开源软件名称(OpenSource Name):pallet/zi开源软件地址(OpenSource Url):开源编程语言(OpenSource Language):Clojure 90.1%开源软件介绍(OpenSource Introduction):ZiZi is a maven plugin for clojure. It does something similar to clojure-maven-plugin, but does so differently. It uses the maven pom From an implementation perspecitve, most of the goals are written in clojure. Zi requires maven 3.0.4. Available goals
InstallGlobally installing the plugin allows you to run the goals without modifying a project's pom file. To globally enable the zi plugin, you need to add <pluginGroups>
</pluginGroups> <profiles>
</activeProfiles> To enable zi in a project pom, without globally enabling the plugin, you will
need to add a <pluginRepositories>
</pluginRepositories> ConfigurationIt uses the maven pom GoalsresourcesThe resources goal copies clojure source to the target. This is probably what you need to make sure that your clj source files end up in your jar file. <build>
</build> testResourcesThe testResources goal copies clojure test source to the target. This is probably what you need to make sure that your clj source files end up in your test-jar file. <build>
</build> compileThe compile goal AOT compiles clojure source. <build>
ritzThe ritz goal starts a ritz server.
The ritz, ritz-nrepl and swank-clojure goals all recognise sub-projects linked in a checkouts directory, and adds their sources and resources to the the classpath. The ritz and ritz-nrepl goals also adds source jars to the classpath if they are
available in the local repository. You can resolve the source jars using ritz-nreplThe ritz-nrepl goal starts a ritz nREPL server.
swank-clojureThe swank-clojure goal starts a swank-clojure server.
testThe test goal runs clojure.test tests.
codoxThe codox goal creates codox generated API documentation in the
marginaliaThe marginalia goal creates a marginalia annotated source page.
ring-genfilesThe ring-genfiles goal creates files required for a war packaging. See lein-ring plugin.
Zi, the builderZi was a builder in northern mythology. LicenseLicensed under EPL Copyright 2011 Hugo Duncan. |