I have a question about the schedule actions on WordPress. I've already set up some cron jobs on my website, but now I am going through hard times. I have a custom plugin on my website that allows me to import n contents from external source via api. On the plugin dashboard, I have this button that allows me to delete all contents in bulk without leaving any track on WordPress database.
Since I need to do that operation every single day, I wish if there's a way to set an auto click for this button inside wp-admin every 24 hours or if I can set a cronjobs for this.
class="btn btn-sm wplc__btn--muted mb-3"
<spinner v-if="deleteContents.displaySpinner" size="14" color="#ccc" v-bind:key="site.id + '__deleteContentsLoading'"></spinner>
{{ deleteContents.text }}
runBulkDeleteContents: function() {
console.log( 'bulk delete contents' );
action: 'wplc_sites_delete_contents',
nonce: wplcSites.ajax.nonce,
site_id: this.site.id
{ emulateJSON: true }
function( successResponse ) {
console.log( successResponse );
function( deleteContentsError ) {
.then( function() {} );
runDeleteContents: function() {
this.deleteContents.processing = true;
this.deleteContents.displaySpinner = true;
this.deleteContents.text = 'Deleting all contents';
action: 'wplc_sites_get_site_posts_ids',
nonce: wplcSites.ajax.nonce,
site_id: this.site.id
{ emulateJSON: true }
function( successResponse ) {
var self = this;
var maxConcurrentAjaxCalls = 10;
if ( true === successResponse.body.success ) {
var contentsPostsIds$ = rxjs.from( successResponse.body.data );
rxjs.operators.bufferCount( 25 ),
function( postIds ) {
return rxjs.from( self.deleteContentsChunk( postIds ) );
function( contentsChunkDeleted ) {},
function( error ) {
console.error( error );
this.deleteContents.processing = false;
self.deleteContents.displaySpinner = false;
self.deleteContents.text = '? Error while deleting contents';
setTimeout( function() {
self.deleteContents.text = 'Delete all contents';
}, 1000 );
function() {
self.deleteContents.processing = false;
self.deleteContents.displaySpinner = false;
self.deleteContents.text = '? All contents deleted successfully';
setTimeout( function() {
self.deleteContents.text = 'Delete all contents';
self.site.has_contents_posts = false;
}, 1000 );
} else {}
function( deleteContentsError ) {
.then( function() {} );
deleteContentsChunk: function( postIds ) {
var response = {};
return this.$http
action: 'wplc_site_delete_contents_chunk',
nonce: wplcSites.ajax.nonce,
post_ids: postIds
{ emulateJSON: true }
function( deleteContentsSuccess ) {
if ( true === deleteContentsSuccess.body.success ) {
response = { success: true };
} else {
response = { success: false };
function( deleteContentsError ) {
response = { success: false };
.then( function() {
return response;
All of these two pieces of code are inside a JS file inside the plugin folder. There is a way to schedule that deletion?