A Maven project for the CMake build system. It can be used by including it as a plugin within your Maven
project's pom.xml file.
This repository originally lived on Google Code and was
migrated to GitHub (and Git) after Google Code shut down.
Sample Usage
Generate Goal
<!-- The directory containing CMakeLists -->
<!-- The directory write the project files to -->
Optional: Overrides the default generator used by cmake.
The list of available values can be found at
Optional: Additional environment variables to expose to cmake. If a variable was already set,
overrides the previous value.
Optional: One or more options found at https://cmake.org/cmake/help/v3.22/manual/cmake.1.html
For example:
<!-- "buildDirectory" is "targetPath" from the "generate" goal -->
<!-- Optional: do not fail the build on test failures. false by default. -->
<!-- Optional: skip only ctest tests. false by default. -->
<!-- Optional: Skip all Maven tests. false by default -->
<!-- Optional: the number of threads tests should use -->
<!-- Optional: dashboard configuration; used with CTestConfig.cmake -->
The following projects contain examples of how to use this plugin:
By default, Maven will activate the right profile based on your JVM:
If detection does not work, or you wish to override it then set -P<profile>.
For instance, when building for 64-bit Linux machines, use:
mvn -Plinux-x86_64 install
Using a local CMake installation
Sometimes it is preferable or necessary to use a preexisting CMake installation. cmake.org doesn't provide
binaries for some platforms, such as Raspberry Pi. In such cases, users can install the binaries themselves
(typically using package managers like apt-get) and point the plugin at them.
Set ${cmake.download} to false.
Optionally set ${cmake.dir} to the directory containing the binaries (e.g. /usr/bin). Otherwise, the
plugin will expect the binaries to be on the PATH.
That's it! To learn more about CMake itself, consult the CMake.org website.