1、支持ORM,最基础的两个信息是表的信息和字段信息。这两个信息,如果用Attribute 来辅助,代码更简洁和可读性更好。可以把属性名当做真实字段名,也可以将特性里的属性当成真实姓名,再加上字段标题(可以当成注释)、必填字段、是否为主键、显示格式等等,如果没有Attribute ,类、属性的辅助信息必须用其他信息来描述,非常麻烦。
uses SysUtils, RTTI, TypInfo,Types;
type Table = class(TCustomAttribute) private FName: string; FTitle: string; published
public constructor Create(ATableName, ATitle: string); property Name: string read FName write FName; property Title: string read FTitle write FTitle; end;
FieldInfo = class(TCustomAttribute) private FFieldName: string; FTitle: string; published public constructor Create(AFieldName, ATitle: string); //字段名 property FieldName: string read FFieldName write FFieldName; //标题 property Title: string read FTitle write FTitle; end;
2、有了这两个Attribute,我们必须创建一个解析属性和Attribute的类,并且能解析Insert、update、delete、select等SQL语句。我们姑且叫 TStorable。这个类可以根据需要扩展你所想要的东西。目前只实现了Insert方法,其他的方法,留给勤奋的人去遐想。
TStorable = class
public //插入SQL语句 function Insert: string; //获取字段标题 function GetFieldTitle(const AFieldName: string): string; //设置 //function SetAttributeValue(const PropName, AttributeValue: string): Boolean; end;
function TStorable.GetFieldTitle(const AFieldName: string): string; var Context: TRttiContext; typ: TRttiType; A1, A2: TCustomAttribute; Prop: TRttiProperty; begin Context := TRttiContext.Create; try typ := Context.GetType(ClassType); for Prop in typ.GetProperties do begin for A2 in Prop.GetAttributes do begin if (A2 is FieldInfo) and SameText(FieldInfo(A2).FieldName, AFieldName) then begin Result := FieldInfo(A2).Title; Break; end; end; end; finally Context.Free; end; end;
function TStorable.Insert: string; var Context:TRttiContext; Prop:TRttiProperty; typ:TRttiType; A1,A2:TCustomAttribute; Sqls,Fields,Values,Value:string;
begin Context := TRttiContext.Create; try Sqls := ''; Fields := ''; Values := '';
typ := Context.GetType(ClassType); for A1 in typ.GetAttributes do begin if A1 is Table then begin Sqls := 'Insert Into '+Table(A1).Name; //获取Insert表名 for Prop in typ.GetProperties do begin for A2 in Prop.GetAttributes do begin if A2 is FieldInfo then //AHa begin Fields := Fields + ','+ FieldInfo(A2).FieldName ; // the value of the attribute Value := Prop.GetValue(Self).ToString; //根据数据类型对属性值加以编辑 case Prop.GetValue(Self).Kind of tkString, tkChar, tkWChar, tkWString, tkUString: Value := QuotedStr(Value); tkInteger, tkInt64, tkFloat: Value := Value; else Value := QuotedStr(Value); end; Values := Values + ',' + Value ; end; //for A2 in Prop.GetAttributes end; end; //enf of for Prop Delete(Fields,1,1); Delete(Values,1,1);
Sqls := Sqls + ' (' + Fields + ') VALUES (' + Values + ');';
Result := Sqls;
end; //if A1 is Table then end; //for A1 in typ.GetAttributes do
finally Context.Free; end; end;
constructor FieldInfo.Create(AFieldName, ATitle: string); begin FFieldName := AFieldName; FTitle := ATitle; end;
3、有了上面的解析类和SQL基础,我们必须创建一个实体类。属性名是否为中文,可以有不同的说法。偶目前栖身在一个医疗行业公司,医疗专业英语术语又臭又长,奥巴马未必能拼写出几个术语。如果用属性名用中文描述,将其真实的字段名放在Attribute 里,或许更能提高程序的可读性和维护性。
unit uContact;
interface uses SysUtils,uAttribute;
type [Table('CONTACTS','联系人信息')] TContact = class(TStorable) private FName: string; FAge: integer; F电话: string; published public [FieldInfo('NAME','名称')] property Name: string read FName write FName; [FieldInfo('AGE','年龄')] property Age: integer read FAge write FAge; [FieldInfo('电话','联系电话')] property 电话:string read F电话 write F电话; //尝试一下中文字段名,习惯就好 end; implementation
procedure TForm4.btn1Click(Sender: TObject); var Contact:TContact; begin Contact := TContact.Create; Contact.Age := 32; Contact.Name := 'TinTin'; Contact.电话 := '135*****918';//你还会记得918的屈辱吗?
ShowMessage(Contact.GetFieldTitle('Age')); Contact.Free; end;
这只是一个简单的例子,离真正的生产力还差一步,为了执行SQL语句,你可以在TStorable 实现数据集的读写,然后才调用执行SQL语句。