this.F = a }; I.prototype.freeze = I.prototype.freeze = function () { this.Q = !0; return this }; I.prototype.thaw = I.prototype.Qa = function () { this.Q = !1; return this }; I.prototype.toString = function () { return "Set(" + w.getTypeName(this.ma) + ")#" + w.Nd(this) };
    I.prototype.add = I.prototype.add = function (a) { if (null === a) return !1; this.Q && w.la(this, a); var b = a; w.Pa(a) && (b = w.Vp(a)); return void 0 === this.pd[b] ? (this.od++ , a = new Ca(a, a), this.pd[b] = a, b = this.Vh, null === b ? this.Ea = a : (a.hp = b, b.Xa = a), this.Vh = a, this.Hc(), !0) : !1 }; I.prototype.addAll = I.prototype.Jc = function (a) { if (null === a) return this; this.Q && w.la(this); if (w.isArray(a)) for (var b = w.Za(a), c = 0; c < b; c++)this.add(w.Ba(a, c)); else for (a = a.i; a.next();)this.add(a.value); return this };
    I.prototype.contains = I.prototype.contains = function (a) { if (null === a) return !1; var b = a; return w.Pa(a) && (b = w.Nd(a), void 0 === b) ? !1 : void 0 !== this.pd[b] }; I.prototype.has = I.prototype.has = function (a) { return this.contains(a) }; I.prototype.containsAll = function (a) { if (null === a) return !0; for (a = a.i; a.next();)if (!this.contains(a.value)) return !1; return !0 }; I.prototype.containsAny = function (a) { if (null === a) return !0; for (a = a.i; a.next();)if (this.contains(a.value)) return !0; return !1 };
    I.prototype.first = I.prototype.first = function () { var a = this.Ea; return null === a ? null : a.value }; I.prototype.any = function (a) { for (var b = this.F, c = this.Ea; null !== c;) { if (a(c.value)) return !0; this.F !== b && w.Ma(this); c = c.Xa } return !1 }; I.prototype.all = function (a) { for (var b = this.F, c = this.Ea; null !== c;) { if (!a(c.value)) return !1; this.F !== b && w.Ma(this); c = c.Xa } return !0 }; I.prototype.each = function (a) { for (var b = this.F, c = this.Ea; null !== c;)a(c.value), this.F !== b && w.Ma(this), c = c.Xa; return this };
    I.prototype.map = function (a) { for (var b = new I, c = this.F, d = this.Ea; null !== d;)b.add(a(d.value)), this.F !== c && w.Ma(this), d = d.Xa; return b }; I.prototype.filter = function (a) { for (var b = new I(this.ma), c = this.F, d = this.Ea; null !== d;) { var e = d.value; a(e) && b.add(e); this.F !== c && w.Ma(this); d = d.Xa } return b }; I.prototype.concat = function (a) { return this.copy().Jc(a) };
    I.prototype.remove = I.prototype["delete"] = I.prototype.remove = function (a) { if (null === a) return !1; this.Q && w.la(this, a); var b = a; if (w.Pa(a) && (b = w.Nd(a), void 0 === b)) return !1; a = this.pd[b]; if (void 0 === a) return !1; var c = a.Xa, d = a.hp; null !== c && (c.hp = d); null !== d && (d.Xa = c); this.Ea === a && (this.Ea = c); this.Vh === a && (this.Vh = d); delete this.pd[b]; this.od--; this.Hc(); return !0 };
    I.prototype.removeAll = I.prototype.Zx = function (a) { if (null === a) return this; this.Q && w.la(this); if (w.isArray(a)) for (var b = w.Za(a), c = 0; c < b; c++)this.remove(w.Ba(a, c)); else for (a = a.i; a.next();)this.remove(a.value); return this }; I.prototype.retainAll = function (a) { if (null === a || 0 === this.count) return this; this.Q && w.la(this); var b = new I(this.ma); b.Jc(a); a = []; for (var c = this.i; c.next();) { var d = c.value; b.contains(d) || a.push(d) } this.Zx(a); return this };
    I.prototype.clear = I.prototype.clear = function () { this.Q && w.la(this); this.pd = {}; this.od = 0; this.Vh = this.Ea = null; this.Hc() }; I.prototype.copy = function () { var a = new I(this.ma), b = this.pd, c; for (c in b) a.add(b[c].value); return a }; I.prototype.toArray = I.prototype.gc = function () { var a = Array(this.od), b = this.pd, c = 0, d; for (d in b) a[c] = b[d].value, c++; return a }; I.prototype.toList = function () { var a = new H(this.ma), b = this.pd, c; for (c in b) a.add(b[c].value); return a }; w.u(I, { count: "count" }, function () { return this.od });
