开源软件名称(OpenSource Name):OC2MC/opencog-to-minecraft开源软件地址(OpenSource Url):开源编程语言(OpenSource Language):C++ 55.7%开源软件介绍(OpenSource Introduction):#ATTENTION# Primary development has moved to the opencog/opencog-to-minecraft repo, here. The code here no longer quite works. Please go there to get the most current version! #opencog-to-minecraft# A ROS-based module linking OpenCog and the Minecraft world. This code serves as a starting point for integrating the two environments. The code is in a 'heavy experimentation' phase, and will therefore change drastically over the next couple of months. The steps to set up and run the module are currently rather complicated, but this will change as the code stabilizes. For now this repository are mainly made and managed by LucidBlue and chenesan. Later this repo may be included under the Opencog. ##Prerequisite## ####Ubuntu It's recommended to set up environment under Ubuntu Trusty. You can also use the Opencog docker container, which containing Ubuntu Trusty and Opencog. Note that when starting a docker container, you have to publish port 25565 to make the Minecraft Server in the container use the port 25565 in your machine:
####ROS Now(20150823) ROS indigo distro is OK and recommended for Minecraft embodiment. Not sure if other distro will work or not. Install instruction of ROS indigo is here. After installing ROS you have to create a workspace (tutorial) and install the minecraft_bot package by the instruction in official tutorial and minecraft_bot/README. ####Octomap In ubuntu you can directly install Octomap by: `sudo apt-get install ros-indigo-octomap (Assume you have setuped the sources.list when you install ROS, or you will fail to find the package.) If you are not using ROS indigo distro, just change the ####Opencog There are some Octomap codes in Opencog side has not been pulled into Opencog official repository. So you have to add all of files under opencog-to-minecraft/opencog) in the same place in your Opencog code base manually. Because for now(2015-08-23) the new OctoMap breaks the old embodiment, so it will FAIL to build the whole Opencog. To make this Minecraft embodiment work, we only need to partially build Opencog Space/TimeServer, spacetime-types, SpaceMap and cython binding, So, after adding files under your opencog directory, build it by following procedure (assume the working directory is under your Opencog):
Before installing Opencog you have to install atomspace and cogutils. Just install them by the instruction in README. ####Minecraft server(official) Install instuction of Minecraft server is here You can also choose other Minecraft server manager you prefer. ####Spock A python API to connect with Minecraft server. ##Step to run## It's recommended to use