开源软件名称(OpenSource Name):jonschlinkert/sublime-markdown-extended开源软件地址(OpenSource Url):开源编程语言(OpenSource Language):开源软件介绍(OpenSource Introduction):sublime-markdown-extended
Although substantial changes have been made, thank you @aziz and other contributors to Knockdown, for the code for the fenced code blocks. Get Monokai Extended for better highlighting. Jump to Examples ↓Getting Started1. InstallationPackage ControlIf you already have Package Control installed in Sublime Text:
Manual InstallationGo to git clone "sublime-markdown-extended" 2. Activate this LanguageAfter installing this package, open a markdown file and switch the language to
3. Make "Markdown Extended" the defaultTo make
Markdown EnhancementsThe following examples use the Monokai Extended theme. WhitespaceSignificant whitespaceWhitespace is significant only directly before and directly after fenced code blocks! Following these instructions will ensure that highlighting works properly and consistently._ This is very simple:
If you don't, it won't break your code but it won't always look awesome. Comparisons with and without proper whitespaceWhitespace before the blockYou will need to keep a space above and below fenced code blocks for predictable results with syntax highlighting. For example, this is what it looks like when there is no space before a fenced code block: This is what it looks like with proper spacing: Whitespace after the blockAlso add a new line after code blocks, but make sure that there is no trailing whitespace next to the bottom fence. With a trailing whitespace Without a trailing whitespace Supported languagesThe following languages are highlighted inside fenced code blocks: Note that in order for a language to be highlighted properly, you must have the language installed in Sublime Text.
CSSBeforeAfterLESSBeforeAfterHTMLBeforeAfterJavaScriptBeforeAfterCoffeeBeforeAfterLiveScriptBeforeAfterShellBeforeAfterYAML Front MatterSee gray-matter BeforeAfterCoffee Front MatterSee gray-matter BeforeAfterAuthorsJon Schlinkert Alexander Krivoshhekov Copyright and licenseCopyright 2013-2015 Jon Schlinkert |