我的第一个应用合成了music audio from a sine look-up table使用自 iOS 6 以来不推荐使用的方法。我刚刚对其进行了修改,以解决关于 AudioSession
的警告,由 this blog 提供帮助以及关于 AVFoundationFramework 的 Apple 指南。 Audio Session 警告现已得到解决,该应用程序会像以前一样产生音频。它目前在 iOS 9 下运行。
但是,该应用偶尔会无缘无故地崩溃。我 checkout this SO post但它似乎处理访问而不是生成原始音频数据,所以它可能没有处理时间问题。我怀疑存在缓冲问题,但在更改或微调代码中的任何内容之前,我需要了解这可能是什么。
com.apple.coreaudio.AQClient (8):EXC_BAD_ACCESS (code=1, address=0xffffffff10626000)
在调试导航器的线程 8 (com.apple.coreaudio.AQClient (8)
) 中,它报告:
0 -[Synth fillBuffer:frames:]
1 -[PlayView audioBufferPlayer:fillBuffer:format:]
2 playCallback
float sineValue = (1.0f - b)*sine[a] + b*sine[c];
...audioBufferPlayer 中的这行代码也是如此
int packetsWritten = [synth fillBuffer:buffer->mAudioData frames:packetsPerBuffer];
... 和 playCallBack
[player.delegate audioBufferPlayer:player fillBuffer:inBuffer format:player.audioFormat];
这里是 audioBufferPlayer 的代码(委托(delegate),与 above 中的演示基本相同)。
- (void)audioBufferPlayerAudioBufferPlayer*)audioBufferPlayer fillBufferAudioQueueBufferRef)buffer formatAudioStreamBasicDescription)audioFormat
[synthLock lock];
int packetsPerBuffer = buffer->mAudioDataBytesCapacity / audioFormat.mBytesPerPacket;
int packetsWritten = [synth fillBuffer:buffer->mAudioData frames:packetsPerBuffer];
buffer->mAudioDataByteSize = packetsWritten * audioFormat.mBytesPerPacket;
[synthLock unlock];
...(在 myViewController 中初始化)
- (id)init
if ((self = [super init])) {
// The audio buffer is managed (filled up etc.) within its own thread (Audio Queue thread)
// Since we are also responding to changes from the GUI, we need a lock so both threads
// do not attempt to change the same value independently.
synthLock = [[NSLock alloc] init];
// Synth and the AudioBufferPlayer must use the same sample rate.
float sampleRate = 44100.0f;
// Initialise synth to fill the audio buffer with audio samples.
synth = [[Synth alloc] initWithSampleRate:sampleRate];
// Initialise note buttons
buttons = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
// Initialise the audio buffer.
player = [[AudioBufferPlayer alloc] initWithSampleRate:sampleRate channels:1 bitsPerChannel:16 packetsPerBuffer:1024];
player.delegate = self;
player.gain = 0.9f;
[[AVAudioSession sharedInstance] setActive:YES error:nil];
return self;
} // initialisation
... 以及用于 playCallback
static void playCallback( void* inUserData, AudioQueueRef inAudioQueue, AudioQueueBufferRef inBuffer)
AudioBufferPlayer* player = (AudioBufferPlayer*) inUserData;
if (player.playing){
[player.delegate audioBufferPlayer:player fillBuffer:inBuffer format:player.audioFormat];
AudioQueueEnqueueBuffer(inAudioQueue, inBuffer, 0, NULL);
...这里是用于合成音频的 fillBuffer 代码
- (int)fillBuffervoid*)buffer framesint)frames
SInt16* p = (SInt16*)buffer;
// Loop through the frames (or "block size"), then consider each sample for each tone.
for (int f = 0; f < frames; ++f)
float m = 0.0f; // the mixed value for this frame
for (int n = 0; n < MAX_TONE_EVENTS; ++n)
if (tones[n].state == STATE_INACTIVE) // only active tones
// recalculate a 30sec envelope and place in a look-up table
// Longer notes need to interpolate through the envelope
int a = (int)tones[n].envStep; // integer part (like a floored float)
float b = tones[n].envStep - a; // decimal part (like doing a modulo)
// c allows us to calculate if we need to wrap around
int c = a + 1; // (like a ceiling of integer part)
if (c >= envLength) c = a; // don't wrap around
/////////////// LOOK UP ENVELOPE TABLE /////////////////
// uses table look-up with interpolation for both level and pitch envelopes
// 'b' is a value interpolated between 2 successive samples 'a' and 'c')
// first, read values for the level envelope
float envValue = (1.0f - b)*tones[n].levelEnvelope[a] + b*tones[n].levelEnvelope[c];
// then the pitch envelope
float pitchFactorValue = (1.0f - b)*tones[n].pitchEnvelope[a] + b*tones[n].pitchEnvelope[c];
// Advance envelope pointer one step
tones[n].envStep += tones[n].envDelta;
// Turn note off at the end of the envelope.
if (((int)tones[n].envStep) >= envLength){
tones[n].state = STATE_INACTIVE;
// Precalculated Sine look-up table
a = (int)tones[n].phase; // integer part
b = tones[n].phase - a; // decimal part
c = a + 1;
if (c >= sineLength) c -= sineLength; // wrap around
///////////////// LOOK UP OF SINE TABLE ///////////////////
float sineValue = (1.0f - b)*sine[a] + b*sine[c];
// Wrap round when we get to the end of the sine look-up table.
tones[n].phase += (tones[n].frequency * pitchFactorValue); // calculate frequency for each point in the pitch envelope
if (((int)tones[n].phase) >= sineLength)
tones[n].phase -= sineLength;
if (tones[n].state == STATE_UNPRESSED) {
tones[n].gain -= 0.0001;
if ( tones[n].gain <= 0 ) {
tones[n].state = STATE_INACTIVE;
//////////////// FINAL SAMPLE VALUE ///////////////////
float s = sineValue * envValue * gain * tones[n].gain;
// Clip the signal, if needed.
if (s > 1.0f) s = 1.0f;
else if (s < -1.0f) s = -1.0f;
// Add the sample to the out-going signal
m += s;
// Write the sample mix to the buffer as a 16-bit word.
p[f] = (SInt16)(m * 0x7FFF);
return frames;
我不确定这是否是一个红鲱鱼,但我在几个调试寄存器中遇到了 NaN。它似乎发生在计算 fillBuffer
中正弦查找的相位增量时(见上文)。该计算以 44.1 kHz 的采样率对每个样本进行多达十几个分音,并在 iPhone 4 上的 iOS 4 中运行。我在 iOS 9 的模拟器上运行。我所做的唯一更改在这篇文章中进行了描述!
结果证明我的 NaN 问题与 Core Audio 没有直接关系。这是由我的代码的另一个区域的更改引入的边缘条件引起的。真正的问题是在实时计算声音包络的持续时间时尝试除以零。
但是,在尝试确定该问题的原因时,我确信我的 iOS 7 之前的 Audio Session 已被基于 AVFoundation 的工作设置所取代。感谢我的初始代码的来源 Matthijs Hollemans以及 Mario Diana他的博客解释了所需的更改。
起初,我的 iPhone 上的音量明显低于模拟器上的音量,已解决的问题 here由类型转换厂。我发现有必要通过替换 Mario 的
来包含这些改进 - (BOOL)setUpAudioSession
- (void)configureAVAudioSession
关于ios - NaN 会导致这个核心音频 iOS 应用程序偶尔崩溃吗?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/37692276/
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