    w.u(I, { size: "size" }, function () { return this.od }); w.u(I, { i: "iterator" }, function () { if (0 >= this.od) return va; var a = this.Qb; return null !== a ? (a.reset(), a) : new Ba(this) }); function Da(a) { this.Ga = a; this.Sa = a.F; this.Va = null } w.ce(Da, { key: !0, value: !0 }); w.u(Da, { i: "iterator" }, function () { return this }); Da.prototype.reset = Da.prototype.reset = function () { this.Sa = this.Ga.F; this.Va = null };
    Da.prototype.next = Da.prototype.next = function () { var a = this.Ga; if (a.F !== this.Sa) { if (null === this.key) return !1; w.Ma(a) } var b = this.Va, b = null === b ? a.Ea : b.Xa; if (null !== b) return this.Va = b, this.value = this.key = a = b.key, !0; this.Lf(); return !1 }; Da.prototype.hasNext = function () { return this.next() }; Da.prototype.first = Da.prototype.first = function () { var a = this.Ga; this.Sa = a.F; a = a.Ea; return null !== a ? (this.Va = a, this.value = this.key = a = a.key) : null };
    Da.prototype.any = function (a) { var b = this.Ga, c = b.F; this.Va = null; for (var d = b.Ea; null !== d;) { if (a(d.key)) return !0; b.F !== c && w.Ma(b); d = d.Xa } return !1 }; Da.prototype.all = function (a) { var b = this.Ga, c = b.F; this.Va = null; for (var d = b.Ea; null !== d;) { if (!a(d.key)) return !1; b.F !== c && w.Ma(b); d = d.Xa } return !0 }; Da.prototype.each = function (a) { var b = this.Ga, c = b.F; this.Va = null; for (var d = b.Ea; null !== d;)a(d.key), b.F !== c && w.Ma(b), d = d.Xa; return this };
    Da.prototype.map = function (a) { var b = this.Ga, c = b.F; this.Va = null; for (var d = new H, e = b.Ea; null !== e;)d.add(a(e.key)), b.F !== c && w.Ma(b), e = e.Xa; return d.i }; Da.prototype.filter = function (a) { var b = this.Ga, c = b.F; this.Va = null; for (var d = new H(b.Uh), e = b.Ea; null !== e;) { var f = e.key; a(f) && d.add(f); b.F !== c && w.Ma(b); e = e.Xa } return d.i }; Da.prototype.concat = function (a) { return new xa(this, a.i) }; w.u(Da, { count: "count" }, function () { return this.Ga.od }); Da.prototype.Lf = function () { this.value = this.key = null; this.Sa = -1 };
    Da.prototype.toString = function () { return null !== this.Va ? "MapKeySetIterator@" + this.Va.value : "MapKeySetIterator" }; function Ea(a) { w.nc(this); this.Q = !0; this.Ga = a } w.Ka(Ea, I); Ea.prototype.freeze = function () { return this }; Ea.prototype.Qa = function () { return this }; Ea.prototype.toString = function () { return "MapKeySet(" + this.Ga.toString() + ")" }; Ea.prototype.add = Ea.prototype.add = function () { w.k("This Set is read-only: " + this.toString()); return !1 };
    Ea.prototype.set = Ea.prototype.set = function () { w.k("This Set is read-only: " + this.toString()); return !1 }; Ea.prototype.contains = Ea.prototype.contains = function (a) { return this.Ga.contains(a) }; Ea.prototype.has = Ea.prototype.has = function (a) { return this.contains(a) }; Ea.prototype.remove = Ea.prototype["delete"] = Ea.prototype.remove = function () { w.k("This Set is read-only: " + this.toString()); return !1 }; Ea.prototype.clear = Ea.prototype.clear = function () { w.k("This Set is read-only: " + this.toString()) };
    Ea.prototype.first = Ea.prototype.first = function () { var a = this.Ga.Ea; return null !== a ? a.key : null }; Ea.prototype.any = function (a) { for (var b = this.Ga.Ea; null !== b;) { if (a(b.key)) return !0; b = b.Xa } return !1 }; Ea.prototype.all = function (a) { for (var b = this.Ga.Ea; null !== b;) { if (!a(b.key)) return !1; b = b.Xa } return !0 }; Ea.prototype.each = function (a) { for (var b = this.Ga.Ea; null !== b;)a(b.key), b = b.Xa; return this }; Ea.prototype.map = function (a) { for (var b = new I, c = this.Ga.Ea; null !== c;)b.add(a(c.key)), c = c.Xa; return b };
