addNoise.m |
Adds a given level and type of noise to a signal |
ALcons2STI.m |
Converts Articulation Loss of Consonants (ALcons) to the Speech Transmission Index (STI) |
ArbitraryOctaveFilt.m |
Filters a signal with any arbitrary spectrum smoothed with any fractional octave band average |
buildDocumentation.m |
Generates documentation HTML and builds MATLAB search database for dependencies of a main file |
buildReleaseZIP.m |
Creates a ZIP file of all release dependencies for a main file |
ConcatTIMITtalkers.m |
Concatenates all the talkers from the TIMIT corpus into individual speech files |
confidence_intervals.m |
Find the confidence intervals for a set of data for use with the errorbar function in MATLAB |
Correlated_Normalisation.m |
Matches the amplitude of X using cross-correlation |
COSHdist.m |
Finds the symmetric Itakura-Saito distance using the hyperbolic cosine function |
Dropbox.m |
Function to start and kill dropbox from MATLAB |
estoi.m |
Implementation of the Extended Short-Time Objective Intelligibility (ESTOI) predictor |
extractIR.m |
Extract impulse response from swept-sine response. |
fconv.m |
Fast Parallelised Convolution |
fdeconv.m |
Fast Parallelised Deconvolution |
generateNoise.m |
Generates basic noise at a given level with the option to be additive |
getAllFiles.m |
Retrieves a list of all files within a directory |
interpFromVal_2D.m |
This function will interpolate from desired z-axis values and return the interpolation indices for them in the y-axis |
interpVal.m |
This function will interpolate from desired arbitrarily spaced index values |
interpVal_2D.m |
This function will interpolate from desired abitrarily spaced index values in a 2D array |
invFIR.m |
Design inverse filter (FIR) from mono or stereo impulse response |
invimplms.m |
Inverse impulse using the Levinson-Durbin algorithm |
invSweepFFT.m |
Obtain the FFT of an inverted exponentional sine sweep |
IRcompactingKirkebyFilter.m |
Compacting Kirkeby Filter |
keepFilesFromFolder.m |
Keeps files and file paths in a cell array if the file names in a given folder are found in the path string |
Computes the Long-Term Average Speech Spectrum from a folder of speech files or vector of speech samples |
MiKTeX_FNDB_Refresh.m |
Function to refresh the File Name DataBase in MiKTeX |
octaveBandMean.m |
Given a magnitude spectrum this function will calculate the average (single, third, nth) octave band magnitude |
pesq2.m |
Objective speech quality measure |
pesq3.m |
A wrapper for the objective Perceptual Evaluation of Speech Quality measure |
pesq_mex_fast_vec.m |
Accepts vectors for a mex compiled version of the objective Perceptual Evaluation of Speech Quality measure |
pesq_mex_vec.m |
Accepts vectors for a mex compiled version of the objective Perceptual Evaluation of Speech Quality measure |
printHyperlink.m |
Prints a hyperlink to the command window |
repmatmatch.m |
Replicate and tile an array to match the size of a given N-D array |
shapeSpectrum.m |
This function will shape an input signal to the given spectrum (simple, unregulated spectral shaping) |
showTimeToCompletion.m |
Prints the time to completion and expected finish of a looped simulation based on linear extrapolation. |
simpleWarning.m |
Prints a coloured warning without the location information |
sineSweepLin.m |
Synthesize a linear sine sweep |
STI.m |
Calculation of the Speech Transmission Index (STI) |
STI_BandFilters.m |
Calculation of the Speech Transmission Index (STI) Band Filters |
stoi.m |
The Short-Time Objective Intelligibility measure |
stoi_d2percCorr.m |
Converts the stoi measure, d, to percent words correct unit |
synthSweep.m |
Synthesize a logarithmic sine sweep |
wait_for_file.m |
A forceful method to wait for a file to finish being written to |