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postbox/localizations: Localized Strings for Postbox

原作者: [db:作者] 来自: 网络 收藏 邀请

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Java 44.9%

开源软件介绍(OpenSource Introduction):

Instructions for Translators

We've open-sourced our translations, so that anyone can help with untranslated texts, and suggest changes to existing translations too.

Languages currently being translated include: German, French, Spanish (Spain), English (British), Italian, Dutch, Portuguese (Brazilian), Russian, and Swedish.

Postbox 5 Translation Build

Please download and install this special Mac translation build, which contains all of the languages specified above:

macOS - RC 1
Windows - RC 1

Getting Started

  1. Create a GitHub account (if you do not already have one).
  2. Download and install the Mac or Windows GitHub apps, and then under Settings, log into your GitHub account.
  3. Visit our Postbox Localizations project on GitHub, click on the Fork button in the upper right, then fork the repository to your account.
  4. In the upper right corner, click your profile button, and then select "Your profile", then click on the Repositories tab. Here you should see the forked repository, localizations. Click on localizations.
  5. Next, click on the Clone or Download button, then select Open in Desktop.

  6. Specify a directory to store the localization files.

If you are setup correctly, your GitHub should look like this:

How to Translate

  1. Go to the GitHub desktop application, and on Mac, select Pull from the Repository menu and on Windows click the Sync button.
  2. Find an editor that can search through a lot of files at once. We like using Atom (it's free!).
  3. Download and install the Postbox application, install a sample email account, then go to the File menu > Languages > select your language. Then restart Postbox.
  4. Look through Postbox's:
    • main interface - all of it's windows, folder names, button names, etc.
    • every menu and sub-menu
    • every Preference panel and sub panel
    • look through the .dtd localization files themselves to find untranslated texts.
  5. Once you see an untranslated string, search your language directory for the .dtd files that contain that string. (Please be sure that you are localizing within the correct directory, as we have several languages!)

    Typically you would work out of and search through the mail directory for your language. For example, if you are Italian, you would work out of this directory:

    localizations directory > it > mail

  6. Change the string(s) and save your work in Atom.

What and What NOT To Translate

A word for the German translators: please use the formal addressing of the user, meaning the use of "Sie" instead of "du".

There are some things that should not be translated including:

  • Non-Mail Strings - Don't worry about translating or suggesting changes to files outside of the mail directory as those are all inherited from the mozilla translations.
  • %S, %1$S, %2$S - anything that looks like this with a % in it means it's a place holder for a string to get substituted in dynamically (such as "You have %1$S unread messages") and needs to remain in the translated string.
  • Branding Strings - for instance Postbox should not be translated
  • Command Keys - entities and properties that end in .key and .commandKey. These are supposed to be the same throughout all translations.
  • Interface Sizes - entries like 36em or width: 45em; height: 32em. These define the size of dialogs and are there for you to adjust the dialogs if needed by your localization. Translating them will only make them stop working.
  • true / false - several entities have values like true or false - these are actually used to effect the behavior and are not strings to translate.
  • Product URLs - urls to Postbox product pages such as release notes, the start page, etc.
  • Numbers - if the string is just a number like 900 or 900ch or 900em do not translate it.
  • Access Keys or HotKeys - Do NOT touch these!
  • License Blocks at the top of .dtd files - do not translate the "Mozilla license" block text if you see any at the top of a .dtd file.

How to Submit Changes

  1. Within the GitHub application, click on the Changes or Uncommitted Changes tab at the top the application window. Here you will see all of the changes that you have made.
  2. Please do ONE commit PER FILE. In the lower left, provide a summary and description of the changes you've made, then click on the Commit button.
  3. Click the Sync button in the upper right to send the commit to the server. You cannot do a pull request unless the files are synced.
  4. When you are ready for a review, do a Pull Request, and prefix the description with the language you are localizing, for example "RU - ". This way the reviewers will know when a pull request has been made in their language.
  5. Finally, click on the Pull Request button at the top, enter a title and/or description, then click the Send Pull Request button.
  6. Please make one "commit" per file, and one "pull request" per day.

Instructions for Reviewers

Once a pull request has been submitted you can review the changes to ensure that the translations are correct.

Click on the pull request tab, and then select a pull request to review.

You can then start reviewing commits. In ALL CAPS, please mark each FILE as follows:


If a correction is needed, you can add a comment directly on the LINE, by hovering over the line number and clicking the blue button.

Then enter a comment on the line. If a correction is needed, please state what the corrected line should be.

It is very helpful to provide the complete line to replace vs. a single word to replace. This way we can just copy and paste the entire corrected line.













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