    Ea.prototype.filter = function (a) { for (var b = new I(this.Ga.Uh), c = this.Ga.Ea; null !== c;) { var d = c.key; a(d) && b.add(d); c = c.Xa } return b }; Ea.prototype.concat = function (a) { return this.vG().Jc(a) }; Ea.prototype.copy = function () { return new Ea(this.Ga) }; Ea.prototype.toSet = Ea.prototype.vG = function () { var a = new I(this.Ga.Uh), b = this.Ga.pd, c; for (c in b) a.add(b[c].key); return a }; Ea.prototype.toArray = Ea.prototype.gc = function () { var a = this.Ga.pd, b = Array(this.Ga.od), c = 0, d; for (d in a) b[c] = a[d].key, c++; return b };
    Ea.prototype.toList = function () { var a = new H(this.Ga.Uh), b = this.Ga.pd, c; for (c in b) a.add(b[c].key); return a }; w.u(Ea, { count: "count" }, function () { return this.Ga.od }); w.u(Ea, { size: "size" }, function () { return this.Ga.od }); w.u(Ea, { i: "iterator" }, function () { return 0 >= this.Ga.od ? va : new Da(this.Ga) }); function Fa(a) { this.Ga = a; a.Oi = null; this.Sa = a.F; this.Va = null } w.ce(Fa, { key: !0, value: !0 }); w.u(Fa, { i: "iterator" }, function () { return this });
    Fa.prototype.reset = Fa.prototype.reset = function () { var a = this.Ga; a.Oi = null; this.Sa = a.F; this.Va = null }; Fa.prototype.next = Fa.prototype.next = function () { var a = this.Ga; if (a.F !== this.Sa) { if (null === this.key) return !1; w.Ma(a) } var b = this.Va, b = null === b ? a.Ea : b.Xa; if (null !== b) return this.Va = b, this.value = b.value, this.key = b.key, !0; this.Lf(); return !1 }; Fa.prototype.hasNext = function () { return this.next() };
    Fa.prototype.first = Fa.prototype.first = function () { var a = this.Ga; this.Sa = a.F; a = a.Ea; if (null !== a) { this.Va = a; var b = a.value; this.key = a.key; return this.value = b } return null }; Fa.prototype.any = function (a) { var b = this.Ga; b.Oi = null; var c = b.F; this.Va = null; for (var d = b.Ea; null !== d;) { if (a(d.value)) return !0; b.F !== c && w.Ma(b); d = d.Xa } return !1 }; Fa.prototype.all = function (a) { var b = this.Ga; b.Oi = null; var c = b.F; this.Va = null; for (var d = b.Ea; null !== d;) { if (!a(d.value)) return !1; b.F !== c && w.Ma(b); d = d.Xa } return !0 };
    Fa.prototype.each = function (a) { var b = this.Ga; b.Oi = null; var c = b.F; this.Va = null; for (var d = b.Ea; null !== d;)a(d.value), b.F !== c && w.Ma(b), d = d.Xa; return this }; Fa.prototype.map = function (a) { var b = this.Ga; b.Oi = null; var c = b.F; this.Va = null; for (var d = new H, e = b.Ea; null !== e;)d.add(a(e.value)), b.F !== c && w.Ma(b), e = e.Xa; return d.i }; Fa.prototype.filter = function (a) { var b = this.Ga; b.Oi = null; var c = b.F; this.Va = null; for (var d = new H(b.Uh), e = b.Ea; null !== e;) { var f = e.value; a(f) && d.add(f); b.F !== c && w.Ma(b); e = e.Xa } return d.i };
    Fa.prototype.concat = function (a) { this.Ga.Oi = null; return new xa(this, a.i) }; w.u(Fa, { count: "count" }, function () { return this.Ga.od }); Fa.prototype.Lf = function () { this.value = this.key = null; this.Sa = -1; this.Ga.Oi = this }; Fa.prototype.toString = function () { return null !== this.Va ? "MapValueSetIterator@" + this.Va.value : "MapValueSetIterator" }; function Ca(a, b) { this.key = a; this.value = b; this.hp = this.Xa = null } w.ce(Ca, { key: !0, value: !0 }); Ca.prototype.toString = function () { return "{" + this.key + ":" + this.value + "}" };
