开源软件名称(OpenSource Name):kyamagu/mexplus开源软件地址(OpenSource Url):开源编程语言(OpenSource Language):C++ 93.6%开源软件介绍(OpenSource Introduction):MEXPLUSC++ Matlab MEX development kit. The kit contains a couple of C++ classes and macros to make MEX development easy in Matlab. There are 3 major components in the development kit.
All classes are located in The library depends on a few C++11 features, and might not be compatible with
older compilers. For older ExampleSuppose we have the following Database class in C++, and we would like to create a Matlab wrapper. // Database.h
// Hypothetical database class to be wrapped.
class Database {
Database(const std::string& filename);
virtual ~Database();
std::string query(const std::string& key) const;
}; We will need to create two files.
C++ implementation of the MEX interface. It provides MEX entry points by
// C++ interface file to the Database class.
#include <mexplus.h>
#include "Database.h"
using namespace mexplus;
using namespace std;
// This initializes a session storage for Database instances.
template class mexplus::Session<Database>;
// Create a new instance of Database and return its session id.
MEX_DEFINE(new) (int nlhs, mxArray* plhs[],
int nrhs, const mxArray* prhs[]) {
InputArguments input(nrhs, prhs, 1);
OutputArguments output(nlhs, plhs, 1);
output.set(0, Session<Database>::create(
new Database(input.get<string>(0))));
// Delete the Database instance specified by its id.
MEX_DEFINE(delete) (int nlhs, mxArray* plhs[],
int nrhs, const mxArray* prhs[]) {
InputArguments input(nrhs, prhs, 1);
OutputArguments output(nlhs, plhs, 0);
// Query to the Database instance specified by its id with a string argument.
MEX_DEFINE(query) (int nlhs, mxArray* plhs[],
int nrhs, const mxArray* prhs[]) {
InputArguments input(nrhs, prhs, 2);
OutputArguments output(nlhs, plhs, 1);
const Database& database = Session<Database>::getConst(input.get(0));
output.set(0, database.query(input.get<string>(1)));
Matlab class interface file. The classdef Database < handle
%DATABASE Matlab interface to Database.
properties (Access = private)
id_ % ID of the session instance.
function this = Database(filename)
%DATABASE Create a new database.
this.id_ = Database_('new', filename);
function delete(this)
%DELETE Destructor.
Database_('delete', this.id_);
function result = query(this, key)
%QUERY Query something to the database.
result = Database_('query', this.id_, key);
end Build The above C++ can be compiled by mex -Iinclude -output Database_ In Linux, you might need to add mex -Iinclude -output Database_ CXXFLAGS="\$CXXFLAGS -std=c++11" Once compiled, the Database class is available in Matlab. database = Database('mydatabase.db');
result = database.query('something');
clear database; The development kit also contains See Dispatching callsMEXPLUS defines a few macros in //
#include <mexplus/dispatch.h>
MEX_DEFINE(myfunc) (int nlhs, mxArray* plhs[],
int nrhs, const mxArray* prhs[]) {
// Do something.
MEX_DEFINE(myfunc2) (int nlhs, mxArray* plhs[],
int nrhs, const mxArray* prhs[]) {
// Do another thing.
MEX_DISPATCH Notice how mex -Iinclude The built MEX binary can now call two entries by the first argument. Note that mylibrary('myfunc', varargin{:}) % myfunc is called.
mylibrary('myfunc2', varargin{:}) % myfunc2 is called. To prevent from unexpected use, it is a good practice to wrap these MEX calls in a Matlab class or namescoped functions and place the MEX binary in a private directory:
Inside of Parsing function argumentsMEXPLUS provides InputArgumentsThe class provides a wrapper around input arguments to validate and convert
Matlab variables. You can define a single or multiple input formats to accept.
