A general solution that worked for me is to compute the xpath of the bs4 element, then use that to find the element in selenium,
xpath = xpath_soup(soup_element)
selenium_element = driver.find_element_by_xpath(xpath)
import itertools
def xpath_soup(element):
Generate xpath of soup element
:param element: bs4 text or node
:return: xpath as string
components = []
child = element if element.name else element.parent
for parent in child.parents:
@type parent: bs4.element.Tag
previous = itertools.islice(parent.children, 0, parent.contents.index(child))
xpath_tag = child.name
xpath_index = sum(1 for i in previous if i.name == xpath_tag) + 1
components.append(xpath_tag if xpath_index == 1 else '%s[%d]' % (xpath_tag, xpath_index))
child = parent
return '/%s' % '/'.join(components)