    function Ga(a) { this.Ga = a; a.Qb = null; this.Sa = a.F; this.Va = null } w.ce(Ga, { key: !0, value: !0 }); w.u(Ga, { i: "iterator" }, function () { return this }); Ga.prototype.reset = Ga.prototype.reset = function () { var a = this.Ga; a.Qb = null; this.Sa = a.F; this.Va = null }; Ga.prototype.next = Ga.prototype.next = function () { var a = this.Ga; if (a.F !== this.Sa) { if (null === this.key) return !1; w.Ma(a) } var b = this.Va, b = null === b ? a.Ea : b.Xa; if (null !== b) return this.Va = b, this.key = b.key, this.value = b.value, !0; this.Lf(); return !1 }; Ga.prototype.hasNext = function () { return this.next() };
    Ga.prototype.first = Ga.prototype.first = function () { var a = this.Ga; this.Sa = a.F; a = a.Ea; return null !== a ? (this.Va = a, this.key = a.key, this.value = a.value, a) : null }; Ga.prototype.any = function (a) { var b = this.Ga; b.Qb = null; var c = b.F; this.Va = null; for (var d = b.Ea; null !== d;) { if (a(d)) return !0; b.F !== c && w.Ma(b); d = d.Xa } return !1 }; Ga.prototype.all = function (a) { var b = this.Ga; b.Qb = null; var c = b.F; this.Va = null; for (var d = b.Ea; null !== d;) { if (!a(d)) return !1; b.F !== c && w.Ma(b); d = d.Xa } return !0 };
    Ga.prototype.each = function (a) { var b = this.Ga; b.Qb = null; var c = b.F; this.Va = null; for (var d = b.Ea; null !== d;)a(d), b.F !== c && w.Ma(b), d = d.Xa; return this }; Ga.prototype.map = function (a) { var b = this.Ga; b.Qb = null; var c = b.F; this.Va = null; for (var d = new H, e = b.Ea; null !== e;)d.add(a(e)), b.F !== c && w.Ma(b), e = e.Xa; return d.i }; Ga.prototype.filter = function (a) { var b = this.Ga; b.Qb = null; var c = b.F; this.Va = null; for (var d = new H, e = b.Ea; null !== e;)a(e) && d.add(e), b.F !== c && w.Ma(b), e = e.Xa; return d.i };
    Ga.prototype.concat = function (a) { this.Ga.Qb = null; return new xa(this, a.i) }; w.u(Ga, { count: "count" }, function () { return this.Ga.od }); Ga.prototype.Lf = function () { this.value = this.key = null; this.Sa = -1; this.Ga.Qb = this }; Ga.prototype.toString = function () { return null !== this.Va ? "MapIterator@" + this.Va : "MapIterator" };
    function la(a, b) {
        w.nc(this); this.Q = !1; void 0 === a || null === a ? this.Uh = null : "string" === typeof a ? "object" === a || "string" === a || "number" === a ? this.Uh = a : w.Fa(a, "the string \'object\', \'number\' or \'string\'", "Map constructor: keytype") : "function" === typeof a ? this.Uh = a === Object ? "object" : a === String ? "string" : a === Number ? "number" : a : w.Fa(a, "null, a primitive type name, or a class type", "Map constructor: keytype"); void 0 === b || null === b ? this.rt = null : "string" === typeof b ? "object" === b || "string" === b || "boolean" === b || "number" ===
            b || "function" === b ? this.rt = b : w.Fa(b, "the string \'object\', \'number\', \'string\', \'boolean\', or \'function\'", "Map constructor: valtype") : "function" === typeof b ? this.rt = b === Object ? "object" : b === String ? "string" : b === Number ? "number" : b === Boolean ? "boolean" : b === Function ? "function" : b : w.Fa(b, "null, a primitive type name, or a class type", "Map constructor: valtype"); this.pd = {}; this.od = 0; this.Oi = this.Qb = null; this.F = 0; this.Vh = this.Ea = null
    } w.ga("Map", la);
    la.prototype.Hc = function () { var a = this.F; a++; 999999999 < a && (a = 0); this.F = a }; la.prototype.freeze = la.prototype.freeze = function () { this.Q = !0; return this }; la.prototype.thaw = la.prototype.Qa = function () { this.Q = !1; return this }; la.prototype.toString = function () { return "Map(" + w.getTypeName(this.Uh) + "," + w.getTypeName(this.rt) + ")#" + w.Nd(this) };
    la.prototype.add = la.prototype.add = function (a, b) { this.Q && w.la(this, a); var c = a; w.Pa(a) && (c = w.Vp(a)); var d = this.pd[c]; if (void 0 === d) return this.od++ , d = new Ca(a, b), this.pd[c] = d, c = this.Vh, null === c ? this.Ea = d : (d.hp = c, c.Xa = d), this.Vh = d, this.Hc(), !0; d.value = b; return !1 }; la.prototype.set = la.prototype.set = function (a, b) { return this.add(a, b) };
