有人可以帮我理解为什么静态分析器说在 for(NSDictionary...) 行存在潜在泄漏吗?
- (void)imageSearchControllerid)searchController gotResultsNSArray *)results
if ([results count] == 0) {
UIAlertView *alertView = [[[UIAlertView alloc] initWithTitle:nil
message"I was not able to find anything! Please try again."
delegate:self cancelButtonTitle"OK"
otherButtonTitles:nil] autorelease];
[alertView show];
} else {
[self increaseSearchIndex];
for (NSDictionary *item in results) {
[imageGallery addSubview:[[ImageBox createImageBoxWitImageURL:[item objectForKey"tbUrl"]] retain]];
if (searchIndex <= 60) {
[imageGallery addSubview:buttonBox];
} else {
[buttonBox removeFromSuperview];
//position the images with respect to each other and screen orientation
[self positionImages];
[activityIndicator stopAnimating];
- (void)clearImages
for (UIView *subview in [imageGallery subviews]) {
if ([subview isMemberOfClass:[ImageBox class]] || [subview isMemberOfClass:[ButtonBox class]]) {
[subview removeFromSuperview];
图像框将带有填充的图像返回给上述其他方法。自从我过去一直在使用 ARC 以来,我是内存管理的新手。如果您发现其他潜在的泄漏,请告诉我。我使用了泄漏仪器工具,它说没有泄漏!但我不确定情况是否如此,因为我试图引入泄漏,但它仍然说没有。以下是所有 ImageBox 代码:
@interface ImageBox : UIView
@property (nonatomic, retain) UIImageView *imageView;
@property (nonatomic, retain) UIImage *image;
+ (id)createImageBoxWitImageURLNSString *)imageURL;
@implementation ImageBox
@synthesize imageView;
@synthesize image;
- (id)initWithImageURLNSString *)imageURL
self = [super init];
if (self) {
int padding = 10;
int imageHeight = 108;
int imageWidth = 108;
int paddingBoxHeight = imageHeight + (2 * padding);
int paddingBoxWidth = imageWidth + (2 * padding);
NSData* imageData = [[NSData alloc]initWithContentsOfURL:[NSURL URLWithString:imageURL]];
image = [[[UIImage alloc] initWithData:imageData] autorelease];
[imageData release];
imageView = [[[UIImageView alloc] initWithImage:image] autorelease];
imageView.layer.masksToBounds = YES;
imageView.layer.cornerRadius = 13.0;
imageView.contentMode = UIViewContentModeScaleAspectFill;
CGRect imageFrame = CGRectMake(padding, padding, imageWidth, imageHeight);
[imageView setFrame:imageFrame];
CGRect paddingBoxFrame = CGRectMake(0, 0, paddingBoxWidth, paddingBoxHeight);
[self setFrame:paddingBoxFrame];
[self addSubview:imageView];
self.backgroundColor = [UIColor clearColor];
return self;
+ (id)createImageBoxWitImageURLNSString *)imageURL
ImageBox *imageBox = [[self alloc] initWithImageURL:imageURL];
return [imageBox autorelease];
- (void)dealloc
[imageView release];
[image release];
[super dealloc];
[imageGallery addSubview:
[[ImageBox createImageBoxWitImageURL:[item objectForKey"tbUrl"]] retain]];
关于objective-c - 分配的对象的潜在泄漏 - 不知道为什么,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/10791656/
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