Commerce Enabled: For projects that want to use Commerce Integration Framework (CIF) to integrate with commerce solutions like Magento.
Forms Enabled: For projects that want to use (Forms).
Testing: ready-to-use Functional and UI testing modules, start adding your own tests
Example Code: Checkout the HelloWorld component, and the sample models, servelets, filters, and schedulers.
Open Sourced: If something is not as it should, contribute your improvements!
To generate a project, adjust the following command line to your needs:
Set aemVersion=cloud for AEM as a Cloud Service;
Set aemVersion=6.5.7 for Adobe Managed Services, or on-premise.
The Core Components dependency is only added for non cloud aem versions as the Core Components are provided OOTB for AEM as a Cloud
Adjust appTitle="My Site" to define the website title and components groups.
Adjust appId="mysite" to define the Maven artifactId, the component, config and content folder names, as well as client library names.
Adjust groupId="com.mysite" to define the Maven groupId and the Java Source Package.
Lookup the list of available properties to see if there's more you want to adjust.
When aemVersion=cloud an SDK version can be specified (e.g. 2020.02.2265.20200217T222518Z-200130).
Includes a dispatcher configuration either for cloud or for AMS/on-premise, depending of the value of aemVersion (can be y or n).
Includes a Webpack frontend build module that generates the client libraries (can be general or none for regular sites; can be angular or react for a Single Page App that implements the SPA Editor).
Language code (ISO 639-1) to create the content structure from (e.g. en, deu).
Country code (ISO 3166-1) to create the content structure from (e.g. US).
Includes a language-master content structure (can be y, or n).
Enable AMP support for genenerated project templates.
Enabled foundation DynamicMedia components in project policy settings and activates Dynamic Media features in Core Image component's policy.
Option to enable SSR for the front-end project
Option to precompile the server-side scripts from ui.apps and attach them to the build as a secondary bundle artifact in the ui.apps project. aemVersion should be set to cloud.
Includes Forms Core Components dependencies, and headless artifacts.
When running on Windows and generating the dispatcher configuration, you should be running in an elevated command prompt or the Windows Subsystem for Linux (see #329).
When executing the archetype in interactive mode (without the -B parameter), the properties with default values cannot be changed, unless the final confirmation gets dismissed, which then repeats the questions by including the properties with default values in the questions (see
ARCHETYPE-308 for details).
You can't use this archetype in Eclipse when starting a new project with File -> New -> Maven Project since the post generation script archetype-post-generate.groovy will not be executed due to an Eclipse issue. Workaround is to use the above command line and then in Eclipse use File -> Import -> Existing Maven Project.