    la.prototype.addAll = la.prototype.Jc = function (a) { if (null === a) return this; if (w.isArray(a)) for (var b = w.Za(a), c = 0; c < b; c++) { var d = w.Ba(a, c); this.add(d.key, d.value) } else for (a = a.i; a.next();)this.add(a.key, a.value); return this }; la.prototype.first = la.prototype.first = function () { return this.Ea }; la.prototype.any = function (a) { for (var b = this.F, c = this.Ea; null !== c;) { if (a(c)) return !0; this.F !== b && w.Ma(this); c = c.Xa } return !1 };
    la.prototype.all = function (a) { for (var b = this.F, c = this.Ea; null !== c;) { if (!a(c)) return !1; this.F !== b && w.Ma(this); c = c.Xa } return !0 }; la.prototype.each = function (a) { for (var b = this.F, c = this.Ea; null !== c;)a(c), this.F !== b && w.Ma(this), c = c.Xa; return this }; la.prototype.map = function (a) { for (var b = new la(this.Uh), c = this.F, d = this.Ea; null !== d;)b.add(d.key, a(d)), this.F !== c && w.Ma(this), d = d.Xa; return b };
    la.prototype.filter = function (a) { for (var b = new la(this.Uh, this.rt), c = this.F, d = this.Ea; null !== d;)a(d) && b.add(d.key, d.value), this.F !== c && w.Ma(this), d = d.Xa; return b }; la.prototype.concat = function (a) { return this.copy().Jc(a) }; la.prototype.contains = la.prototype.contains = function (a) { var b = a; return w.Pa(a) && (b = w.Nd(a), void 0 === b) ? !1 : void 0 !== this.pd[b] }; la.prototype.has = la.prototype.has = function (a) { return this.contains(a) };
    la.prototype.getValue = la.prototype.ja = function (a) { var b = a; if (w.Pa(a) && (b = w.Nd(a), void 0 === b)) return null; a = this.pd[b]; return void 0 === a ? null : a.value }; la.prototype.get = la.prototype.get = function (a) { return this.ja(a) };
    la.prototype.remove = la.prototype["delete"] = la.prototype.remove = function (a) { if (null === a) return !1; this.Q && w.la(this, a); var b = a; if (w.Pa(a) && (b = w.Nd(a), void 0 === b)) return !1; a = this.pd[b]; if (void 0 === a) return !1; var c = a.Xa, d = a.hp; null !== c && (c.hp = d); null !== d && (d.Xa = c); this.Ea === a && (this.Ea = c); this.Vh === a && (this.Vh = d); delete this.pd[b]; this.od--; this.Hc(); return !0 }; la.prototype.clear = la.prototype.clear = function () { this.Q && w.la(this); this.pd = {}; this.od = 0; this.Vh = this.Ea = null; this.Hc() };
    la.prototype.copy = function () { var a = new la(this.Uh, this.rt), b = this.pd, c; for (c in b) { var d = b[c]; a.add(d.key, d.value) } return a }; la.prototype.toArray = la.prototype.gc = function () { var a = this.pd, b = Array(this.od), c = 0, d; for (d in a) { var e = a[d]; b[c] = new Ca(e.key, e.value); c++ } return b }; la.prototype.toKeySet = la.prototype.Fj = function () { return new Ea(this) }; w.u(la, { count: "count" }, function () { return this.od }); w.u(la, { size: "size" }, function () { return this.od });
    w.u(la, { i: "iterator" }, function () { if (0 >= this.count) return va; var a = this.Qb; return null !== a ? (a.reset(), a) : new Ga(this) }); w.u(la, { xF: "iteratorKeys" }, function () { return 0 >= this.count ? va : new Da(this) }); w.u(la, { yF: "iteratorValues" }, function () { if (0 >= this.count) return va; var a = this.Oi; return null !== a ? (a.reset(), a) : new Fa(this) }); function z(a, b) { void 0 === a ? this.y = this.x = 0 : (this.x = a, this.y = b) } w.ga("Point", z); w.ni(z); w.ce(z, { x: !0, y: !0 }); z.prototype.assign = function (a) { this.x = a.x; this.y = a.y };
