If you find bugs, feel free to create new issues. Also I will gladly to hear new suggestions and improvements :)
Main features:
While getting values from lua_State* library does not use vectors or lists for memoization of key values. It uses values which are already in native Lua C API stack and simple int variables to index them.
To keep Lua C API stack clean. When we create lua_State*, library automaticaly creates priority queue, where we keep when and which Lua values can be removed from stack. This can be big performacne gain while querying deep structures from tables.
We can bind lamba functions, where captured variables are managed by Lua garbage collector.
No nesting C preprocessor macros to bind our classes. We can use only C++11 code and bind our classes with capture lists of lambdas. This way we can bind anything: function, variables, pointers...
When we can bind almost ANY function. There is no predefined form. In that way we can avoid boilerplate code and parameters can be self documented with their names.
Multiple return values with std::tuples - lua::tie (same syntax as std::tie).
We can directly pass lua values (tables for instance) around in C++ code. For example we can return table from one Lua function and put this table as parameter to another Lua function. All this just in C++.
Setting it up
Just create lua::State variable, which will initialize lus_State and loads up standard libraries. It will close state automatically in destructor.
Reading values from Lua state is very simple. It is using templates, so type information is required.
state.doString("number = 100; text = 'hello'");
int number =state["number"];
std::string text = state["text"];
When reading values from tables, you just chain [] operators.
state.doString("table = { a = 1, b = { 2 }, c = 3}");
int a = state["table"]["a"];
int b = state["table"]["b"][1];
int c = state["table"]["c"];
Calling functions
You can call lua functions with () operator with various number of arguments while returning none, one or more values.
state.doString("function setFoo() foo = "hello" end");
state.doString("function getFoo() return foo end");
std::string text = state["getFoo"]()
state.doString("function add(x, y) return x + y end");
int result = state["add"](1,2);
state.doString("function iWantMore() return 20, 13.8, 'MORE' end");
float number;
std::string text;
lua::tie(result, number, text) = state["iWantMore"]();
Setting values
Is also pretty straightforward...
state.doString("table = { a = 1, b = { 2 }, c = 3}");
state["table"].set("a", 100);
state["table"]["b"].set(1, 200);
state["table"].set("c", 300);
state.set("newTable", lua::Table());
state["newTable"].set(1, "a");
state["newTable"].set(2, "b");
state["newTable"].set(3, "c");
Setting functions
You can bind C functions, lambdas and std::functions with bind. These instances are managed by Lua garbage collector and will be destroyed when you will lost last reference in Lua state to them.
void sayHello() { printf("Hello!\n"); }
state.set("cfunction", &sayHello);
state["cfunction"](); // Hello!
int value = 20;
state.set("lambda", [value](int a, int b) -> int { return (a*b)/value; } )
int result = state["lambda"](12, 5); // result = 3
They can return one or more values with use of std::tuple. For example, when you want to register more functions, you can return bundled in tuple...
You can easily register your classes functions with this pointer passing to lambda capture or bind...
struct Foo {
int a; int b;
void setB(int value) { b = value; }
Foo(lua::State& state) {
state.set("Foo_setA", [this](int value) { a = value; } );
state.set("Foo_setB", std::function<void(int)>(std::bind(&Foo::setB, this, _1)) );
Managing C++ classes by garbage collector
It is highly recommended to use shared pointers and then you will have garbage collected classes in C++. Objects will exist util there is last instance of shared pointer and they will be immediately released when all shared pointer instances are gone.