Write a .env file in the repository directory which indicates where are the files of your local mdn/content and/or mdn/translated-content copies. You will need the variables CONTENT_ROOT and CONTENT_TRANSLATED_ROOT. As an example, the content of this file could look like:
To run the script, run yarn h2m <folder> --locale <locale> --mode <mode>, where <folder> is the target folder to convert (leave blank for all folders), <locale> is the target locale (default: all), and <mode> is the desired operating mode. This will analyze the HTML files within the specified folder and convert them to Markdown. A report file (md-conversion-problems-report-1660812645.md) will be generated in the root of this repository if there were any elements that could not be converted.
We recommend reading the conversion guide for a full tutorial on Markdown conversion.
dry: Run the conversion script without producing any changes
keep: Create the Markdown files but do not remove the original HTML files
replace: Remove the HTML files and replace them with the Markdown files
To perform a test run of the conversion for the web/http folder of the English locale:
yarn h2m web/http --locale en-US --mode dry
To perform a conversion of all French locale files:
yarn h2m --locale fr --mode replace
Or perform a conversion of specifically the mdn Spanish doc without converting the rest of the folder, keeping the original HTML file:
yarn mdn/index.html --locale es --mode keep
To speed up conversion, you can specify a --skip-problems argument to skip conversion of any files containing conversion issues:
yarn h2m conflicting/web --locale de --mode replace --skip-problems