    z.prototype.setTo = z.prototype.m = function (a, b) { this.x = a; this.y = b; return this }; z.prototype.set = z.prototype.set = function (a) { this.x = a.x; this.y = a.y; return this }; z.prototype.copy = function () { var a = new z; a.x = this.x; a.y = this.y; return a }; z.prototype.Ha = function () { Object.freeze(this); return this }; z.prototype.S = function () { return Object.isFrozen(this) ? this : this.copy().freeze() }; z.prototype.freeze = function () { return this }; z.prototype.Qa = function () { Object.isFrozen(this) && w.k("cannot thaw constant: " + this); return this };
    z.parse = function (a) { if ("string" === typeof a) { a = a.split(" "); for (var b = 0, c = 0; "" === a[b];)b++; var d = a[b++]; d && (c = parseFloat(d)); for (var e = 0; "" === a[b];)b++; (d = a[b++]) && (e = parseFloat(d)); return new z(c, e) } return new z }; z.stringify = function (a) { return a.x.toString() + " " + a.y.toString() }; z.prototype.toString = function () { return "Point(" + this.x + "," + this.y + ")" }; z.prototype.equals = z.prototype.L = function (a) { return a instanceof z ? this.x === a.x && this.y === a.y : !1 };
    z.prototype.equalTo = z.prototype.kx = function (a, b) { return this.x === a && this.y === b }; z.prototype.equalsApprox = z.prototype.Kc = function (a) { return J(this.x, a.x) && J(this.y, a.y) }; z.prototype.add = z.prototype.add = function (a) { this.x += a.x; this.y += a.y; return this }; z.prototype.subtract = z.prototype.$n = function (a) { this.x -= a.x; this.y -= a.y; return this }; z.prototype.offset = z.prototype.offset = function (a, b) { this.x += a; this.y += b; return this };
    z.prototype.rotate = z.prototype.rotate = function (a) { if (0 === a) return this; var b = this.x, c = this.y; if (0 === b && 0 === c) return this; var d = 0, e = 0; 360 <= a ? a -= 360 : 0 > a && (a += 360); 90 === a ? (d = 0, e = 1) : 180 === a ? (d = -1, e = 0) : 270 === a ? (d = 0, e = -1) : (a = a * Math.PI / 180, d = Math.cos(a), e = Math.sin(a)); this.x = d * b - e * c; this.y = e * b + d * c; return this }; z.prototype.scale = z.prototype.scale = function (a, b) { this.x *= a; this.y *= b; return this }; z.prototype.distanceSquaredPoint = z.prototype.wf = function (a) { var b = a.x - this.x; a = a.y - this.y; return b * b + a * a };
    z.prototype.distanceSquared = z.prototype.Pp = function (a, b) { var c = a - this.x, d = b - this.y; return c * c + d * d }; z.prototype.normalize = z.prototype.normalize = function () { var a = this.x, b = this.y, c = Math.sqrt(a * a + b * b); 0 < c && (this.x = a / c, this.y = b / c); return this }; z.prototype.directionPoint = z.prototype.Ob = function (a) { return Ha(a.x - this.x, a.y - this.y) }; z.prototype.direction = z.prototype.direction = function (a, b) { return Ha(a - this.x, b - this.y) };
    function Ha(a, b) { if (0 === a) return 0 < b ? 90 : 0 > b ? 270 : 0; if (0 === b) return 0 < a ? 0 : 180; if (isNaN(a) || isNaN(b)) return 0; var c = 180 * Math.atan(Math.abs(b / a)) / Math.PI; 0 > a ? c = 0 > b ? c + 180 : 180 - c : 0 > b && (c = 360 - c); return c } z.prototype.projectOntoLineSegment = function (a, b, c, d) { Ia(a, b, c, d, this.x, this.y, this); return this }; z.prototype.projectOntoLineSegmentPoint = function (a, b) { Ia(a.x, a.y, b.x, b.y, this.x, this.y, this); return this }; z.prototype.snapToGrid = function (a, b, c, d) { Ka(this.x, this.y, a, b, c, d, this); return this };
    z.prototype.snapToGridPoint = function (a, b) { Ka(this.x, this.y, a.x, a.y, b.width, b.height, this); return this }; z.prototype.setRectSpot = z.prototype.Xn = function (a, b) { this.x = a.x + b.x * a.width + b.offsetX; this.y = a.y + b.y * a.height + b.offsetY; return this }; z.prototype.setSpot = z.prototype.Ku = function (a, b, c, d, e) { this.x = a + e.x * c + e.offsetX; this.y = b + e.y * d + e.offsetY; return this }; z.prototype.transform = function (a) { a.nb(this); return this }; function La(a, b) { b.pi(a); return a } var Ma;
