This is the repo for Zere's Plugin Library for BetterDiscord. For now this is only for BBD/BDv1 You can follow development here. There will be more info and shit to come, but for now here ya go.
The information below is just a quickstart guide and overview on using the build scripts provided.
Building The Lib
npm install
npm run build
This generates a BD compatible ./release/0PluginLibrary.plugin.js file to be added to your plugins folder.
The library is configurable with the default configuration found in the package.json. If you want to alter or extend these settings it's recommended that you create a config.json in the root directory that the build scripts will read and use. Note that this is merged with the default configuration so you don't have to include all the possible settings in the config.json.
Absolute or relative path to the folder containing the plugins that build scripts can build automatically.
Default: "./plugins"
Absolute or relative path to the folder where plugins that are built should be placed.
Default: "./release"
Absolute or relative path to the BetterDiscord folder. Useful when combined with copyToBD. This folder is found automatically on most system.
Default: "<os-specific>/BetterDiscord"
Boolean to determine if the built plugin should also be automatically copied over to your BD plugins directory. Very convenient for development.
Default: false
Boolean to determine if the plugin should include the Windows Host Script install script. This means that users on Windows that double click the plugin will be prompted to automatically install the plugin.
Default: false
Building Plugins
See the example plugin in examples/ExamplePlugin. Note how it does not check for updates in onStart instead the base class Plugin automatically checks for updates using the github_raw in the config.json.
All plugin styles will set the meta using the plugin name for name. github and github_raw will be used as website and source options in the meta.
To build all plugins in plugins folder, run npm run build_plugin. To build a single plugin run npm run build_plugin PluginName. This will yield PluginName.plugin.js in the releases folder with the same meta as outlined in the template. The resulting file will automatically check if the plugin library exists, and alert the user if it does not giving them a link to download it.