In the Search for Dependencies input box search for
Select Generate Project
After the project has completed downloading, navigate to the download directory and unzip the project folder.
At the root directory of the project, clone this repository.
Move all files from the demo project generated by, into the newly cloned learnerlab folder.
Open the project via its pom.xml from IntelliJ > File > Open
Be sure to Open as Project when prompted
Part 1.0 - Create Person Class
Create a Person class.
The class should declare a final field named id of type long.
The class should declare a field named name of type String.
Person constructor should have a parameter of type Long id, String name which sets each of the fields to their respective value.
The class should define a getId() method which returns the Person object's id field.
The class should define a getName() method which returns the Person object's name field.
The class should define a setName() method which sets the Person object's name field.
Part 2.0 - Create Learner Interface
Create a Learner interface.
Learner should declare one method signature:
Method name: learn
Method parameters: double numberOfHours
Method return-type: void
Part 3.0 - Create Student Class
Create a Student class such that:
Student is a subclass of Person
Student implements the Learner interface
Student should have an instance variable totalStudyTime of type double
Student should have a concrete implementation of the learn method which increments the totalStudyTime variable by the specified numberOfHours argument.
Student should have a getTotalStudyTime() method which returns the totalStudyTime instance variable.
Part 4.0 - Create Teacher Interface
Create a Teacher interface.
Teacher should declare a teach method signature:
Method name: teach
Method parameters:
Learner learner
double numberOfHours
Method return-type: void
Teacher should declare a lecture method signature:
Method name: lecture
Method parameters:
Iterable<? extends Learner> learners
double numberOfHours
Method return-type: void
Part 5.0 - Create Instructor Class
Create an Instructor class such that:
Instructor is a subclass of Person
Instructor implements the Teacher interface
Instructor should have a concrete implementation of the teach method which invokes the learn method on the specified Learner object.
Instructor should have a concrete implementation of the lecture method which invokes the learn method on each of the elements in the specified array of Learner objects.
numberOfHours should be evenly split amongst the learners.
The class signature should be parameterized with PersonType such that PersonType is a sub class of Person.
The class should implement Iterable of type PersonType.
Upon construction People should consume a List of PersonType and set it to a respective personList field.
The class should define a constructor which consumes a variable number of PersonType objects and sets the personList field respectively.
The class should define a method named add which adds a PersonType to the personList.
The class should define a method named remove which removes a PersonType from the personList.
The class should define a method named size which returns the size of personList.
The class should define a method named clear which clears our personList field.
The class should define a method named addAll which adds an Iterable of PersonType objects to the composite personList.
This method will NOT take an argument of Collection<PersonType>
The class should define a method named findById which makes use of a long id parameter to return a PersonType object with the respective id field.
The class should define a method named findAll which returns the composite personList.
Part 7.0 - Create Students
Create a Students class.
The class should be a subclass of People of parameterized type Student.
The class should consume a variable number of Student objects upon construction and pass them to the super constructor.
Part 8.0 - Create Instructors
Create a Instructors class.
The class should be a subclass of People of parameterized type Instructor.
The class should consume a variable number of Instructor objects upon construction and pass them to the super constructor.
Part 9.0 - Create Classroom
Create a Classroom class.
The class should consume and set composite reference to an Instructors and Students object upon construction
The class should define a method hostLecture which makes use of a Teacher teacher, double numberOfHours parameter to host a lecture to the composite personList field in the students reference.
Part 10.0 - Creating Configuration classes
Each of the following Config classes should have a class-signature annotation of @Configuration
this annotation tells spring to scan for @Bean definitions within the scope of the class, and register them to the IOC Container for Inject and Autowire use later.
Classroom should define getters for each of its fields.
Developmental Notes
injects bean by type
can be used alone.
If is used alone, it will be wired by type
If more than one bean of same type are declared in the container @Autowired does not know which beans to use for injection.
injects bean by specified name
supports fields, setter, constructors and multi-argument methods injection
together with @Autowired, clarifies which beans to be wired by specifying the bean name (wired by name)
Part 10.1 - Create StudentConfig
Note: The creation of this class will demonstrate an implementation of bean registration in Spring.
The class should define a method named currentStudents() which returns a Students representative of the current cohort of students.
the method should be annotated with @Bean(name = "students")
this ensures the Spring container registers the bean with the respective name.
a @Bean whose name attribute is not specified defaults to the name of the method it is annotating.
The class should define a bean named previousStudents() which returns a Students representative of the previous cohort of students.
Part 10.2 - Create InstructorsConfig
The class should define a bean named tcUsaInstructors() which returns an Instructors representative of the Tech Connect USA instructors.
The class should define a bean named tcUkInstructors() which returns an Instructors representative of the Tech Connect UK instructors.
The class should define a bean named instructors which returns all Instructors employed at ZipCodeWilmington
annotate this bean with @Primary
this ensures Spring will inject this bean in the case that an Autowire annotation is not supplied with a Qualifier annotation
Part 10.3 - Create ClassroomConfig
The class should define a bean named currentCohort() which returns a Classroom object whose dependencies are instructors and students
The class should define a bean named previousCohort() which returns an Classroom object whose dependencies are instructors and previousStudents
Note:it is sometimes useful (although not always necessary) to use the @DependsOn annotation to help the Spring framework and other readers of the code to understand what order beans should be executed.
@DependsOn({"instructors", "students"})
Part 11.0 - Test Config classes
Each of the following Test classes should be annotated with
enforces which strategy junit should use to run tests
indicates that this class is a Spring Boot test class
provides support to scan for a ContextConfiguration that tells the test class how to load the ApplicationContext.
If no ContextConfiguration classes are specified as a parameter to the @SpringBootTest annotation, the default behavior is to load the ApplicationContext by scanning for a @SpringBootConfiguration annotation on a class in the package root.
Each bean can be injected into the class scope using @Autowired along with @Qualifier(name = "beanname")
Part 11.1 - Test StudentConfig Class
Create a TestStudentConfig class in the test package.
The class should ensure that each Bean in the StudentConfig class is configured as expected.
Tip: You can use the toString method to get a representation of the aggregate state of any People object.
Part 11.2 - Test InstructorConfig Class
Create a TestInstructorConfig class in the test package.
The class should ensure that each Bean in the TestInstructorConfig class is configured as expected.
Part 11.3 - Test ClassroomConfig Class
Create a TestClassroomConfig class in the test package.
The class should ensure that each Bean in the TestClassroomConfig class is configured as expected.
Part 11.0 - Using @Component
Annotating a class signature with @Component allows Spring to register the class as a Bean implicitly.
Part 11.1 - Create Alumni Class
Create an Alumni component which autowires Students of the previous cohort and Instructors
Create an executeBootcamp method which teaches each Student in the composite Students a totalNumberOfHours of 1200.
Annotate this method with @PostConstruct
denotes that this method must be executed before the class is put into an IoC container
Create a getter for each of the fields.
Part 11.2 - Test Alumni Class
Write a test class which ensures that each Student in the Alumni class has been taught 1200 hours upon injection of the Alumni dependency.
Ensure the numberOfHoursTaught has been evenly distributed amongst each of the instructors.
Tip: How to derive numberOfHoursTaught dynamically