MTEX requires Matlab (R2014b) or later and come with binaries from the
To install proceed as follows:
download and extract the zip file to an arbitrary folder
start Matlab (version 2014b or newer required
change the current folder in Matlab to the folder where MTEX is installed
type startup_mtex into the command window
click one of the menu items to import data or to consult the documentation
Since MTEX is open source we are happy about any kind of contribution. In
order suggest bug fixes, new features or improved documentation to MTEX
proceed as follows:
fork the MTEX repository to your personal GitHub account
clone it on your local computer
apply your changes
push your changes to your personal GitHub account
create a pull request to MTEX/development
Note, that when cloning MTEX the binaries in mtex/mex and mtex/extern/nfft
are not included but must be copied from an zip-file based installation as
explained above.