    z.distanceLineSegmentSquared = Ma = function (a, b, c, d, e, f) { var h = e - c, k = f - d, l = h * h + k * k; c -= a; d -= b; var m = -c * h - d * k; if (0 >= m || m >= l) return h = e - a, k = f - b, Math.min(c * c + d * d, h * h + k * k); a = h * d - k * c; return a * a / l }; var Na; z.distanceSquared = Na = function (a, b, c, d) { a = c - a; b = d - b; return a * a + b * b }; var Oa; z.direction = Oa = function (a, b, c, d) { a = c - a; b = d - b; if (0 === a) return 0 < b ? 90 : 0 > b ? 270 : 0; if (0 === b) return 0 < a ? 0 : 180; if (isNaN(a) || isNaN(b)) return 0; d = 180 * Math.atan(Math.abs(b / a)) / Math.PI; 0 > a ? d = 0 > b ? d + 180 : 180 - d : 0 > b && (d = 360 - d); return d };
    z.prototype.isReal = z.prototype.I = function () { return isFinite(this.x) && isFinite(this.y) }; function ia(a, b) { void 0 === a ? this.height = this.width = 0 : (this.width = a, this.height = b) } w.ga("Size", ia); w.ni(ia); w.ce(ia, { width: !0, height: !0 }); ia.prototype.assign = function (a) { this.width = a.width; this.height = a.height }; ia.prototype.setTo = ia.prototype.m = function (a, b) { this.width = a; this.height = b; return this }; ia.prototype.set = ia.prototype.set = function (a) { this.width = a.width; this.height = a.height; return this };
    ia.prototype.copy = function () { var a = new ia; a.width = this.width; a.height = this.height; return a }; ia.prototype.Ha = function () { Object.freeze(this); return this }; ia.prototype.S = function () { return Object.isFrozen(this) ? this : this.copy().freeze() }; ia.prototype.freeze = function () { return this }; ia.prototype.Qa = function () { Object.isFrozen(this) && w.k("cannot thaw constant: " + this); return this };
    ia.parse = function (a) { if ("string" === typeof a) { a = a.split(" "); for (var b = 0, c = 0; "" === a[b];)b++; var d = a[b++]; d && (c = parseFloat(d)); for (var e = 0; "" === a[b];)b++; (d = a[b++]) && (e = parseFloat(d)); return new ia(c, e) } return new ia }; ia.stringify = function (a) { return a.width.toString() + " " + a.height.toString() }; ia.prototype.toString = function () { return "Size(" + this.width + "," + this.height + ")" }; ia.prototype.equals = ia.prototype.L = function (a) { return a instanceof ia ? this.width === a.width && this.height === a.height : !1 };
    ia.prototype.equalTo = ia.prototype.kx = function (a, b) { return this.width === a && this.height === b }; ia.prototype.equalsApprox = ia.prototype.Kc = function (a) { return J(this.width, a.width) && J(this.height, a.height) }; ia.prototype.isReal = ia.prototype.I = function () { return isFinite(this.width) && isFinite(this.height) };
    function B(a, b, c, d) { void 0 === a ? this.height = this.width = this.y = this.x = 0 : a instanceof z ? b instanceof z ? (this.x = Math.min(a.x, b.x), this.y = Math.min(a.y, b.y), this.width = Math.abs(a.x - b.x), this.height = Math.abs(a.y - b.y)) : b instanceof ia ? (this.x = a.x, this.y = a.y, this.width = b.width, this.height = b.height) : w.k("Incorrect arguments supplied to Rect constructor") : (this.x = a, this.y = b, this.width = c, this.height = d) } w.ga("Rect", B); w.ni(B); w.ce(B, { x: !0, y: !0, width: !0, height: !0 });
    B.prototype.assign = function (a) { this.x = a.x; this.y = a.y; this.width = a.width; this.height = a.height }; function Pa(a, b, c) { a.width = b; a.height = c } B.prototype.setTo = B.prototype.m = function (a, b, c, d) { this.x = a; this.y = b; this.width = c; this.height = d; return this }; B.prototype.set = B.prototype.set = function (a) { this.x = a.x; this.y = a.y; this.width = a.width; this.height = a.height; return this }; B.prototype.setPoint = B.prototype.Xg = function (a) { this.x = a.x; this.y = a.y; return this };
