Matlab driver for SQLite3 database. Features include:
Simple and clean Matlab API.
Fast C++ MEX implementation.
Parameter binding for an SQL statement.
Multiple database connections.
Easy manipulation of query results as a struct array.
Here is a quick example.
sqlite3.execute('CREATE TABLE records (id INTEGER, name VARCHAR)');
sqlite3.execute('INSERT INTO records VALUES (?, ?)', 1, 'foo');
sqlite3.execute('INSERT INTO records VALUES (?, ?)', 2, 'bar');
records = sqlite3.execute('SELECT * FROM records WHERE id < ?', 10);
result = sqlite3.execute('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM records');
This driver requires Matlab R2011b or later.
This driver is built on the Matlab mex interface. The package requires a C++
compiler for mex. In Windows, a C++ compiler is available from Visual Studio
and Microsoft SDK. Check
Mathworks webpage for a supported
In Linux, a compiler is usually available in a package manager. For example,
in Debian/Ubuntu:
$ apt-get install build-essential
In Mac OS, install XCode and also UNIX command line tools. Also check
this page
to apply patches if necessary.
After installing build tools, set up the mex command in Matlab.
>> mex -setup
Add path to the matlab-sqlite3-driver first. Then, call sqlite3.make in
>> sqlite3.make
Runtime requirement
Always add path to this driver before use within Matlab.
>> addpath /path/to/matlab-sqlite3-driver
In most cases, you'll need to force Matlab to preload the system library due
to the incompatibility between Matlab's internal C++ runtime. Use LD_PRELOAD
variable to do so. For example, in Ubuntu 12.04 LTS 64-bit,
The required path depends on the OS. You can check which path to specify by
comparing the output of ldd tool in the UNIX shell and in Matlab.
From the UNIX shell,
$ ldd +sqlite3/private/libsqlite3_.mex*
From Matlab shell,
>> !ldd +sqlite3/private/libsqlite3_.mex*
And find a dependent library differing in Matlab. You must append that library
in the LD_PRELOAD path.
In OS X, LD_PRELOAD equivalent is DYLD_INSERT_LIBRARIES. Use otool -L
command instead of ldd.
Optionally test the functionality with the attached test script.
>> addpath test/
>> test_sqlite3
There are 4 public functions. All functions are scoped under sqlite3
namespace. Also check help of each function.
open Open a database.
close Close a database connection.
execute Execute an SQLite statement.
timeout Set timeout value when database is busy.
database =
The open operation takes a file name of a database and returns newly created
connection id. This id can be used for operations until closed.
>> database ='/path/to/test.db');
The close operation closes connection to the database specified by the
connection id database. When database is omitted, the last opened
connection is closed.
The execute operation applies a sql statement sql in a database specified
by the connection id database. When database is omitted, the last opened
connection is used.
The sql statement can bind parameters through ? as a placeholder.
When binding is used, there must be corresponding number of parameters
following the sql statement. Bind values can be a numeric scalar value,
a string, a uint8 array for blob, or an empty array for null.
Results are returned as a struct array.
>> results = sqlite3.execute(database, 'SELECT * FROM records');
>> results = sqlite3.execute('SELECT * FROM records');
>> results = sqlite3.execute('SELECT * FROM records WHERE rowid = ? OR name = ?', 1, 'foo');
>> results = sqlite3.execute('INSERT INTO records VALUES (?)', 'bar');
Metadata can be retrieved from sqlite_master table or from PRAGMA
>> tables = sqlite3.execute('SELECT * FROM sqlite_master WHERE type="table"');
>> indices = sqlite3.execute('SELECT * FROM sqlite_master WHERE type="index"');
>> columns = sqlite3.execute('PRAGMA TABLE_INFO(records)');