The Example: The MEX function takes a single numeric input argument. // C++
InputArguments input(nrhs, prhs, 1);
myFunction(input.get<double>(0)); % Matlab
myFunction(1.0); Example: The MEX function takes two numeric arguments, and two optional arguments specified by name-value pairs. When optional arguments are not given, the function uses a default value. // C++
InputArguments input(nrhs, prhs, 2, 2, "option1", "option2");
input.get<string>("option1", "foo"), // default: "foo".
input.get<int>("option2", 10)); // default: 10. % Matlab
myFunction(1.0, 2);
myFunction(1.0, 2, 'option2', 11);
myFunction(1.0, 2, 'option1', 'bar');
myFunction(1.0, 2, 'option1', 'baz', 'option2', 12);
myFunction(1.0, 2, 'option2', 12, 'option1', 'baz'); Example: The MEX function has two input formats: 1 + 2 arguments or 2 + 2 arguments. // C++
InputArguments input;
input.define("format1", 1, 2, "option1", "option2");
input.define("format2", 2, 2, "option1", "option2");
input.parse(nrhs, prhs);
if ("format1"))
input.get<string>("option1", "foo"),
input.get<int>("option2", 10));
else if ("format2"))
input.get<vector<double> >(1),
input.get<string>("option1", "foo"),
input.get<int>("option2", 10)); % Matlab
myFunction(1.0, 'option1', 'foo', 'option2', 10);
myFunction(1.0, [1,2,3,4]);
myFunction(1.0, [1,2,3,4], 'option1', 'foo', 'option2', 10); OutputArgumentsThe class provides a wrapper around output arguments to validate and convert
Matlab variables. The Example: The MEX function returns at most 3 arguments. The wrapper doesn't assign to the output when the number of outputs are less than 3. OutputArguments output(nlhs, plhs, 3);
output.set(0, 1);
output.set(1, "foo");
MxArray cell_array(MxArray::Cell(1, 2));
cell_array.set(0, 0);
cell_array.set(1, "value");
output.set(2, cell_array.release()); Data conversionData conversion in MEXPLUS is provided by MxArrayThe MxArray class provides common data conversion methods between Two static methods: int value = MxArray::to<int>(prhs[0]);
string value = MxArray::to<string>(prhs[0]);
vector<double> value = MxArray::to<vector<double> >(prhs[0]);
vector<double> value2;
MxArray::to<vector<double> >(prhs[0], &value2); // No extra copy.
plhs[0] = MxArray::from(20);
plhs[0] = MxArray::from("text value.");
plhs[0] = MxArray::from(vector<double>(20, 0)); Additionally, the following object API's are to wrap around a complicated data
construction with automatic memory management. Use // Read access.
MxArray cell_array(prhs[0]); // {x, y, ...}
int x =<int>(0);
vector<double> y =<vector<double> >(1);
MxArray struct_array(prhs[0]); // struct('field1', x, ...)
int x =<int>("field1");
vector<double> y =<vector<double> >("field2");
MxArray numeric_array(prhs[0]); // [x, y, ...]
double x =<double>(0);
int y =<int>(1); // Write access.
MxArray cell_array(MxArray::Cell(1, 3));
cell_array.set(0, 12);
cell_array.set(1, "text value.");
cell_array.set(2, vector<double>(4, 0));
plhs[0] = cell_array.release(); // {12, 'text value.', [0, 0, 0, 0]}
MxArray struct_array(MxArray::Struct());
struct_array.set("field1", 12);
struct_array.set("field2", "text value.");
struct_array.set("field3", vector<double>(4, 0));
plhs[0] = struct_array.release(); // struct('field1', 12, ...)
MxArray numeric_array(MxArray::Numeric<double>(2, 2));
numeric_array.set(0, 0, 1);
numeric_array.set(0, 1, 2);
numeric_array.set(1, 0, 3);
numeric_array.set(1, 1, 4);
plhs[0] = numeric_array.release(); // [1, 2; 3, 4] To add your own data conversion, define in class MyObject; // This is your custom data class.
namespace mexplus {
// Define two template specializations.
template <>
mxArray* MxArray::from(const MyObject& value) {
// Write your conversion code. For example,
MxArray struct_array(MxArray::Struct());
struct_array.set("x", value.x);
struct_array.set("y", value.y);
// And so on...
return struct_array.release();
template <>
void MxArray::to(const mxArray* array, MyObject* value) {
// Write your conversion code. For example,
MxArray struct_array(array);
value->x =<double>("x");
value->y =<double>("y");
// And so on...
} // namespace mexplus
// Then you can use any of the following.
MyObject object;
std::vector<MyObject> object_vector;
MxArray::to<MyObject>(prhs[0], &object);
MxArray::to<std::vector<MyObject> >(prhs[1], &object_vector);
plhs[0] = MxArray::from(object);
plhs[1] = MxArray::from(object_vector); TestRun the following to test MEXPLUS. make test Known issues