    B.prototype.setSize = function (a) { this.width = a.width; this.height = a.height; return this }; B.prototype.copy = function () { var a = new B; a.x = this.x; a.y = this.y; a.width = this.width; a.height = this.height; return a }; B.prototype.Ha = function () { Object.freeze(this); return this }; B.prototype.S = function () { return Object.isFrozen(this) ? this : this.copy().freeze() }; B.prototype.freeze = function () { return this }; B.prototype.Qa = function () { Object.isFrozen(this) && w.k("cannot thaw constant: " + this); return this };
    B.parse = function (a) { if ("string" === typeof a) { a = a.split(" "); for (var b = 0, c = 0; "" === a[b];)b++; var d = a[b++]; d && (c = parseFloat(d)); for (var e = 0; "" === a[b];)b++; (d = a[b++]) && (e = parseFloat(d)); for (var f = 0; "" === a[b];)b++; (d = a[b++]) && (f = parseFloat(d)); for (var h = 0; "" === a[b];)b++; (d = a[b++]) && (h = parseFloat(d)); return new B(c, e, f, h) } return new B }; B.stringify = function (a) { return a.x.toString() + " " + a.y.toString() + " " + a.width.toString() + " " + a.height.toString() };
    B.prototype.toString = function () { return "Rect(" + this.x + "," + this.y + "," + this.width + "," + this.height + ")" }; B.prototype.equals = B.prototype.L = function (a) { return a instanceof B ? this.x === a.x && this.y === a.y && this.width === a.width && this.height === a.height : !1 }; B.prototype.equalTo = B.prototype.kx = function (a, b, c, d) { return this.x === a && this.y === b && this.width === c && this.height === d }; B.prototype.equalsApprox = B.prototype.Kc = function (a) { return J(this.x, a.x) && J(this.y, a.y) && J(this.width, a.width) && J(this.height, a.height) };
    function Qa(a, b) { return Va(a.x, b.x) && Va(a.y, b.y) && Va(a.width, b.width) && Va(a.height, b.height) } B.prototype.containsPoint = B.prototype.Ia = function (a) { return this.x <= a.x && this.x + this.width >= a.x && this.y <= a.y && this.y + this.height >= a.y }; B.prototype.containsRect = B.prototype.wk = function (a) { return this.x <= a.x && a.x + a.width <= this.x + this.width && this.y <= a.y && a.y + a.height <= this.y + this.height };
    B.prototype.contains = B.prototype.contains = function (a, b, c, d) { void 0 === c && (c = 0); void 0 === d && (d = 0); return this.x <= a && a + c <= this.x + this.width && this.y <= b && b + d <= this.y + this.height }; B.prototype.reset = function () { this.height = this.width = this.y = this.x = 0 }; B.prototype.offset = B.prototype.offset = function (a, b) { this.x += a; this.y += b; return this }; B.prototype.inflate = B.prototype.zf = function (a, b) { return Xa(this, b, a, b, a) }; B.prototype.addMargin = B.prototype.Ow = function (a) { return Xa(this, a.top, a.right, a.bottom, a.left) };
    B.prototype.subtractMargin = B.prototype.MJ = function (a) { return Xa(this, -a.top, -a.right, -a.bottom, -a.left) }; B.prototype.grow = function (a, b, c, d) { return Xa(this, a, b, c, d) }; function Xa(a, b, c, d, e) { var f = a.width; c + e <= -f ? (a.x += f / 2, a.width = 0) : (a.x -= e, a.width += c + e); c = a.height; b + d <= -c ? (a.y += c / 2, a.height = 0) : (a.y -= b, a.height += b + d); return a } B.prototype.intersectRect = function (a) { return Ya(this, a.x, a.y, a.width, a.height) }; B.prototype.intersect = B.prototype.hF = function (a, b, c, d) { return Ya(this, a, b, c, d) };
    function Ya(a, b, c, d, e) { var f = Math.max(a.x, b), h = Math.max(a.y, c); b = Math.min(a.x + a.width, b + d); c = Math.min(a.y + a.height, c + e); a.x = f; a.y = h; a.width = Math.max(0, b - f); a.height = Math.max( 













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